Easy Diet

Saturday, May 17, 2008

How to Get Six Pack Abs Fast

It is just about everyone's desire to have six pack abs. And they want to know how to get six pack abs fast.

I am going to explain some things to you that will help you understand how you to get sleek and sexy abs, and how you may be able to get them faster than you ever thought possible.

The first thing that you need to realize is that it takes hard work to get six pack abs. If you have been trying for a while, you know that this is true. What you don't know is that the work you are doing is probably the wrong way to achieve your goal.

A lot of people think that doing more and more crunches will help you get rid of stomach fat and reveal the muscles underneath. This just isn't the case in most situations. The fact is that crunches and sit-ups will not burn fat, so you will not see any results any time soon.

What you need to concentrate on is getting rid of the fat while doing exercises that target the ab muscles more than regular exercises. The ab muscles are the hardest to develop because most people do not know what they are doing wrong. And the fact is that over 90% of people working on their abs are doing it all wrong.

If you want to get great results, you really need to concentrate more on losing the belly fat rather than the exercises. The exercising is what make your abs visible, but they do not good if you do not know how to properly get rid of the fat that they are hiding behind.

How many times have you been at the gym and seen a true flat stomach? Most people just don't have it because they have a small amount of fat that just will not go away...or so it seems. The truth is that they don't know what to do to get rid of it.

Then, once you get rid of the belly fat, you need to concentrate on exercises that really target the ab muscles, and give them the best workout possible. Things like crunches and sit-ups are not going to cut it. You need to think along the lines of exercises like the air bike, leg pull ins, leg raises, etc.

So, if you really want to know how to get six pack abs fast, you need to know........

The Truth About Six Pack Abs

If you really want to find out exactly what you need to do in order to get six pack abs fast... Click Here

Steps For Weight Loss

You have to finish an important project in two hours, so you head to the vending machine for a high-calorie treat. You're stuck in traffic with an important meeting merely minutes away, and you start biting your nails. You know you should get to bed and get some sleep, but you can't seem to pull yourself away from the television. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you? If so, you are in the throes of stress relieving bad habits.

Habits are reoccurring, probably unconscious patterns of behavior. Everyone has habits. Positive habits provide structure, stability, and security. Good habits include healthy eating, exercising, journaling, or talking with a friend can relieve stress. Negative habits can be self-destructive, and have a negative pull on our self-esteem and self-worth. Bad habits often include stress eating to calm or alleviate stress.

Unfortunately bad habits serve a purpose in our lives. They are unhealthy coping strategies that have an immediate payoff. The short-term payoff includes alleviation of stress, calm our nerves, and provide a distraction or escape from a bothersome situation or feelings. The long-term impacts are weight gain, unattractive nails, and fatigue. When the long-term impacts interfere with your life, you need to change your habit. You need to find healthy coping strategies that provide the short-term payoff you need.

Your awareness and desire to change a life interrupting habit can be immediate. You make the decision that you are tired of a certain habit or behavior and you are committed to its replacement. Alternatively, you may have the desire to change a bad habit and need a step-by-step plan. If either of these happen to you, it's time to move forward with your habit replacement.

Step 1: Name it! Define the habit. Before you can make any change, you must identify for yourself the reason for the habit. What is the payoff to you with the habit? Bad habits usually serve a hidden purpose we don't recognize. They can serve as a buffer for uncomfortable emotions or even calm anxiety.

Step 2: Commit! Make a full commitment to changing this habit. Arm yourself with inspiration to sustain motivation. Motivation has levels. Prepare for those days when motivation is low and you're tempted to resort back to the bad habit. Whatever motivates and inspires you, make a fall-back plan to use those tools when you need a jolt of extra motivation in breaking the bad habit.

Step 3: Set short-term and long-term goals. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to lose 50 pounds? Break your goal of losing 50 pounds into small increments that are reasonable to accomplish. You don't want to become overwhelmed. You aren't going to lose 50 pounds in a mere two months.

Step 4: Identify and eliminate your triggers. Is a certain food item a problem for you? When you hit the door from work, do you ahead straight for the kitchen to reach for that comfort food to calm you from your day? If so, don't have that trigger food in your house. Have healthy snack alternatives readily available for you. Alternatively, grab the family and take a walk to connect after you come home. When quitting a bad habit, set up your surroundings to support you.

