Easy Diet

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Truth About Diets And Weight Loss

If you haven't tried fad diets over the years, there is still a good chance you have heard about them. You have probably wondered if these diets work. After all, it sure seems that people have success with them. The truth is some of them do work - for a while. Several of these diets have other health complications. Regardless of what you have been led to believe, the idea that you can eliminate a whole group of foods is unhealthy.

How can eight slices of bacon be better for any body than a slice of whole-wheat bread? Sounds a bit absurd, doesn't it? Yet, when shown apparent evidence of massive weight loss, common sense often is replaced with the desire to join the latest "foolproof" fad diet.

Enough of the sermon! There are proven methods of weight loss. That is what this article will look at. The lack of excitement and popularity is made up for by the effectiveness of these techniques.

1. Calories count.

The one sure way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you expend. One pound is equal to about 3500 calories. This means for every 3500 calories you burn above and beyond what you take in, you will lose one pound. You can come up with this difference either by taking in fewer calories, or expending more through exercise. The best recommendation is to balance the two.

2. Food matters.

It is nice to think that avoiding, or some secret combination of, certain foods will make it easier to lose weight. Fad diets prey upon this very idea. There is some truth to this, but only to the extent that healthy foods are a better choice. As obvious as that is, fad diets cloud the issue.

Eat whole, nutritious foods. Avoid saturated fats, sugar, and refined foods. And, as mentioned, calories count. So choosing lower calorie foods will help the weight come off faster.

3. You got to move.

Exercise seems like hard work to those who prefer to sit down in front of the television. You can find ways to get moving that you enjoy. Walking is easy, but some find it boring. Taking the stairs, not taking the car if possible, doing your own yard work, playing with your kids or pets, swimming, or even throwing a Frisbee around all are forms of exercise.

The key is to get yourself moving. It does not have to be a chore, but it does have to become a habit. Find a way to get moving that you enjoy.

Admittedly, these tips have been around for a long time, but there is a reason - they are effective. Any weight loss plan that incorporates these three things is bound to succeed. There is also the benefit to your overall health, not just your waistline. The next time you hear about (or think about trying) the newest and hottest diet, read these tips again. You will likely save some money and lose weight the right way in the process.

Michael Oksa is the co-author of "121 Tips To Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off". He believes in helping people achieve their weight loss goals and provides these tips free of charge at http://www.how-to-diet.net

Fastest and Healthiest Weight Loss Program - What You've Never Been Told

What is a factor in how to lose weight fast that isn't directly related to a diet or exercise program? Did you know that a combination of non-diet, and non-exercise related factors can actually increase your fast weight loss goal successes up to four times? If you're looking to lose 10 pounds in a week or just lose 15 pounds fast, these factors can make all the difference!

According to studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), there are definitely slower and faster ways to lose weight.

Following are some little-known tips that can help you evaluate whether a program will promote fast weight loss while still being healthy. These factors were found in a variety of studies showing significant differences than their counterparts in promoting faster and/or better long-term results.

The fastest and healthiest weight loss program should:

  • Be a commercial directed program rather than self-study

    • A detailed food plan
    • An activity plan
    • A behaviormodification plan focused primarily on cognitive restructuring

  • Reduce calories as well as fat in the diet plan

  • Offer a prepared meal plan (31% more weight loss on average with this factor alone)

    • Pre-cooked meals designed to meet strict diet plan guidelines
    • Prepared snacks are available to meet energy requirements

  • Encourage regular physical exercise more than 200 minutes per week

  • Be web-based or a well-supported group therapy program

    • Participant logs onto the website frequently or attends regular meetings
    • Participation in support modalities is encouraged regularly and followed up on by interventionists.

  • Engage the participant in behavior therapy

    • Regular online submission of self-monitoring diaries with individualized therapist feedback
    • Online forum
    • Regularly emailed behavioral lessons

Whether you want to lose 15 pounds fast, or just lose 10 pounds in a week, these factors are important. Finding a fast and healthy weight loss program that offers several of these factors could be a significant enhancement towards reaching your weight goals. Probably the best point would be to look for a program that offers prepared meals. Just prepared meals alone can up your weight loss an average of 31 percent-and it also greatly enhances quality of life, ease of participation, and longevity in the program.

Sofia Taylor specializes in weight-loss oriented research. Stop trying diets destined for failure. Sign up for a diet food delivery service today. Let them take the stress and hassle out of managing your diet. Check it out at http://www.squidoo.com/dietfooddelivery

The "Love Life" Diet - 6 Ways to Look Great & Maintain Your Weight

I love it when people tell me, "You're so lucky. You've never had a weight problem."

Ha! Little do they know!

I struggled with diets and weight gain for YEARS! I've been on Weight Watchers, Nutri-system, Jenny Craig, the Hotdog diet, the Grapefruit diet, the Cabbage diet...to name a FEW! Some of them worked...for a while. Most of them made me crazy!

Although I'll never be a "skinny minny", I have grown to respect my body (most of the time). And even though I am not a "diet and nutrition expert", I've discovered 6 non-obsessive ways to feel great and maintain a comfortable body weight.

I call it the "Love Life" Diet.

1. Throw Away Your Scale

Your weight is a useless piece of data. Muscle weighs more than fat anyway. And just because you're "skinnier" doesn't mean you're "healthier".

Now...the thought of tossing your scale may freak you out! (It did me at first.)

I'd been slave to that flat piece of metal since my adolescence. (One Christmas I came home from college after gaining 30 pounds my first semester freshman year. My father threw me on the bathroom scale so I could "put my weight before me". Talk about horrifying! (And embarrassing!)

But still...throwing away my scale was one of the scariest things I've ever done. How would I hold myself accountable? I didn't trust my body. I worried that I'd blow up to be the size of the Goodyear Blimp.

But I did it. I took the risk. I tossed that bloody scale. And I've never looked back. (In fact, when I go to the doctor's office, I turn my back when getting on the scale and WARN the assistant not to utter my tonnage, lest risk my wrath!)

I don't know my weight and I don't care. My clothes tell me when I'm puffy or thin. And I've stopped the insanity of "weighing in" on the almighty scale.

2. Express Your Feelings, Don't Stuff Them Down

Learning how to communicate your feelings in a logical rational way may be the best "Love Life" diet tip. When you're able to express your feelings, you're less likely to stuff down your emotions with food (or other substances).

It's soooooo important to be able to say what you want or what you think. Or express what you don't want or feel uncomfortable with. Even at the risk of making someone upset with you.

If you can't risk hurting someone else's feelings, you risk hurting yourself.

What your mind can't assimilate (understand) and your mouth can't articulate (say), your body will demonstrate (gaining weight).

And weight gain isn't the only price tag. Your physical, mental and emotional health will pay dearly too.

3. Listen to Your Body

Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you're full. Your body will let you know what it wants and how much.

