Easy Diet

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Flat Belly Diet - Foolproof Method To Help You Lose Weight Fast

The flat belly diet is a new diet that is currently taking the diet world by storm. It helps you to lose weight both quickly and continuously over a period of time and is also completely safe to use. Find out more by reading this article.

The new diet is based around a new technique known as calorie shifting. The calorie shifting diet works by mixing up the amount of calories you consume at each meal which confuses your body and the metabolism.

With low calorie diets weight loss soon grinds to an halt because your body recognizes your eating patterns and so slows down the fat burning system accordingly. With the constant swapping and changing invovled in this method your body fails to get used to any eating pattern. However because of the confusion rather than staying at its usual rate it actually panics and begins to work faster.

The diet also consists of eating 4 meals a day. This helps firstly to stop you feeling cravings between meals but that isn't its main use. The real reason for eating 4 meals a day is that it keeps your metabolism working non stop meaning calories are being burned all day long.

Thousands of users are now using the calorie shifting method and many are recording amazing results. Weight loss forums are packed with members saying they've lost over the 9 pounds in 11 days that the diet promises and all these users can't be wrong.

The flat belly diet is one of the few ( if not the only ) diets around at the moment which combines fast, safe and continuous weight loss and for that it has to be recommended for anyone looking to lose weight and get a flat belly.

For more details on the calorie shifting diet and a review of the method visit here.

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. Click here.

Laxatives For Weight Loss

Laxatives are initially used to cure constipation and such. But nowadays, these laxatives are selling hot off the shelves for the purpose of weight loss. Many women now view laxatives as the new weight loss pill and they are popping them in desperate attempt to get the desired figure.

When these laxatives are taken in excess, they can cause several side effects such as bloody diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. It is definitely not an ideal way to a healthy and long lasting weight loss.

The purpose of the laxative is to increase the bowel activity. At the same time, they would disallow the large intestine to absorb food. If these laxatives are taken in large amount over a greater period of time, it can lead to greasy diarrhea, and hence resulting in weight loss. However, one must remember that the consumption laxatives can also cause damage to certain organs of the body.

These laxatives help to remove water from the system, hence causing rapid weight loss. But the weight loss is only temporary. As you re-hydrate your body, the weight will come back in an instant. At the same time, if your body gets too dehydrated, you might suffer from other very serious health problems.

Laxatives consumers failed to realize that they actually lose more than just their weight. There are so many health risks relating to the consumption of laxatives and many of these are fatal. A study conducted by the Eating Disorders Association stated that 1 out of 5 women consumed weight-inducing laxatives. The figures for male consumers were much less. More appalling is the fact that most laxative users remain unaware of its massive health risks especially since laxatives are relatively cheap and can be easily purchased anywhere.

The most popular laxative product available in the market takes the form of tea. These form of laxatives are very affordable. Slimming tea and dieter's tea may seem to be very effective, but what they failed to know is that it can actually harm them. These products help to ensure swift bowel movement and aids in the removal of toxins. It is best if one choose a slimming tea that is made up of herbal products, as they can be quite beneficial.

These laxatives in the form of slimming teas does not have a direct effect on the woman's fertility and menstrual cycle, but they should watch out as drinking these can cause them to shed off weight rapidly, and this can be very unhealthy and dangerous for their body.

These laxatives have more negative effects than the positives. It is best if one does not consider taking laxatives as part of losing weight the easy way. Laxatives and weight loss is a lethal combination and it does not work! So, do try to avoid it at all costs.

Choosing Supplements for Diet can be a confusing journey when you embark on your weight loss journey. Click Here for more information of how you can make the right decisions

Are Your Loved Ones Hindering Your Weight Loss Efforts?

Sometimes our loved ones can hinder our weight loss goals. Often times their intention is not to hinder us.

For example, I love donuts. There was a time in my life when I simply could not say "no" to them. I would wind up binging on them - I could eat 4 to 6 donuts with no problem at all.

I began a weight loss program. I was following my plan to the tee. Then on Saturday morning, my husband brought home some donuts. "Here honey, I thought you'd enjoy these." I devoured every last crumb.