Step 5: Get support. Ask for support from your family and friends that are important to you. Changing a bad habit is more successful if you have a support system in place. If you want to lose weight, a very effective means of support is to hire a weight loss coach. A weight loss coach will provide the support you need. Your coach can assist you to create a program personal to you that will assist in changing your habits to support your goals.

Step 6: If you give up a bad habit that has provided you with a payoff, you need to replace it with a positive one. A good habit, like eating differently to lose weight, exercising or using relaxation techniques, can help you manage stress in a healthy way. If you want to cut back on eating late at night, replace it with a hobby such as word puzzles or counted cross-stitching to busy your hands. Replacing a bad habit with a new, positive habit is important to maximize your success. Before you know it, the bad habit will no longer appeal to you and the positive habit will be second nature and natural.

Step 7: Give yourself rewards. When you achieve a weight loss of 5 pounds, reward yourself. For 10 pounds, buy a magazine subscription that will support your new habit. For a larger weight loss of 20 pounds, reward yourself with a new outfit or pair of smaller jeans. You definitely deserve one as you keep to your goals and replacing a bad habit with a new, positive one. Remember to have your reward reflect your goal. For losing weight, reward yourself with non-food rewards.

Step 8: Accept plateaus. Recognize that plateaus are part of the process. Motivation is high as you start to change a habit. When a plateau occurs and nothing seems to happen. You might even want to return to the payoffs provided by the bad habit. However, plateaus are our way of adjusting and becoming accustomed to the new, positive habit. Your process will continue steadily with possible plateaus of adjustment. During a plateau, you can become discouraged and want to quit because you're not making the progress you want. If you expect this as a part of the transition, you'll be prepared to stay with your goal.

Step 9: Give credit to yourself for your decision to change a bad habit. Be kind to yourself. Having a bad habit isn't a judgment about you as a person. It means that you've created a bad habit that isn't working for you any longer. It is reflective that you're now aware of your desire to have a better, more fulfilled life and happier by replacing the bad habit. Acknowledge your own personal growth.

Bad habits such as compulsive overeating have payoffs. Recognize how a bad habit limits your life. Follow these steps to ditch a bad habit and step up to habits that allow you to reach your weight loss and maintain your weight loss goal.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.

Visit Cathy's website: http://www.LoseWeightFindLife.com

A New Year, A New Body - Be Resolute and Ensure Those Personal Promises Are Kept

For most people, the Christmas period is a time of eating, drinking, sleeping and generally lazing around. After all, it's been a long, hard year so why not indulge, right?

Of course, it would be difficult to argue with this. There is no better way of relaxing and unwinding with family and friends at a time of year that is not only meant for reflection on the year just gone, but also for looking to the new year ahead.

Indeed, following this short period of hedonism at Christmas, many people choose to counteract it by making resolutions to turn over a new leaf in the new year and get fit, lose weight, give up smoking or even all three. Of course, no reminders are needed as to the difficulties countless numbers of people face in keeping these personal promises.

Why many people fail though, is because of the psychological barrier created by the excessiveness of Christmas consumption, meaning that they are already 'behind' schedule by the time the resolution even starts. This scenario is avoidable though, if the correct preparations are made in the build-up to Christmas. And the key lies in starting the resolution BEFORE Christmas and new year.

If we begin with the assumption that Christmas WILL be excessive, then that's a good start, as this is the hardest time of year to fight temptation.

In the month or so before the festive period, start calming down on the chocolate, burgers and beer and start walking more. Not only will this help drop a few pounds on the waist, it will also help save a few pounds in the wallet, in the build-up to what is usually a costly period. Don't join a gym yet though, as the best deals are often found in the new year, when fitness centres try and compete for the business of all the other resolution-makers.

This first step should hopefully negate at least some of the effects of Christmas, meaning there is less ground to make up when the new year starts.

But there are also other easy body toning techniques that can be used in the build up to the festive period. The Slendertone system, for example, uses EMS (electro muscle stimulators) technology to help tone and shape the body muscles. This system can be used at work, at home or on the move, and visible results can be expected in 4 to 8 weeks. If this system is used in conjunction with some light exercise and a healthier diet, in the month leading up to the festive period and a month after, the visible results will ensure that the 'get fit, lose weight' new year resolution stands a vastly improved chance of succeeding.