Your body will tell you when it needs to relax or needs to move. It will tell you when it feels well and when it doesn't.

Your body knows what it craves, but often your head argues. Your "old habits" get in the way by telling you what you "should" do.

Does this sound familiar?

Body: "Ice cream."
Head: "You can't have ice cream."
Body: "Chocolate."
Head: "You're too fat."
And on and on and on...

If your body craves ice cream, eat it. Enjoy it. Stop the madness and deprivation in your head. It's just ice cream! One scoop isn't going to make you fat. (The whole carton might.)

I appreciate it takes a huge leap of faith to listen to your body over what your head thinks. (Or what someone else thinks.) But once you REALLY start paying attention to Your Body and eating what It wants, you'll never go back to "dieting" again.

4. Eat "WOW" Foods

I have two categories for food: "WOW" Food and "Filler" Food.

"WOW" food is great food! (1) Your body craves it and is so satisfied when it eats it or (2) the food is SOOOOO good that it doesn't matter if you eat more. It's worth paying the price!

"Filler" food is just that. It's food that fills you up when you're hungry. "Filler" food is fuel. It gives you energy. "Filler" food is easier to say "no" to when you're full.

I do my best to eat "WOW" food...because I hate wasting stomach space with "filler" food. When I satisfy my cravings, I feel better. I don't obsess and I'm not deprived.

It cracks me up when a friend comments on the dessert tray..."Oh, that looks so good, but I can't eat it. It's too fattening."

Well...yes. And no. Who says you have to eat the whole thing? Personally, I'd rather have a few bites of a fabulous "WOW" than a whole lot of "low fat filler" that tastes like crap.

I don't know how it works, but eating real "WOW" food...no matter how "fattening" it is...fills me up quicker and satisfies me more without the weight gain.

5. Don't Panic If You Gain a Few Pounds

Like tides of the sea, weight comes and goes. DON'T PANIC if you start to feel yourself getting a little heavier!

Years ago, I beat myself up if I gained weight. I punished my body by starving or eating yucky "health" food that I hated. I gave myself mental bashings about how unworthy I was or undisciplined or fat.

The result: I gained more weight.

Not any more!

Now, when I notice myself eating more...and my clothes are getting tighter...and I feel that extra "pudge" around my waist...I say to myself, "Cherry, you're eating too much. What's going on? Is there something stressing you out? Something you need to say? Or do you just need to control your portion size (or stop drinking wine for a while)? Do you really WANT that second piece of pie? How's it going to feel after you eat it?"

If I reeeaaaalllly want it, I eat it. But I'm used to my body telling me when it's full and I can always have it LATER if I don't eat it now.

That's a big key...knowing you aren't depriving yourself. That you can have ANYTHING you want...as long as your body tells you it's hungry.

6. Move Your Butt!

If you think "exercise is boring" or "don't have time", you haven't found the "WOW" of exercise.

Getting in the habit of moving your body is one of the best things you'll ever do for yourself.

Good Morning America recently said, "If you walk 30 minutes, five days a week, you will extend your life. (I forget for how many years.) (Sorry.) Walking is easy and cheap and the payoffs are enormous!

I combine walking with The Bar Method because I like the toning, strengthening and flexibility the class offers. (Plus the music is great and the teachers are cute!)

Like any habit, starting to exercise can take a couple months to integrate into your routine. I don't need to preach to you about the benefits of exercise. You already know it helps your heart, gives you a glowing complexion and decreases your appetite.

For me, exercise feels great. I'm not one of those "gotta get results" people (although I do look better by doing it). If I don't feel high energy during my class or walk, I don't push it. Just showing up and doing it is good enough for me. I listen to my body and it tells me how hard it wants to work.

So get up and move! Believe me, your butt will thank you!

Cherry Norris is a renowned celebrity dating coach, workshop director and popular speaker. Based in Los Angeles, California, Cherry is an official dating coach for Cupid's Coach matchmaking service and the relationship expert on Catherine Oxenberg's TV pilot, Practical Princess. Cherry has lead workshops around the US and on cruises to Mexico and Alaska. She has been featured in The LA Times, The Hollywood Reporter, Divine Caroline, and Women's World.

Cherry's passion is helping people build healthy, intimate romantic relationships. Under her direction, you will learn the skills and techniques for dating that will have you starring in the role of a lifetime opposite the co-star you've been waiting for!

For FREE Dating Directions newsletter and event calendar, GO HERE: Dating Directions Newsletter

7 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

You already know that you can lose weight with that new crash or fad diet. Or you can choose to change your diet 100 percent. Now, you and I both know that the all or nothing approach does not last for very long. In fact, most of the time they are not even healthy. The following are some diet and lifestyle tips to help you lose weight in a healthy manner and to keep it off.

1. Learn everything that you can about eating a healthy diet. Ignore the fad diets. Long term success is about healthy lifestyle changes. By eating healthy foods and incorporating an exercise program into your lifestyle you enjoy the benefits of better health and effortless weight loss.

By educating yourself you gain confidence. This confidence will enable you to achieve your weight loss goals.

2. Be real clear about what you are doing. Write down both your goals and your reasons for wanting to lose weight. Include reasons that are not just your target weight.

3. Write down what you eat and review it on a daily basis. At the end of each day you will be able to recognize problem areas. Do not beat yourself up. Simply make a mental note of areas that require work and strive to improve where you experience difficulties. This little technique is very powerful and helps you to establish control in an area of your life that you previously felt helpless.

4. Break your goal down into manageable steps. 30 pounds may seem to be a huge obstacle. 5 pounds per month for 6 months is easier to picture. Even 3 pounds per month over a 10 month period. It may not seem like much but you should consider the direction of your weight loss program. This is a healthy way to lose weight and to keep it off forever.

5. This compliments step 4, make certain that your goal is realistic. Believe it or not, losing weight is not your only goal. As a matter of fact, it should not be your primary goal. Your goals are to alter your diet and exercise habits. When you are successful at achieving this the weight will come off by itself. As the weight begins to come off you will gain confidence and improve your self esteem.

6. Develop a plan for how you intend to achieve your goal. Do not jump into this lightly. This is something, ideally, that you will live with for a very long time. Do your research first. Think about how you are going to do this. Then take very definite steps to implement your changes. These changes will, over time, become new habits. This is how the real work is accomplished.

7. Learn how to avoid trigger eating. A great deal of the eating that we do is when we are not hungry. Often, this is an automatic response to a variety of triggers. Many times these triggers are emotion based. They include such things as stress, anger, being bored or depressed.

This is one of the areas that a food diary comes in handy. Being able to recognize these responses gives us the chance to step back and see what we are doing. With this knowledge in hand we can take the necessary steps to dealing with this problem.