My husbands intention was not to make me go off plan. He wasn't even thinking that I was trying to lose weight. He simply wanted to do something nice for me.

Your loved ones could be hindering you by tempting you with seconds, cooking your favorite foods, or buying your favorite ice cream.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Identify your loved ones behavior that is sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
  2. Identify your loved ones reasons for that behavior.
    • Are they trying to do something nice for you?
    • Do they feel appreciated when you eat their cooking?
    • Are they bringing in the ice cream for themselves, not realizing that is making you lose track of your goals?
  3. Tell your loved one what you need from him/her.

You need to be assertive. Tell them exactly what you need from him/her and why. I told my husband ...

"I really appreciate the fact that you love me so much, that you brought donuts home. However as I can't seem to say "no" to them, I would appreciate it even more if you could restrain from bringing them home. A hug from you lets me know how much you care and appreciate me."

I told him in exactly what I needed and why. I showed him I appreciated his gesture, and gave him an alternative action so that his needs would be met as well.

If you are a little apprehensive about approaching your loved one, ask yourself why. It's probably one of two reasons:

  1. You like having someone to blame for your failures. It's easy to say, "I keep blowing it because my wife is such a good cook and demands I eat seconds." Or "My husband is so nice to me he keeps buying me donuts, if I tell him to stop, he may never buy me anything again." If this is you, you need to decide how important reaching your goal really is. Take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming others.

  2. You don't know how to approach them or you don't want to hurt their feelings. If this is the case then you need to practice ... in front of the mirror, to a friend, or even to the dog. Picture yourself telling your loved one exactly what you need from him/her to help you achieve your goals.

Remember, more than anything else, your loved ones want YOU to be HAPPY and HEALTHY, and will do anything in their power to help you achieve your goals.

Cindy Holbrook has been interested in fitness and nutrition most of her life. Visit her website http://HonestDietReviews.com For a variety of weight loss articles, tips and tricks. Read Diet Reviews to find the right diet for you. Don't forget to read http://honestdietreviews.com Mikes Story - Cindys husband and the inspiration for her website. Mike has lost over One Hundred Pounds!

Healthy Weight Loss Tips for Lifelong Success

Losing weight is never easy. It takes hard work and a new way of thinking. Perhaps you've tried one diet after another only to be disappointed by more weight gain. Fortunately, there are healthy ways to lose weight and keep it off. Use the healthy weight loss tips below to get started on the road to lifelong weight success.

Get Creative with Your Diet Plan

Think about your diet for a moment. Are strict regimen diets going to work when you're so accustomed to eating what you want when you want? Do you have time and money to plan meals that require many ingredients that you've never even heard of? If not, then you probably won't last long on many diet plans. When you determine that it's time to lose weight, use the foods you already eat to your advantage - even the fattening ones. Don't cut them out altogether, just eat smarter!

Try eating your favorite items in smaller portions along with a new tasty food that's healthy. For example, if your favorite meal is two cheeseburgers with fried potatoes, turn this into a healthier meal by eating only one cheeseburger, boil a potato for 45 minutes (tastes great with ketchup), and add a couple of vegetables such as green beans and corn to your meal.

You're actually getting more foods and adding good nutrition, but eating smaller portions of the fattening ones. The potatoes taste just as good boiled as they do fried but are much healthier!

Add Protein-Rich Foods or Protein Shakes to Your Diet

Another way to achieve healthy weight loss is to add protein-rich foods to your diet or drink protein shakes as snacks or replacement meals. There are even special diets and companies where you can get protein shakes customized for your body's nutritional needs. Examples include the La Bamba diet, Shapeworks, Herbalife products, and so forth. With La Bamba Herbalife diets, you will use protein to get off extra pounds quickly. With other protein diets, you can drink protein shakes and take protein supplements for long-term dieting. It depends on your particular weight loss needs.

Protein helps your body to burn the calories you eat throughout the day so your body does not continuously store fat in unwanted areas. Protein also helps build and preserve lean muscle mass.

Drink Plenty of Water for Healthy Weight Loss

Water is essential to a healthy weight loss plan. Water hydrates the body and organs. It gives you energy and helps you to fill full throughout the day. Water also helps your skin and cells. No matter what type of diet you choose, be sure to drink around six to eight glasses of water per day.