For most people, Christmas is a time of little exercise and excessive consumption, and there is little point in trying to fight this. To maximise the chances of a successful 'get fit, lose weight' new year resolution, plan ahead in the build up to the festive period and ensure that there is no ground to make up due to too much turkey and wine. Follow these simple steps and the new year should bring that long-awaited new, shapely body.

Andrew Regan is an online, freelance author from Scotland. He is a keen rugby player and enjoys travelling.

Natural Rapid Weight Loss Ideas - Whole Grains for Weight Loss

Many research studies have shown that adding whole grains to your diet can have a significant improvement on your weight loss goals as well as providing many beneficial nutrients for good health. For some dieters, whole grains and what they are and what they are not can be confusing. Currently there is an emphasis on carbohydrates and their relationship to weight gain. This article will clear up some of the confusion by illustrating that whole grains help with weight loss, that not all carbohydrates are created equal, what natural whole grains you can add to your diet for rapid weight loss, and what health benefits these grains provide.

Let's start with what whole grains are and what they are not. Whole grains are cereal grains where the entire grain and all its vital nutrients are left intact. They are not processed as refined grains are. Grains that have been processed and refined are left with little nutritional value.

Natural whole grains are complex carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are broken down more slowly and release energy more slowly. Simple carbohydrates are those made with refined grains found in many processed foods and baked goods, are high in sugars and fats, and break down faster which results in insulin production. The increase in insulin production triggers the body to convert the carbs into fat and stores it. Whole grains regulate insulin levels that eliminate hunger pangs and provide a feeling of fullness that reduces food cravings.

Natural whole grains you can add to your diet are:


Wheat germ


Brown rice

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah)


Pearl Barley

These grains are a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, are high in fiber and plant based protein, high in iron and other minerals. Whole grains also are part of a heart healthy diet. They are linked to the reduction of cholesterol levels, insulin regulation, are a good source of energy producing B vitamins as well as immunity boosting from vitamin E, manganese and zinc, and the prevention of some cancers.

They can be added to your healthy diet quite easily. Flaxseeds should be purchased whole and ground only when needed. Ground flaxseeds and wheat germ can be added to cereals, oatmeal, yogurt, pancake and muffin batters, and quick breads.

Quinoa is a grain that is bursting with healthy nutrients, minerals, and is considered a complete protein because it contains 8 essential amino acids. Quinoa can be prepared like rice and be substituted for couscous, rice dishes, and barley in soups and stews.

Natural whole grain foods should be added to any diet for rapid weight loss and a healthy eating lifestyle. These whole grains provide important health promoting benefits, reduce food cravings, and regulate blood sugar levels and burn calories more efficiently. So why not make whole grains a part of your weight loss diet.

For rapid weight loss ideas, and the 10 Changes to Your Diet that you can make right NOW for immediate results, visit Healthy Fast Weight Loss.

Finding a Weight Loss Partner

When you first begin to diet it is hard to break old habits and begin forming new habits. This is where a weight loss partner comes in. Your diet partner will help keep you on track and hold you accountable for your food intake and your exercise plan.

Your diet partner will help you to stay motivated. You can plan to exercise together at a set time each day. This will keep you accountable and motivated. It is harder to give your weight loss partner a week excuse as to why you can not exercise than it is to convince yourself that you should just skip a day.

Diet partners also offer a great support system when it comes to sticking to a diet. It is easy to cheat on a diet especially if you feel you are going it alone. Your weight loss partner will help you to stay on track and listen when you do fall off the wagon.

You may also find that you end up with just a bit of competition when it comes to dieting with a partner. If you have a week where your partner has lost more weight than you or exercised more than you, you may just have to get moving and try and win next week.

Your partner will also add a bit of fun to dieting. You can work together to find fun new recipes and laugh when you goof up that new recipe. It is also a lot of fun to take a walk and tell silly jokes on the way. Set up one day each week where it is joke day and your entire exercise time is spent telling silly jokes while walking.