Remember, life does not happen in a straight line. Meaning, when something goes wrong do not panic. Acquiring new habits takes time. When you slip, merely pick yourself up, brush yourself off and proceed forward. Take action and persevere, you will be successful.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/fatburnerreviews/herbal_fat_burners.html where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercising

Many of us would love to find ways to lose weight without exercising and although this is possible there aren't many ways of doing this. One diet however that allows us to achieve this is a diet based around calorie shifting.

Calorie shifting is a relatively new idea but it certainly is very effective and many are losing weight using the method without doing any exercise at all. Here is a quick brief of how the diet works.

The majority of diets are based around a low calorie diet and the emission of a food group from our diet. Although these can provide results for a very short period they don't continue to work and usually end up with you weighing more than you did when you started.

The reason for this is that by combining low calorie intake and the loss of a food group your body senses it is been starved and slows down your metabolism, which is of course what helps us to burn calories. It also stops your metabolism from burning fat as it wants to store this as an energy reserve. Instead our body burns lean muscle which apart from being unhealthy will also increase your appetite.

An increase in your appetite will usually result in a failed diet. The problem with that is when you start to eat as you used to you will gain weight faster because your metabolism is still working at a slower rate.

Shifting calories instead allows us to eat each food type but rotates when we eat them. This confuses the body and fools it into believing you are not on a diet and so keeps the metabolism working at a higher rate.

This results in fast and safe weight loss, which isn't something you come across often. If your looking for ways to lose weight without exercising you will also be pleased to know that the diet only suggests a brisk walk each day but even without this the diet still works just as well.

To read more about ways to lose weight without exercising visit this webpage shifting calories.

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

The Secret to Weight Loss - Shed Pounds by Shedding Thoughts

Your body is simply an extension and reflection of your mind. That statement took less than three-seconds to read, but could take lifetimes to fully understand. Nonetheless, it is a fact; and it is a fact that you would do well to try and understand. Of course, you don't have to; but it will make your life happier and more rewarding if you do. Books and books - including the Bible - have tried to teach and explain this fact; but it is still up to each individual to come to understand it and apply it in their own lives.

The good news is that there is no time limit; so don't get in a hurry and don't be anxious about outcomes - or your current situation. Take your time and relax. Be patient with yourself, and be good to yourself as you try to understand how your body is created and re-created on a daily basis - actually moment-by-moment - to reflect the status of your mind. When things disappear from your mind, there is nothing to keep the physical reflection in place; and, in time, it will fall away on its own.

You see, the more old, stagnant thinking you hold onto fears, worries, resentments, etc, the more you are holding onto in every area of your life. There is what appears to be an exception to this, but it really isn't. Some people who hold onto old grudges, etc, seem to waste away rather than put on the pounds. But the metaphor holds true: If you let your thoughts eat away at you, your body will be eaten away by your thoughts. These folks simply process those thoughts differently. Overweight people "stuff" their old thoughts and emotions, and "hold onto them" for some sort of protection, security, or identity. On the other hand, people who waste away don't suppress the thoughts they are holding onto; they chew on them, and their minds chew back.

You can e-mail me your "Yeah, buts" and "What about's" later; but for now, if you haven't figured this weight thing out yet, don't simply assume I am wrong, crazy, stupid, etc, because I am saying something different. What you are looking for is something different, is it not? A different body, perhaps - or a different life? I promise you there is a book coming that will give you more foundation; but, right now, I'm just trying to give you the FIX. If you've read any other posts on this blog, you have read all the applicable quotes - from a variety of authorities - over and over. I kind of beat the "As a man thinketh..." thing into the ground; but, if you are overweight, I bet that's what you think. And I bet you think about your weight a lot - and in a not-so-positive light. And so it is done unto you.

There are two basic things you should understand about fat:

1. It is not bad, it's your friend and protector

2. Food doesn't make fat, and it doesn't make you fat, your mind does. And it does for very good reasons - mostly. For starters, understand that your body makes fat, and without it you'd die in any of a number of ways -- depending on your circumstances. That's the main reason your body makes fat - to protect you from dying. Thanks to our DNA, our fearful, stressed-out, overweight ancestors were even able to pass some of these tendencies down the line; but the underlying reason is, nonetheless, the same -protection.

So, even if you blame your weight on your genes, you'll be happy to know that those "codes" are pre-programmed tendencies - a sort of default setting, if you will - and they can be overridden -- or rewritten. Even when you were dealt a bad hand, in other words, you can discard and draw again. You can even choose which card you will draw - if you are able to adequately understand the first sentence of this post, that is.

There are also two basic ways your body decides to manufacture fat. The original process begins with a perceived threat, or a reason the body needs protection. The reasons are usually pretty simple: Starvation, Climate, Falls/Impacts/Trauma, and Attack. That pretty much covers the threats on this planet -- and fat protects us from all of these things in a variety of ways. Brilliant! We'll talk about some of those ways and reasons later; for now, on to the other way fat is created - it is "copied." Indeed, it is done unto you as you "thinketh" and, even after you have lost your reason for needing protection, you may still have an image in your mind of you with too much weight. Focusing on your weight, listening to others comment on your body, staring into the mirror with any emotion other than love, and talking negatively about your weight or body, are just some of the ways we re-create fat we no longer need.

So, your body is a masterpiece - a work of art. It was created from an idea, according to a plan. Now that you have an image, however, you can continuously change by copying what you see and adding to it. This is not unlike drawing a picture and making a photocopy of it - then drawing new elements on the copy. Of course, you can add to the original, as well; and where the body is concerned, that is indeed what you are always doing - adding to the original. Even if you are "photocopying" fat, or ideas about being fat, the copies are being used to change the original. How? Because being fat, seeing yourself as fat, thinking you're fat, or worrying about your weight, are all enough to stress you out.

When the body is under stress (fear of attack, starvation, injury, or the elements, for instance) it naturally slows or stops digestion and releases the stress hormone cortisol to convert undigested food into fat which will keep us warm, pad our bones and organs, give us reserve energy, and make us look bigger, or unattractive, to anyone who may want to act aggressively towards us. Stress is stress; and even if you are just stressed about your weight, the stress response is still on. And when you are in the stress response, you are producing fat.

So, there is really just the original reasons for making fat; but our culture and our ways of judging ourselves have just added to the list of things we need protection from - like judgment and rejection, for instance. It is an unfortunate truth that the judgment and rejection is usually coming from ourselves - as the result of our thoughts. We can change this as easily as changing our minds. Even when the judgment and rejection comes from an outside source, it is still our choice whether or not we dwell on such things - and whether we "spin" things in a positive direction, or a negative one. "Sticks and stones," as they say; your judgments can't hurt me if I don't really care about them. And I don't; and neither should you. Let go of all judgment - even the judgment that there are judgmental people in the world. Seriously, that's their problem. There are worse things to be than overweight; and being harsh and judgmental is certainly on that list. If being afraid causes fat, just imagine what the acid of anger and hatred do to people. You don't really have to imagine, by the way; just find someone who's been that way a while and look at the reflection of their mind.