The benefits of healthy weight loss are many: lower blood pressure, better figure, more energy, healthier heart and organs, less stress on bones, joints, and muscles, and less mental stress.

*Note: As with any diet plan, consult with a physician to be sure there are no health risks when trying a new diet. If you have health conditions that would prevent you from eating certain foods, then find a diet that will be safe for you.

Use the tips above to take back control of your weight and live life to the fullest!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Healthy Weight Loss Tips or Majon's Health and Beauty directory

The Real Weight Loss Secret

Look around and you will see that you are surrounded by weight loss "secrets", diet pills that imply they can do it all for you, drinks that will "help" you lose weight, doctors with "secret weight loss formulas", fad diets that promise all kinds of wonderful weight loss effects...you can't help but wonder who's telling you the truth. Then there's the biggest question of all. Is there such a thing as a weight loss secret?

Something is only a "secret" as long as no one knows about it. The "truth" about weight loss has been known for a long time, so it's not really a secret.

If you take a look at the label of most diet pills, drinks, meal substitutes, diet books, and other weight loss problem, you will begin to notice that they often have one thing in common. Again and again, they have statements that say something to the effect of "...when used with exercise and proper nutrition."

The secret is, that most, if not all of these diet products at best only ASSIST in what nature can do almost perfectly well without their help!

The basic biology and physics of weight gain and weight loss has been known for years! Even if your math wasn't too good in school, this equation is easy. Take in more calories than you burn...you gain weight. Burn more calories than you take in...you lose weight. The problem, and it's not a secret, is that we are human!


There is nothing wrong with BEING human. In fact, sometimes I even talk to one. I have a couple of human friends, one lives next door (I think), and I would even let my daughter marry one. The problem is that each human is, as Sister Mary Fides used to drum into our teenage human skulls, unique. This means that if I show you the perfect weight loss program and it works like a charm for you, your next door neighbor might have a problem making that exact program work for her or him.


As Shakespeare has Cassius say in Julius Caesar, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves...!"

Now, I am NOT saying that it is YOUR FAULT, per se, but the difficulty of making one magic thing, even the perfect weight loss program, lies in the very uniqueness that makes us so human.

One person inherits some genes that tend to make them fatter than others. Another person would have been a lot smaller, but they were raised in a home where a type of cooking or lifestyle was common that encouraged them to grow fatter. Someone else experiences some severe emotional ups and downs that contribute to bad eating habits that cause them to gain weight. Nature designed some chemical changes in our bodies to meet certain needs, and we changed OUR natural surroundings so that these changes now work against us rather than serving us. And if any one of those isn't enough, most people who are overweight actually have more than one of these things going on, and some of them actually increase the affect of other contributing factors!

We have other differences that make it difficult to create a one-size-fits-all weight loss program. Your brother-in-law loves to work out with weights, but that bores you to tears. Your neighbor has a Bowflex and you think it is great, but you travel a lot and can't figure out how to take a Bowflex with you! Your cousin lost a lot of weight on a certain diet, but your metabolism is different, and you didn't really lose any weight when you tried it. In fact, you tried diet after diet and actually GAINED weight! By the way, it is fairly common to gain weight when you try a lot of different diets. It's slightly complicated to go into here, but often when you go on a diet and then come back off of it, your body has learned to get by on fewer calories. Once you go back to eating like you used to, it now has extra calories to store as fat. Remember our equations up above?

There are also many people who want the "lose 30 pounds in 30 days" promise to be true. They have been so upset over their weight for so long that they want to believe that almost any claim is true, no matter how silly it seems, or how dangerous to their health it actually is!


Probably, you (and I) could stand to cut some of the calories out of our daily diet. However, there is a point at which the body resets some internal bells and whistles, and we may actually begin to gain weight. Also, cutting out food means cutting out the nutritional elements our body needs to be healthy.


That was the other side of the equation, wasn't it? Well, you're absolutely correct, and I would begin to worry about you if you did. You don't have to go to that extreme. There is a solution.