Friendships are built around common experience. You will find that your weight loss partner may just become your new best friend. As your lifestyle choices change so will your diet partners. It is always easier to do it with a friend.

Just remember to keep up the good work and have fun with your diet partner.

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and overweight? Now is the time to take action. Click on http://www.buydietfood.com and get started today with the new you. Look for great diet tips and ways to make dieting easier and more fun at http://www.buydietfood.com

Top Fat Loss Secret

World famous TV lady doctor comes forth and blows the lid off the conspiracy to keeping you unhealthy, fat and just plain sick.

According to her research there is a way of losing weight without having to exercise or diet. She has found that there is disgusting plaque and horrible little critters living in your guts. In her program she will show you how to get rid of this plaque and enable you to lose between 25lb - 100lb depending on how much weight you need to lose.

In this program it will help you to:

Lose weight
Live longer
Feel great
Get rid of any conditions
Stay fit, feeling good, looking younger and more vitalized

Her program will even help with any diseases or sickness you may have. Everyone has these worms living in their bowels, they develop by you eating any sort of poorly cooked fish. Just by doing this worms can form in a couple of weeks of eating the fish, once the worms or parasites are in you bowel they lay eggs in the thousands. This alone will make you overweight and in the long run can make you sick.

After that you can develop different diseases, this is why it is so important to get rid of these parasites and clean out your insides. I bet you did not know you could do that much damage to yourself just by eating some bad fish once.

To rid yourself of these horrible worms and lose loads of weight check out this great program.

View http://megaweightlossplan.com/exercise/top-secret-fat-loss-secret

Ian Bennett operates http://www.megaweightlossplan.com, a blog about weight loss. He loves giving away stuff and right now when you sign up you will get a great Newsletter. And its all FREE!

Check it out at: http://www.megaweightlossplan.com

How To Get 6 Pack Abs - 7 Sizzling Abs Tips That'll Help You Lose Weight In Record Time!

Do you want to know how to get 6 pack abs like the pros?

Many men and women all other the world desperately want to know how to get 6 pack abs.

Here are 7 tips that will help you tremendously.

1. Drink a lot of water

To build a powerful abdominal structure, you need to drink a lot of water. It is recommended to drink according to your body weight.

2. Body weight exercise

While you want to work on your 6 pack abs, you will also work other parts of your body like the chest, the legs and most importantly your lower back.

Many beginners fail to follow an exercise routine for the lower back, and you absolutely need to avoid this.


Because if you don't train your lower back along with your abs, you will be subject to injuries in the futures.

3. Aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises are good to burn the fat. I'm talking about the static bike and other similar machines.

4. Abs exercises

If you are a complete beginner and want to lose your belly fat to get your most wanted 6 pack abs, you will start to practice an exercise called crunch.

5. Diet

What many people don't know is that doing crunches and other sit ups are not enough to burn the belly fat and get a superb flat stomach.

A good diet is highly important. There are a lot of reviews of diet programs to lose weight on the Internet and you want to spend some time reading some of the websites on this subject.

6. Motivation

Motivation may be the most important aspect of your wonderful abs plan. If you want to get in shape, you will need to be highly motivated.

7. Partner

A good partner will help you to get result faster.

Finally! Discover a powerful weight loss system used by thousands of bodybuilders and people around the world to obtain low-low body fat level. Learn how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good when you visit: http://www.positiveattitude4life.com

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

Weight Loss: You Are What You Think!

Most of us know and have heard the phrase, You are what you eat. However, is it possible that another phrase also applies? You are what you THINK. Yes, it is very possible that this phrase is also an accurate representation of how our perceptions and expectations affect our body and overall health.

We are just beginning to understand how the mind and our beliefs affect out body and how it responds to illness. However there is currently enough documented evidence to prove that the mind does in fact affect our body. The key behind all of these studies seems to be perception or expectation. Those individuals with positive perceptions of an event and positive expectations seem to create that reality while the same seems to be true of those with negative perceptions and expectations.

If we allow for this possibility then we must consider what it is we believe about ourselves and how we feel about the life we are leading. If we have a perception of ourselves and our life that is negative then it will tend to manifest itself eventually in one way or another. This often takes place with people who are unhappy with their life but yet afraid to make changes. When they do not take action the body itself seems to create an illness to bring about the change they seemed unable to do for themselves.