If you can let go and free your mind of excess baggage, you will free your body of excess baggage. Release all that no longer serves you; release all that you are no longer enjoying. Any time you think a thought that makes you unhappy in any way (angry, afraid, worried, mournful, sad, etc) use your powerful mind to choose a different thought -- one that makes you happy. It is just like changing the television channel with a remote control; channel surf in your mind for a happy thought - and then stay there. Continue to affirm what you want, regardless of what you see in the mirror. Time doesn't stop; and change is continuous. We shape change -- gradually and instantly - with our thoughts. And we can even change our perception of outcomes and situations: "I guess that wasn't so bad after all..."

You have to do this for yourself; you have to take control of the thoughts you choose. I promise you the thoughts the television provides you with are not helping; start choosing your own thoughts. Stop picking up magazines in the check-out lines, stop watching and reading bad news, and remove yourself from commercial programming; all of these things are specifically designed to make you discontent and stressed-out. If you have to write down a list of good thoughts and memorize them, then do it. But if you want your outer world to change, your inner world must change first.

So far, I have been speaking of thoughts and fat in a very physical, clinical context -- about the very tangible relationship between your thoughts and your body. But what about prayer? Can you pray to lose weight and have it magically disappear. Read The Belief Formula. You cannot pray without thinking; the physiological effects of thought are just part of the way your desires are made real and your prayers are answered. The simple fact is that you just have to wake-up to the fact that your thoughts create your experience, including your experience of self, and you first have to change your thoughts to change your experience.

Pete Koerner, author of The Belief Formula

Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Weight loss is an important issue in today's world with the increasing number of leaning to obesity. Obesity is linked to a number of diseases and in certain circumstances can even prove fatal. In order to be on the safe side immediate action is required.

A number of diet supplements are available that promise immediate weight loss. These act by inhibiting hunger pangs. They speed up the metabolism, so that a large number of calories are burnt within a short span of time. They burn fat and block the carbohydrates from metabolizing, so that a person is induced to take a low carbohydrate diet.

Weight loss supplements come in various forms and range from hydroxycitric acid to green tea. Some of these supplements have chromium as their active compound. Fiber an also be used in weight loss supplements, as it helps increase energy along with manage cholesterol. These are natural compounds and are derived from various plant parts.

Many of these supplements supply you with the required vitamins, minerals and key nutrients required as you may restrict these from your diet in order to lose weight. The results take their time, but with these natural supplements you can be sure that you are not going to cause any harm to your body. There are instructions that come along with each of these supplements that explain when and how they should be taken. For example some supplements like the may not be safe for a pregnant woman. People with high blood pressure can't take other supplements.

If the instructions are followed properly there should be no side effects. Also, be sure that when you take these supplements drink lots of water and restrict your intake of alcohol.

Natural Weight Loss provides detailed information on Natural Weight Loss, Natural Weight Loss Supplements, Natural Weight Loss Products, Natural Weight Loss Pills and more. Natural Weight Loss is affiliated with Fast Weight Loss Tips.

Turbulence Training Results And Testimonials

Turbulence Training is one of the most popular weight loss and fitness programs in the world today. But does it really work? Before we answer that question, here are some details regarding this program: It was created by Craig Ballantyne, an expert trainer and fitness guide and writer for various magazines. Turbulence Training, as it's name signifies, is based on intensive but short workouts aimed at burning the most calories and fat in the shortest time possible.

Even though this program enjoys positive reviews from laymen and experts alike, the best way to know if something works is to read real users' results and testimonials. This is what this article is about.

As it so happens, Craig Ballantyne himself made it easy for us to see first hand results of his program by establishing a contest to see who would have the best results. The winning contestants details were posted online with pictures and all, so we can read their accomplishments and see pictures as well. In this article, I'll relate just a sample of all the results that I've read.

Turbulence Training Results and Testimonials - a Sample

1. The winner of the contest Craig Ballantyne opened is a woman who lost an impressive 15.5 pounds and over 5% of body fat. I've seen her picture. It is truly a transformation.

2. But no. 2 impressed me even more since this guy lost over 30 pounds in under 3 months which is incredible. If we take into account that he added muscle weight as well, it means that his weight loss was in large part pure fat.

3. There was another guy who didn't finish in the top 3 (don't ask me why) who lost over 80 pounds. Talk about results.

I won't bore you with all the other testimonials. I have a link to the other results in my Turbulence Training Review so you can read them at your leisure. Just remember that this program requires hard work, but the results are worth it in my opinion. You not only gain a new body, but also a much healthier one.

To read more about this program, visit this webpage:

Turbulence Training Results and Testimonials.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Planning, The Fourth Secret Of Healthy Weight Loss


Why a plan
Do you plan your vacation?
Do you plan the dinner when you invite friends or family for dinner?

Would you invite people for dinner without taking care of all the details?
Of course you wouldnt, you want the evening to be memorable. You want everyone to enjoy the dinner and the company.

Plan to succeed
Why shouldnt you plan your daily nutrition and your daily exercise?
Why shouldnt you plan some private time to work on your Motivation and your mindset, to write your daily goals in your diary?

If you plan it, you will be more willing to do it.
If you plan it, you will be motivated to do it.

Plan to be prepared:

  • You will always have fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds available.
  • You will always have fresh greens washed and ready to eat, waiting for you in the fridge.
  • You will have all the ingredients needed for your daily meals and your daily snacks.
  • You will have an updated shopping list.
  • You will always have bottled mineral water with you, at home, at the office
  • Maybe you can prepare part of the meal the day before.
  • If you eat out, you will know what to order, because you called the restaurant and ask them to fax you their menu so you can plan ahead an appropriate meal. Maybe you have a special request for the chef that he will be more than happy to accommodate if you let him know a few hours before.
  • Plan to always have something ready in case of emergencies: like products to prepare a salad quickly, or a soup and a whole grain slice of bread. (For those days when nothing goes as planned.)
  • You will have scheduled your exercise time.
  • You will have scheduled some private time to be motivated and with a positive loving attitude towards yourself and your weight management.

Plan everyday
Plan everyday to ensure your success; write everything down in your journal. Schedule everything so you wont forget, we all have busy schedules. Use your palm computer or your cell phone to schedule and remind you of your successful planning for healthy weight management. Plan and put your plan into action, this is another secrets to healthy weight loss.

Isabelle Epstein
Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style. If you would enjoy motivation and tips for a healthy weight management, sent directly to your inbox, sign up for Isabelle's free newsletter at: http://www.HealthyNutriMania.com

Weight Loss Program Reviews

As you know, the key to successful weight loss is to burn more calories than you eat. Many diet centers burn much fewer or greater calories than predicted by charts of calculations. Though you may see the ads throughout the year, the most common time to find advertisements for diet centers is in the month of January. This is because many people make it their new year's resolution to lose weight. Weight seems to be something that everyone obsesses over, and you may find that even those who don't have any weight to lose are constantly watching what they eat and monitoring their level of exercise. Many people need help, and this is why diet centers are so popular.