Nope! I'm too lazy for that, but YOU can sign on as your personal trainer. That is, you can do a little experimentation, find some activities you like and begin doing one or more of them on a regular basis...three or four times a week, let's say. You could garden, ride a bike, play with the kids or grandkids, take a walk, do some yoga, lift weights...the list goes on. You don't have to do all of them every day, and if you find one you really like, you can do it several times a week if you want. One thing to remember, of course, is that you should ease into any program and only increase it once you are sure that you are fine at the level you are at...and then, increase it gradually. I've seen some champion bodybuilders who started out lifting just the barbell with no weights on it at all, and I know of runners who started out by walking to the mailbox and back. In the army, I used to run six miles or more, but when I started running, I barely got a block down the road before I had to drop back to walking.

Start making some small changes to your diet as well. I am using the word "diet" in this case to mean the things you eat, not some particular diet. Start popping a multivitamin every day. You may find that helps make you feel a tiny bit more energetic. Cut out sugar. As much as I don't like artificial sweeteners, they are probably going to be better for you than sugar. If, like me, you worry about the effects of artificial sweeteners, try stevia. My wife and I have been using it for some time. It took a little getting used to, but I have noticed a definite decrease in heartburn and carb cravings.

Educate yourself about nutrition and exercise. You don't have to take a college course. If you are reading this online, you can go to webmd.com or mayoclinic.com/ and get a lot of great health, fitness, and weight loss information.

Read food labels, and start thinking about what you are putting in your mouth. Most of us can look at some foods and realize that they might not be good for us, at least not in large quantities, so cut you portion sizes. Don't know what a portion size is? Look on the label!

Stay away from prepackaged foods, junk food, fast food, or learn enough about them to make intelligent choices.


This is where I'm supposed to tell you to decide to lose X number of pounds in Y number of days, right? Wrong. This is where I tell you to start setting some performance goals about how you are going to try to live. I say "try" because you WILL slip from time to time, and there will be times you will just have to make do in a situation and eat that Big Mac, darn it! Go ahead, make the sacrifice and eat it, but then get back on the wagon. Don't worry about a Big Mac or a single bowl of ice cream or even a binge after you catch him/her cheating on you. The occasional dietary sin will not send you plunging back into fat hell...unless you let it.


Grow up, take charge, and quit looking around for someone or something to blame. Oh, maybe there are a lot of reasons why you got fat, and maybe they are reasons that you had no control over, but the point is that losing weight is going to happen today and tomorrow, and it is going to depend on the future choices you make, not on what the past has done to you. My father, who was a good man otherwise, was an alcoholic. I cannot let that change who I am going to be today or tomorrow, unless I use it as an incentive to be better because of it.

The author is retired from the Army after 21 years of service, has worked as an accountant, optical lab manager, restaurant manager, and instructor. He has been a member of Mensa for several years, and has written and published poetry, essays, and articles on various subjects for the last 40 years. He developed an interest in health and fitness in the '70s after reading numerous books, including Dr. Kenneth Cooper's "Aerobics". This has led him to continue his personal research into health and fitness for over 30 years, and to pursue course work on the subjects of health and fitness, including yoga, which he practices regularly. Learn more about vitamins and weight loss.

Motivation for Sustained Weight Loss

Here are the useful steps for motivation for weight loss and sustaining it:

  • When you want to go on a diet/exercise program, do it for YOUR WELL BEING, YOUR HEALTH and not just because you want to impress somebody, or your partner insists that you do so, etc.

  • Because if you go in for the wrong reasons, you tend to take up extreme quick fixes fad diets that works short term but cannot sustain you for long term. And when your diet plan failed to deliver the desired results, remember, it's not that you have no willpower- it's likely the plan's impractical or unrealistic to follow.

  • But still, initially, cut down as much as you can on sugar and refined carbs: especially if you tend to suffer from constant fatigue, lethargy & mood swings from bad eating habits for long.

  • But you can take your sugar sources from fruits. When I started, I bring a Tupperware to work filled to the brim with fruits- I was snacking the whole day on fruits- that makes me feeling less deprived.

  • At home, arrange fresh fruits in nice plates/baskets and place at a highly visible place. Put chocolates and cookies at places where you cannot see them.