Deepak Chopra has spent numerous years studying this aspect of wellness and I highly recommend that anyone wanting to explore this field of research read his books. The book I have found most helpful is Unconditional Life. He gives many case studies of individuals who were affected either positively or negatively by their state of mind and the perceptions they had of their illness.

We owe to ourselves to be happy and to be hopeful and to expect the best out of life.

We owe it to ourselves to make the most of the time we are given.

We owe it to ourselves to do the things that we fear and take the steps we are afraid to take.

Life is about expansion and when we cease to expand we become stagnant and stagnation eventually brings about death. This usually happens in the inner life first and then it manifests in the physical life.

For example, someone begins to feel bored, apathetic and depressed about life and this will lead to a withdrawal from contact with other people and then soon thereafter the body itself will begin to manifest symptoms.

You must choose to be happy and to expect the best and to believe in miracles. A favorite quote is the following:

    "Happiness is a way of travel - not a destination"
    --Roy M. Goodman

This is something you should definitely keep in mind not only for the sake of your health but also for your entire experience of life. If you do not like your experience of life then perhaps it is time to change your point of view.

Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry. Sign up for his free 7 Day Weight Loss Course at Symptoms of Heart Attacks and Diabetes

How To Get 6 Pack Abs - 7 Sizzling Abs Tips That'll Help You Lose Weight In Record Time!

Do you want to know how to get 6 pack abs like the pros?

Many men and women all other the world desperately want to know how to get 6 pack abs.

Here are 7 tips that will help you tremendously.

1. Drink a lot of water

To build a powerful abdominal structure, you need to drink a lot of water. It is recommended to drink according to your body weight.

2. Body weight exercise

While you want to work on your 6 pack abs, you will also work other parts of your body like the chest, the legs and most importantly your lower back.

Many beginners fail to follow an exercise routine for the lower back, and you absolutely need to avoid this.


Because if you don't train your lower back along with your abs, you will be subject to injuries in the futures.

3. Aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises are good to burn the fat. I'm talking about the static bike and other similar machines.

4. Abs exercises

If you are a complete beginner and want to lose your belly fat to get your most wanted 6 pack abs, you will start to practice an exercise called crunch.

5. Diet

What many people don't know is that doing crunches and other sit ups are not enough to burn the belly fat and get a superb flat stomach.

A good diet is highly important. There are a lot of reviews of diet programs to lose weight on the Internet and you want to spend some time reading some of the websites on this subject.

6. Motivation

Motivation may be the most important aspect of your wonderful abs plan. If you want to get in shape, you will need to be highly motivated.

7. Partner

A good partner will help you to get result faster.

Finally! Discover a powerful weight loss system used by thousands of bodybuilders and people around the world to obtain low-low body fat level. Learn how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good when you visit: http://www.positiveattitude4life.com

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

Step-By-Step Guide To Quick Weight Loss

If you need a step-by-step guide to quick weight loss, the this article will come as help to you. The most important thing people need to consider when it comes to weight loss is making sure that they can actually keep it off. If you go on type of crash diets you are setting yourself up for failure in the near future. Most of the time these type of diets will actually make you gain back twice the weight. With that being said lets get started, im about to give you a quick run down of how to lose weight and keep it off.

Exercise of course is important, but its only one part of the equation. You need to make sure that you exercise at least 3 times a week. I find it easy to do this if you have some type of schedule, that way you are organized and can actually see your goal. A effective step-by-step guide to quick weight loss would consist of three main concepts.

-Make sure you exercise at least 3 times per week. You should aim to run at least a half mile per day if not more. As always you should consult your doctor before considering any new type of diet or exercise program.

-eat at least 2-5 small meals per day. Make sure these meals are high in fiber and low in fat. When you eat frequently throughout the day it actually raises your metabolism and burns fat throughout the day.

-lift weight lightly as they will help build muscle and even raise your metabolism even more!

I know this article is pretty vague, but in essence these are the 3 keys to losing weight quick and keep it off. You can see a step-by-step guide to quick weight loss in my bio box below if you need more information. Remember that weight loss does not have to be complicated!