There are various different diet centers from which to choose. Most of them today advertise at a national level, and many of them have celebrity spokespersons. I guess because celebrities are so high profile, the world is always watching their weight. While I don't think this is fair, I guess it can be expected. Some of the celebrities will go through a diet centers program, and then do commercials for that company. While you may say that this is brave, you should also know that they do get paid very well for what they do.

There is something amusing about the modern diet. Now don't take this the wrong way. I'm not laughing or poking fun at individuals struggling to drop pounds. I'm merely commenting on the new-age diet centers and calorie-counting routines. How do I have the scoop on this you might be wondering? Well, it's a synch I didn't try them myself. Nope; I just routinely watch my wife grapple with hers. She has been on the Weight Watchers plan for a few months now. When I see what she does day-in and day-out, I can't help but frown at all the effort involved. And I'm not just talking about healthy eating and regular exercise.

And one of the greatest benefits diet centers is that everything is laid out for you. Several times people struggle with diets because they don't know what they're doing, and they have no idea where to begin. If you go to diet centers, you will find a meal plan already set up for you, as well as support, and advice about exercise routines. Some of these diet centers even go as far as to offer prepackaged meals. If you have a hard time choosing the right meals, or you are often too busy to cook like you would like to, this might be the best option for you.

If you have been having a hard time with a diet, and it seems that no matter what you try you simply cannot get the extra pounds off, you may want to consider looking into diet centers. I wouldn't say that I endorse them, but I think there are some benefits. If anything, diet centers hold you accountable for what you do each week. If you must go weight in every week or every month, and talk to someone about what you're doing, you're more likely to stay with your plan. Just remember to read the fine print before you sign up, as sometimes there are hidden costs of which you may not be aware.

If I had to guess, I'd say that Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, and Weight Watchers must be three of the top Weight Loss Programs around. I always spot ads for them and they commonly use celebrities to do their pitching. Now, my wife goy into Weight Watchers because it was offered to employees at her company. Is this not bizarre? I mean, have you ever heard of a company doing this with their staff. Maybe it's due to the fact that the company is Japanese owned. It could be that they think we Americans are a bit too plump. Hmm, kind of makes me wonder. Nevertheless, it's a sweet thought to stick it out there. My wife received a booklet that tells her how many "points" she can have each day. Also, how to add up your points online and figure out your total success thus far. Contemporary diet centers have quite the process going. It takes as much time to factor up the points and punch them into the chart as it does to exercise. No offense, but you can have all that! I'll stick to the plain old "eat healthy and work-out" regimen and it's worked for me so far.

You know, I shouldn't diss modern diet centers. My wife has lost weight while sticking with Weight Watchers. I think she's lost about 8 or 9 pounds so far. 10 more and she'll be in that size 3 she wants so badly. Maybe you should sort through the popular diet centers and find the one that best suits your likes and needs. It's much healthier than procrastinating for another year. Yet, our world is far from ideal. There are responsibilities, deadlines and food or lifestyle preferences that get in the way of healthy eating. Real lives happen and in the rush to satisfy daily hunger and desires we may succumb to less than healthy choices. It doesn't always have to be that way. No matter what are lives, are like that there's always room for improvements. Get off your BUM!

Crizza Weight Loss Programs

How To Lose Weight - Tips To Help You Get Rid Of Fat Quickly

Obesity is a huge problem in our society and losing weight is one of the most difficult challenges for those that are overweight. It requires a commitment on the part of those that want to lose weight to make changes both in their diet and exercise habits. However the majority of us do know that we need to exercise and eat properly yet we do not follow our own advice.

For most people that are overweight the stress from their jobs or other aspects of their lives causes them to reach for food in an attempt to relieve the stress and feel better. Of course this does help you feel good in the short term but the long term effects of being overweight and unhealthy only create further stress so it becomes a vicious cycle that must be escaped from in order to get back to a healthy weight. Here are some tips to help you to return and stay at a healthy weight.

Tip 1: Develop Clear Goals

This is a very necessary step to keep you on track yet it is overlooked by most weight loss programs. Creating goals is important as they will help you to stay on track and more importantly get back on track even if you falter a little along the way.

The initial step in goal setting is to decide what the real reasons are you want to lose weight. This is the most important step so really think deeply about it and get emotional if you have to. This is the fuel that will drive you to make these goals a reality. You must write down these reasons on a piece of paper. Do not skip this step because it can make all the difference. Something magical occurs when you write your goals down that almost makes their accomplishment inevitable.

Now you need to set one month and three month weight targets that you are aiming for. Be realistic so aim to lose around ten pounds a month. Write down these weight targets on a piece of paper too. Once everything is on paper you must review this sheet at least once a day, carry it with you if you want. This will program your mind as to what you want it to create. Make sure to do all these steps and do not underestimate the power of them.

Tip 2: Consume Smaller Meals More Regularly

Most people eat very large meals one to three times a day. The problem with this approach is that you end up going sometimes for 5 or 6 hours without any food. This causes your metabolism to slow down dramatically because your body thinks you are trying to starve it so when you do eat again you end up storing most of that food as fat instead of burning it off.

A better approach is to eat smaller meals every 3 to 4 hours. Try to get some extra fruits and vegetables in your diet too. Since these foods are water rich they will also fill you up quickly so you will be able to eat less calories and still feel full. Also you will experience less hunger using this strategy since you are eating frequently. In addition your metabolism will speed up since your body is aware that it is getting nutrition regularly so there is no need to store anything as fat.

Tip 3: Exercise The Proper Way

Unfortunately you cannot ignore physical activity when it comes to weight loss as it is important. However you do not need to spend significant time exercising nor do you need to strain yourself either. If you can walk for thirty minutes a day either outside or indoors on a treadmill then that should be sufficient. You can even take one or two days off each week.

Also once or twice a week do some light weight training as this will help to build muscle. Muscle is very important for weight loss because it burns calories continuously so you want to add some muscle to your body. Buy some free weights or join a gym, do not weight train too often otherwise you may get over trained and this could make you sick since your immune system will get weakened. Follow each of these tips to help you lose weight faster and to keep that weight off permanently.

Shakil is an online researcher and author. Visit his site and learn about the best herbal supplements and also learn how to lose weight fast and keep it off.

How to Get Ripped Without Getting Ripped Off - II

4-5 Small Meals Are Better For Dropping Fat

So divide the number your came for your Basic Metabolic Rate by how many meals you will be having per day, which is usually 4-5. Dont go less than 4 or more than 6 meals per day as it tends to make the fat loss process more challenging.