  • Start an exercise program at the same time. If it is not convenient for you to join a gym, then get into an exercise program- buy DVDs, exercise bikes, daily brisk walks, check out YouTube for exercise videos. Any activity to get you going- start small and the well being that you feel will make you slowly increase.

  • Weight training really helps- you built up muscles (and if you are a woman, need not worry, you will not bulk up) which in turn increases your endurance during cardio activity. Ultimately this makes you burn up more and more calories per workout. During the time you are not exercising, you also feel less tired, your metabolic rate goes up and carrying things becomes much easier than it used to.

Continuous Sustenance:

  • After your body stabilizes and you regain good health (from exercise & sensible eating), you can squeeze in a cookie or a piece chocolate after a meal- but try to keep the portions real small. I believe if we were to totally deprive ourselves of our favourite foods, we are setting our self up for failure because we will end up binging and hate ourselves afterward.

  • Accompany your little indulgence with lots of citrus fruits (especially grapefruit)/raw vegetables preferably taken before the indulgence. If you do that, it reduces your sugar blues (mood swings, dizziness that happens as the result of rapid rise and drop in blood sugar levels). The fibre and low GI index of the fruit/vegetables helps stabilize your blood sugar levels. With this, I do not mean eating a packet of M&M and then eat an orange. It's more that limit yourself about 3 M&Ms and a grapefruit. Do not worry, after a while, it becomes a habit- you would incorporate any indulgence with fruits/vegetables.

  • Learn also to eat with more mindfulness and awareness. Note how your body feel after the food. After a while, you will be conscious that your body are not that well when you start shoving unhealthy, fatty, greasy and highly processed food into it. And that will make you put down your spoon after the first few bites.

  • Learn to conquer emotional eating ie eating food for comfort. Have courage to confront underlying issues that may be bothering you or making you unhappy. Filling your self with junk because you feel 'empty' will not solve your problems- in fact, it will end up making you feel much worst and you will likely resent yourself after that. Bottled feelings/ stress, coupled with bad eating habits can led to many diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes and cancer- these cases are evident and most of us would have personally known people who suffer from these illness.

Yin Teing takes health and well being seriously. She does lots of research, and most often, uses her own self as a subject of experimentation. She genuinely love to share her discoveries with others and hope to help others through her research and writings.

For more of her research & writings, you can visit her blog at http://teingdesign.blogspot.com or http://goodbyesugar.blogspot.com

Free Tips on Losing Weight

Here are a few free tips on losing weight that really work. Starting with your behavior, you need to start thinking thin and realizing that weight loss begins in your mind. Keep a positive attitude, set realistic weight loss goals, keep a food journal and begin an exercise routine you can live with.

To lose weight you have to cut your calorie intake by 500 calories a day. A little secret weight loss tip is you don't have to cut them all from your food. If you eat 250 calories less food you can burn the other 250 calories by walking for 30 to 45 minutes a day. In a week, you will have lost about 1 pound. Over time, these small changes will add up to a healthier, happier and lighter you.

Below are some of the best healthy weight loss tips to keep you moving toward your weight loss goals:

Eat breakfast every day. Eat whole grains with at least 2 grams of fiber.

Eat some dairy like yogurt or milk, it can help rev up your metabolism.

Drink water and keep hydrated, add a twist of lime to zest up the flavor.

Be aware of white foods, choose fruits and vegetables with bright colors.

Be cautious about bread, choose high fiber, whole grain loaves.

Have an apple before dinner, it fills you up and provides lots of fiber.

Keep moving, dance around the house while making the bed and doing chores.

Brush your teeth after meals or have a breath mint, it helps to stop the urge to eat.

Losing weight is not something that happens overnight just like gaining weight is not an overnight occurrence. Developing the right mind set and determination to achieving your weight loss goal along with a few sensible behavior changes will send you well on your way to achieving success.

Understand how your thoughts, life experiences and attitudes about food and exercise influence your mind into making lasting lifestyle changes for long term success. I hope these free tips on losing weight will start you on your way.

Copyright 2005 Treadmill Info.com All Rights Reserved.

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