John is a self proclaimed Weight Loss Enthusiast. For A Limited Time You Can Get The Top Rated Weight Loss Ebook With Step By Step Instructions At His Site http://www.weightlossrocket.com and see why people say this Step-By-Step Guide To Quick Weight Loss is the best!

Weight Loss Secrets They Don't Want You To know

Ever heard of the phrase, "Rome was not built in a day?" If things started happening just with the flick of our finger, then life would be bliss. It's the case with weight loss too. If the accumulated weight was to be lost in one day then would be not be a dream come true for people who are over weight?

Our human nature is such that we crave for everything that is new on television. It may be a shampoo with extra conditioning or a branded lipstick or eyeliner? The latest addition to the shopping community is Weight Loss products. These are simple and easy to lose, with a guarantee that a lot of weight will be lost. There are these supermodels, who anyway are lean, promoting weight loss products at a nominal price. We instantly fall into the web and order for a sample.

There are these reality shows which encourage over sized people to participate, promising them a leaner body. People rush to these shows only to realize that life is even more difficult. Those who make it, get famous and rich instantly.

Everyone wants to lose weight in a jiffy. You actually think it's possible. The so called weight will come down, but will it last for a long time? There are repercussions on losing weight in simple ways. The quicker the weight loss the more muscle fat we lose.

There has been a lot of discussion on weight and fat. Do any of us even know what the difference between the two is? Weight in simple words means heaviness, mss or load. Fat on the other hand means overweight, plump, chubby and other such Webster meanings. What we all wish to shed is fat. Don't blindly go for the products which promise you quick weight loss in a few days. It's not possible. You have to be aware that with proper nutrition and exercise, we can keep our weight in control and keep it away.

When you feel dull and devastated knowing you are overweight and no longer fit into your favorite jeans. You fight, cry and yell to get something which is the least troublesome way to lose weight. Ho! Behold! a new weight loss advertisement flashes on the screen and you see a silver lining to your problem. You quickly call the tele shopping network and order the product.

What is stated by star fitness gurus is that people do not have what is called patience. They want everything to happen quickly without making an extra effort. It's the hare and the tortoise story here, and the moral being simple. Slow and steady wins the race. With workouts each and everyday, you will shed pounds of fat and that will surely get a twinkle in your eye.

It's better to get into the grip of exercise and nutrition rather than to flip into the web of commercials. Remember All that glitters is not gold, it may be fake, it may be old.

Chris McCombs is a Health and Exercise Specialist in Orange County California. At one time Chris was 143 pounds overweight at which point he looked in the mirror and decided to do something about it. Chris lost the weight and started his own fitness business Positively Fit Inc., an area exclusive life change service.

You can learn more about Chris at http://www.socalworkout.com/

Healthy Natural Weight Loss Program

Here is the prescription for a healthy natural weight loss program.

1/ Eat natural, unprocessed foods.

2/ Exercise

3/ Herbal weight loss supplements.

Now, if it were just that simple everyone would be slim and trim. The truth is that sometimes the simplest things are the most difficult to implement.

Let's start with step 1. This actually contains several parts. First, the secret to losing weight and keeping it off does not involve dieting. Dieting and fad diets product a pendulum effect where you constantly lose weight and gain it back. With a healthy weight loss program what you wish to do is to change your eating habits permanently.

This may involve a little homework. For example, just about everyone knows that eating fast foods is not good for you and contributes to poor health and the gaining of weight. A good first step would be to cut out fast food restaurants. You will see a significant improvement from this alone. It is only a first step.

The important aspect of losing weight and regaining our health is learning what to eat. Personally, I prefer a vegetarian diet. I realize, however, that this does not appeal to everyone. Regardless, it is important to understand that whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds are the stable of our diets. The largest percentage of our diets should come from these food categories.

It is also important to consider that processed and prepared foods are not the best things for us to consume. An important lifestyle change is to purchase whole grains and fresh vegetables and then to prepare them from scratch. You may think that this is inconvenient and does not fit into your present lifestyle. What you have to stop and consider is what do you value, what is the most important to you? Your health and the health of your family depends upon what you eat. Food is the primary building block for our bodies and our health. As such, it should take priority over what we think we enjoy eating and where we eat it.