We are going to divide by 5 as I have found that 5 meals per day is the optimum for most people. In this case we came up with roughly 250 calories per meal, which is the amount of calories that you need to consume per meal. For best results space your meals out ever 2.5 to 3 hours.

You can pick the ratio of fat to carbs or protein that suits you best but in my experience a 60/40 carbs to protein works for most people. Keep in mind this is a guideline as some people do even better on higher carbs or higher protein. Dont be afraid to play with the rations until you find what works best for your metabolism.

A couple of extra points

1) Every time you feel hungry drink 500 ml to 1 litre of water

2) You will feel hungry for the first couple of weeks but it will subside. Remember no one ever died from a hunger pain.

3) When you feel the sensation of hunger, dont eat, and dont call it hunger. Just go inside with the feeling and observe it without labeling the sensation. When it finally goes away (usually 5-15 minutes) youre then free to eat. This strategy helps you take back control of what I call artificial hunger due to psychological programming.

Step 3 is an extremely powerful mental technique, which allows you to go inside the hunger pain. This was taught to me by Dr. David Hawkins. Whats interesting is Dr. Hawkins was the first person ever to simplify and identify the exact process I naturally used while preparing for my competitions. I could never really explain it until I listened to his audio CD on Weight Loss. Thanks Dr. Hawkins!

Training To Get Lean

Training to get lean is simple but not always easy.

I have found that 5 weight training sessions per week with 5 cardio sessions per week works best for most people. Consistency, intensity, and a great attitude will go along ways to achieving your desired look.

I like the body part per day program with calves or abdominals trained 2-3 times per week on alternate days. Your weight training sessions will generally last between 45 minutes to 1.5 hours and the cardio should be from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Recently, there has been a trend for short intense anaerobic workouts twice a week to replace the need for 5 cardio sessions which many people find work better. The intensity of these cardio sessions is on the high end and they are not for the faint of heart but boy do they work for dropping weight fast. I will be writing more about this style of training in future articles.

The Get Ripped Conclusion

A total of 10 hours a week investment will have you losing 1-2 lbs of body fat consistently for weeks until you get your desired body fat percentage. That's it you can take all the supplements you want or none at all, whichever you like. Follow this formula for 21 days and you will be down a couple of percentage points of body fat. Guaranteed!

Yes there are finer points to overcome, psychological food addictions, optimum training program, precise menus to follow as well as specialized supplements, which can speed up the process, which I cover in depth with my clients and in my courses.

The Bottom line is losing body fat is as predictable a law as gravity. Follow the formula and the weight drops every time.

So take the 21-day challenge and see what happens as you have EVERYTHING TO LOSE.

Wade McNutt is a Natural National Bodybuilding Champion and an IFBB Mr. Universe World Champion. He combined the secrets of Eastern Yoga Masters with, scientific, muscle building to produce a revolutionary new health system, called Freaky Big Naturally, find out more at http://www.freakybignatural.com

Fitness Interval Training for Beginners and Elite Athletes

Fitness interval training, if you aren't currently using it, could be the very thing to boost your exercise motivation as well as your fat-burning capacity. This is a method of training that combines different levels of exercise intensity during the same exercise session.

Training in this fashion creates an increased tolerance to lactic acid buildup. The will substantially increase both your aerobic and anaerobic capacities to exercise. In other words, you will be able to exercise longer and see more improvements without all of the soreness typically seen in less conditioned individuals.

Elite competitive athletes have long used interval training to maximize their performance potential. These athletes typically exercise at extremes that would not be recommended for the general population. However, anyone can benefit from moderate intensity intervals. Obviously, you should consult with your physician prior to implementing any exercise program. Additionally, you may want to work with a certified personal trainer on how to best use a fitness interval training program for maximum benefits.

Interval training involves the gradual increasing of exercise intensity until the anaerobic threshold is being approached. This will be perceived as your maximal effort. After exercising at this intensity for a specified period of time the intensity is then decreased. This interval continues for a period and is followed by another interval of increased intensity.

Fitness interval training can be used as a part of both your aerobic and strength training workouts. Here are some advantages you will discover in both forms of these essential exercise programs:

Aerobic Workout:

Improved cardiac endurance

Improved ability for prolonged slow cardio workouts

Enhanced muscle-building capacity

Prevention of boredom

Higher number of calories burned

Strength training workout:

More calories burned

More muscle groups worked in less time

Faster strength gains

Faster toning and shaping of muscles

Prevention of boredom

How would a beginning exerciser incorporate fitness interval training into their exercise routine?

This is a good question because this type of training is great for beginners. Beginners will notice much quicker results using interval training. Here's how you might begin.

For your aerobic program you might start with 20 minute exercise sessions. You decide that walking will be the form of exercise you use. You might walk at what you consider a good pace for you for 5 minutes. You then walk more briskly for one minute. You then alternate these two speeds until you complete your exercise session. Each week you might change the intensity or time of your more intense interval. Eventually you may even work in some 30 second jogging intervals.

Remember to always warm up and cool down. Incorporating these more intense intervals will bring you much quicker results in your conditioning and appearance.

I hope you are now motivated to give fitness interval training a try. You will not be disappointed in your results.

Dr. Steve Tuggle is a practicing dentist, certified personal trainer (ACE, ACSM), certified wellness coach, life coach, ordained minister, and internet entrepreneur. You can learn more about how to improve your health and wellness at http://www.elite-wellness-coaching.com

For more information on fitness interval training and HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT visit http://www.elite-wellness-coaching.com/fitness-interval-training.html

The Hottest Strategies For Weight Loss?

This article will give you some strategies for weight loss. There is a massive overload of proposed strategies, many of which prey on the consumer's wallet. For this purpose, I will keep this article brief and give you the two only ways that are proposed to lose weight effectively and safely.

Both strategies address the cause of abnormal weight gain: decreased metabolism.

For some people, the lack of metabolism may be due to a medical cause, such as hypothyroidism. This type of condition will require co-management using a qualified medical specialist and the methods listed below.

For the rest of you, the following will suffice.

Before revealing these to you I would advise in avoiding improper or unsafe ways to lose weight: surgical methods, diet pills, unhealthy diets (like Atkins), "electrolyte" drinks, slim shakes, or fads.

Instead, focus on either one of two things:

1) increased exercise
2) better diet

Now, some of you may be unsatisfied with the advice - as if you've "heard it all before." Did you try the above and it did not work? OK, well, then let me elaborate:

1) This requires INTENSE exercise combined with cardio exercise on alternate days. Quite difficult to do unless you know a lot about physical conditioning or under the strict guidance of a personal trainer.

2) This is actually much easier. All you have to do is modify your diet and eat proper types and quantities of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in a nutshell. If you're unclear on this, you can access such simple strategies for weight loss here. You need to do so as long as you are still overweight.

The good news is that as I stated above either 1 or 2 will suffice in helping you lose lots of weight - not just the conservative 1-2 pounds per week recommended by - I'll try to be nice - useless sources. For example, you can do #2 without exercising and still lose possibly 10 pounds in two weeks and keep losing 2-3 pounds per week.

It is easy to lose weight if you follow the correct blueprint to do so. Now I've giving you this blueprint - it's up to you to act! Sitting in front of the TV eating Dorritos isn't going to help. That said, I wish you the best of luck doing it - cause you CAN do it!

By Patrick C. Martinez

Have you been searching for a proven method to easily lose weight quickly and safely online? If you are looking for a system which will work for the ordinary person no matter what level of condition, check out http://www.iweightpro.com

Meridia Prescription Guide

What Is Meridia Used For?

Meridia should be used by people who are overweight and have an inital body mass index of at least 30. It is recommended that Meridia also be used by people with BMI of at least 27 if they are at risk for high cholesterol, diabetes, or high blood pressure. Talk to your doctor to find out your BMI and whether or not it's alright for you to use a Meridia prescription.

How Do I Use It?

Meridia should be taken orally and in the exact way directed by your doctor. This usually involves one dose daily.

It may take 4-6 weeks for results to show. Please do not raise your dose, take Meridia more frequently, or use your prescription for a longer time than prescribed by your doctor; Meridia can be addictive. If you have taken Meridia for a long time, please do not stop taking it suddenly without talking to your doctor first. As with many prescription drugs, Meridia may gradually decrease in effectiveness because your body builds tolerance to it. Talk to your doctor if you gain weight after you start taking your prescription. You make take it either before or after a meal.

Are There Any Meridia Side Effects?

The common side effects of Meridia include dry mouth, sleepiness, difficulty sleeping, and constipation. If any of the effects persist beyond the first week (approximately) or become worse, please tell your doctor as soon as possible. Read more on this warning here.

Please do not give your medication to others. Your Meridia prescription should be taken in combination with a diet plan of reduced calories. In order to monitor the possible side effects, your pulse and blood pressure can be measured and used in laboratory testing.

Is Meridia Safe?

Let your doctor know about your complete medical history. This includes any information regarding allergies (most importantly drug allergies), disease of the liver or kidneys, heart disease, history of stroke or seizures, high blood pressure, eating disorders (ex., anorexia nervosa), glaucoma, or gallstones.

Limit or avoid your intake of alcohol because it could make certain side effects worse. Women who are of the childbearing age should talk to their doctor about using any birth control pills with Meridia. Unless directed otherwise, do not use this drug while you are pregnant. Also, because there is a risk for infants, do not breastfeed while taking Meridia. Patients who are elderly may experienced heightened levels of side effects. Please use with cautious.

How Does Meridia Interact With Other Drugs?

Make sure you tell your doctor about all prescription and nonprescription medications you use; other weight loss medications in particular (such as diethylpropion), and drugs that may raise your blood pressure. Examples of these include decongestants such as pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine.

Tell your doctor if you use any cough suppressants like dextromethorphan; antidepressants such as nefazodone; fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, venlafaxine, and fluvoxamine. Other examples include lithium, MAO inhibitors such as selegiline, moclobemide, furazolidone, phenelzine, tranylcypromine, and other medications such as lithium.

You should also let your doctor know if you use any drugs to treat migraines (ex: dihydroergotamine and sumatriptan), certain pain relievers that are narcotics (ex. pentazocine, fentanyl, meperidine), erythromycin, ketoconazole. Also tell your doctor about any high blood pressure medicines you use, and any other drugs that may cause drowsiness. These include certain types of antihistamines (ex., diphenhydramine), anti-seizure, and sedative medications.

You can find antihistamines and decongestants for cough and cold in many nonprescription drugs. Talk to your pharmacist about this. Also, MAO Inhibitors and Meridia should not be taken together. If you stop the use of your Meridia prescription or an MAO Inhibitor, make sure to wait 2 weeks before you start using the other drug.

What If I Miss My Dose?

In the case that you miss one of your doses, please take it as soon as possible. However, if it is near the scheduled time for your next dose, just skip the dose missed and start back with your prescribed dosing schedule. Do not take twice the normal dose to make up for a missed dose.

How Should I Store Meridia?

Store your prescription at room temperature. This includes temperatures between 59 and 86 degrees F (15-30 degrees C). Keep it away from humidity/moisture and light. Make sure to keep all of your medications out of reach of children.

What Else Should I Know?

Do not share any of your prescription with people. Meridia should be used along with a diet plan of reduced calories. Your pulse and blood pressure can be taken/measured along with laboratory tests to monitor side effects.

Learn more about the Meridia diet pill at Shoppe.MD.

How To Lose Your Love Handles Fast With 3 Easy Tips On Cardio, Abs And Food That Carves Your Abs

You may be spending a lot of time researching on how to lose your love handles fast. You can spend many hours in the gym, workout so hard and you can look so good in your t-shirts. But off the shirt, the final verdict that decides whether all your time has been well-spent in the gym is when you start revealing whats underneath the shirt. People judge your results not by the arms, the legs but it is the abs. That six pack abs that makes people who has it look like they are in an exclusive club.

But when we say abs, it is not just any six pack abs but abs that are so deep in separation that it totally defines you. But in order to achieve these results, you will have to know all about the best training tips that join the six pack abs club.

One of the best ways to get rid of fats will be to do interval training. Interval training melts fats faster in faster times than just jogging at a constant pace long distance. So reduce the time you spent on the treadmill and start incorporating sprint trainings.

Tip 1: For your cardio training, start at a brisk walking speed for about 3 minutes. Then start a 30 second sprint. Rest for 1.5 minutes and repeat the process again.

In order to get maximum results via this training methods, apply this method 4 times per week and each session should be able 20 minutes.

Tip 2: Abs Training Portion: Use these 4 exercises to build deep definition abs (each exercise will be 3 sets with 20 repetitions):

- Hanging leg lifts
- Seated leg lifts
- Swiss ball crunches
- Oblique twists with a medicine ball

Tip 3: Food Portion: Reduce Fats With Carbs
Your biggest muscle fuel will be carbohydrates as they can keep your muscles full and workouts intense. But most important thing you have to know is to avoid 'white' carbohydrates. If possible, find substitutes for your food.

Instead of white bread, take wholemeal bread. All these have less sugar and high fiber content should it will definitely works for you. If you got to have potatoes, why not replace it with yam. Remember to find replacements.

Hopefully, these 3 tips will be sufficient for your workouts to start reducing weight. So start introducing cardio training to your training program, do the abs training either in the morning or at night, and finally avoid your "white" carbo.

Set a resolution to make Year 2008 to lose those belly fats, find how to lose your love handles fast and challenge yourself to lose weight in our 60 days challenge. Let's all set our sights on throwing those oversize clothing away.

We are giving away 3 power-packed reports here for you to set your 2008 resolution to lose those belly fats in motion.

Do Weight Loss Programs Really Work?

Do weight loss programs really work? Yes, most of the weight loss programs available today will work at least temporarily. The problem is that many of them can be quite dangerous to your health.

Fad diets, for example, are designed for rapid weight loss. By taking extreme majors you will lose weight at a rapid pace for a couple of weeks. Because the plans are usually so extreme most people can not stay with the program for much longer than those couple of weeks and go back to their normal diet which puts the weight right back on. So, are those type of plans to be considered successful? I would think not. Regardless of how popular the fad diet may be, and Lord knows there are plenty of them, a weight loss program can not be considered successful unless it renders permanent, life time changes.

Many weight loss programs consist of special foods, or drinks that are to be consumed in unusual amounts or at strange intervals during the day. This type of dieting can cause problems with your digestive system and upset your metabolic structure as well. While it will be necessary to speed up your metabolic rate somewhat for successful weight loss, their are safer ways to do this other than drinking a quart of grapefruit or lemon juice before a "meal" of sliced cucumbers and spinach leaves. By simply adding 20-30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine your metabolic rate will increase.

Weight loss programs really do work, but if you want to know how to lose weight and keep it off use some common sense. Cut back on your proportions, limit yourself to one helping, cut out fatty and fried foods and limit desserts to fresh fruit. If you really need help, there are good programs available that really do a nice job. Just be sure and do your research. Make certain the program you select is safe.

For a review of 4 weight loss programs that are considered very safe and effective, visit my blog at http://www.ez2lose.blogspot.com

Jennifer Aniston Zone Diet

Jennifer Aniston uses the Zone diet to control her weight as do other hollywood stars. Some of the other's include Demi Moore, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Sandra Bullock. The Zone diet is in fact a very safe and effective way to lose and control your weight.

Some try to compare it with fad diet's but the Zone diet is no fad diet. It has gotten some bad publicity because most people go back to their old eating habits after they have lost some weight. Their old eating habits are the cause of the weight gain.

The Zone diet that Jennifer Aniston uses is intended to be a lifestyle pattern change instead of a temporary diet. The zone diet is in fact a safe eating plan that can be adopted for life if you desire. By making a permanent switch to the Zone diet you can lose and maintain any weight that you desire. On this diet you are still eating from all of the food groups in the food pyramid.

The only difference is you are eating food in different ratio's than what was commonly thought to be correct. You will still have a healthy and balanced diet, the main change is in the amount of carbohydrates that you eat.

Anyone who is serious about permanent weightloss should give this diet a chance. It can really change your life in a positive way. This is a pretty simple diet to understand once you know the basics. You do not need to take supplements on this diet plan, however you can if you want to.

For those of you who would like faster results, The natural supplement Hoodia Gordonii has been shown to increase the effectiveness of any weightloss plan. Hoodia works especially well with this diet because it will dramatically help stop cravings...Continue

A Simple Yet Proven Weight Loss Plan Completely For Free

There are many ways a weight loss regimen can be administrated. You can purchase expensive pills, go through exercises and workout with an expensive personal trainer or coach, or you can purchase expensive weight loss courses or programs that contains something you already know. There are many hot weight loss programs out there touting their uniqueness and fantastic quality; actually weight loss is a billion dollar industry.

Walking: The Free Weight Loss Program

Oftentimes people ignore the free life long weight loss program that you have been gifted with: walking. If you are overweight and need to lose some of this excess weight, then now is the time to wake up and start walking. Making such a regime part of your everyday life will really help you to become fat free within a very short amount of time.

How To Start A Walking Routine

The first thing that you need to do is wake up early and go out to a lush green lawn, field or park that is located near your home. Begin by taking a slow, steady 15 minute walk for the first week that you do this. Then, during the second week you should increase this time to 25 minutes and then increase it to 35 minutes the third week. By the fourth week of your program you should be taking walks that last 45 minutes. You should then do this throughout your entire second month. Of course, you are also going to need to exercise some control over your diet in order for this weight loss program to work. While you can still eat whatever you want, you should eliminate all of the fatty and sugary foods and drink at least 20 glasses of water per day.

Let Walking Become A Habit That Sustains Your Ideal Weight

If you follow this program, after three months you should start to increase your pace of walking. Start up with 25% increase. Soon enough you will see the results of the dramatic effect this pace increase has on your metabolism. We are talking about an increased feeling of wellness in addition to your weight loss. As soon as you have achieved your weight loss goal, you can eat some sweet foods as long as you keep walking regularly. If you follow this simple weight loss plan which means you make walking as a habit, the amount of pounds that you lose will be permanent and your body will become as fit as it is meant to be.

Gary Holdon is a writer and internet publisher. Read his popular articles about weight loss plans, fast weight loss and more fitness articles

Trainer Reveals Exercises That Don't Work

Once in a while I workout at an old school gym.

Some workouts are pointless. But to my surprise, I still see men and women doing useless, ineffective exercises while they try to burn off their belly fat, lose inches from their waists, and tone their muscles.

All you need are the basics. Be consistent, stick with what is proven to work, and don't waste time in the gym. An exercise session should take much less than an hour to finish. And you only have to exercise hard 3 days per week, not 6 or 7.

Don't use these exercises, they aren't worth it...

1) Broomstick Twists

You know this classic move, put the broomstick across your shoulders and rotate side to side, with the hopes it will whittle your waist down inch by inch.

But to what should be no one's surprise, this doesn't work. The broomstick exercise will not help you. If you really want to lose belly fat, you have to do a lot more than that.

A better option: Hard cardio, and preferably interval training, is the best way to lose stomach fat.

2) Triceps Exercises

If you're a competitive bodybuilder, than triceps and biceps exercises are fine to have in your program. But if you are a busy man or woman that needs more results in less time, doing any type of isolation exercise (such as triceps kickbacks) is a waste of your precious time.

A better option: Any type of pushup. From kneeling pushups to close-grip pushups (where your hands are about shoulder-width apart), you'll get so much more benefit to the rest of your body and to your fat burning, body- sculpting program if you choose pushups over triceps exercises.

3) Exercises Standing on a Ball or Other Gadget

Lots of trainers are asking their clients to perform traditional exercises while standing on balls, half-balls, and inflatable disks, but I know this is not only a waste of time, but also dangerous! You better not crash from standing on the ball. Could you imagine trying to rationalize that in court?

Regardless, you will get stronger and even improve your balance more by training traditional exericses standing on the floor. Strength is the key to any gains in balance, fat loss, and muscle mass. By doing exercises on a wobbly surface, you reduce the strength gains and therefore all the rest of the benefits.

I know you will get great results if you use total body exercises.

The best fat loss program is the Craig Ballantyne Turbulence Training fat loss system. His fat burning exercises help you lose weight in short workouts.