Step number 2 is exercise. Exercise ideally should be organic. What I mean by that is that walking, jogging, swimming or riding a bicycle is preferable to joining a gym.

Last we have herbal supplements. Why by no means necessary, herbal supplements can be a great way to kick start our weight loss regimen. Choosing the right herbal weight loss supplements is important. The good ones are all natural, safe and effective. You can lose up to 5 to 10 pounds per month without experiencing any serious side effects.

If you have a medical condition or are under a physician's care, please consult with your doctor first.

When you create a program based on the information in this article you will discover that your weight loss will be effortless. It will be the natural by product of healthy lifestyle changes that result in improved health, clarity of mind and a better outlook on life.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/fatburnerreviews/herbal_fat_burners.html where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Death by Jogging

I am going to say this upfront... I absolutely hate those long, endurance cardio such as jogging and marathons...

Not only they are incredibly boring... they can also kill you!

And sure, the boring part is my opinion... I still have friends who swear by jogging.

One of them died several years ago. Man, this guy was the fittest person you would ever know. I mean, he was in shape! He died doing a five mile jog -- from a heart attack. A former NBA basketball player by the name of Dennis Johnson died after finishing his jog -- from a heart attack last year. The head coach of Wake Forest's college basketball team, Skip Prosser, died last year while jogging. It was ruled a heart attack.

And let's not forget Jim Fixx, the guy who pioneered jogging as an health benefit. He died at the age of 52 from a massive heart attack on his daily run over twenty years ago.

And all these men that I mentioned are not the first or the last to die from jogging or running a marathon.

Then there is another friend of mine... and boy, is he healthy for his age -- around fifty! He runs all the time... And I talked with his wife the other day, and it is the usual... if it isn't his knees, it's his ankles. If it isn't his ankles, it's his feet. And now he got incredibly painful, bone spurs in his feet.

Doesn't sound like a lot of fun?

I don't think so!

My personal opinion is that the human body wasn't designed for long distance running. If the saber tooth tiger doesn't get the caveman in the first 30 seconds... then he is probably too far away or up in the tree. No need to "train" your body to run 5-10 miles because that big cat ain't gonna be interested in you that long!

So why run for long distance in the first place? Too push yourself beyond human endurance? Well, you have a lot to lose so why put your heart at risk? Why not save yourself and your loved ones from the pain when you are gone by selecting much better exercise choices?

Here are the "benefits" (sic) that I see so far for long distance running:

* Long hours pounding the pavement that you could spend with your family and friends

* Sore knees, back pain and foot problems

* Expensive visits to the specialists to repair your worn out body

* Weak body -- have you ever seen those skinny, emaciated long distance runners on TV or the sports magazines? Just say no thanks!

So if you HAVE to run marathons and jog for long distances... DO get a full physical from your family doctor. Pay attention to your body while running -- use a hr monitor -- be moderately hydrated during the run.

And then there is another fat loss myth created by jogging...

That myth is probably responsible for most of the misinformation about what exactly you need to do to lose body fat. You see, most of the information we have for cardio is based on the studies on jogging back in the 70s and 80s when jogging was king.

And the message was... to lose that body fat, you must include those long, slow endurance jogging or cardio. Nowadays, we know that is a false message but many folks still believe in it...


And to top that myth, many folks believe you must eat a low-fat, high carbs diet (which incidentally was the rage during the 90s). It meant eating lots of sugary foods with flour. And again, many folks believe this type of diet still holds true...


And now we see the results of these mixed messages -- rising obesity and running injuries... every. single. year!

But there is light at the end of the tunnel... The media is starting to pick up on proven and effective workout methods that are healthy for our heart and burn fat from our bodies.

And those workouts incorporate strength training and interval exercises for muscle power and heart endurance.

We shouldn't leave out the most important thing and that would be (drum roll please...) NUTRITION!

Getting your nutrition right is the key to fat loss...

* Mom was right... eating lots of fruits and vegetables is good for you!

* Good quality and lean source of proteins

* Eating fiber rich carbohydrates that are in the low end of the glycemic index

In short, good nutrition and good exercise choices will give you the body you want without the injuries and fat. And you get to live longer too...

But watch out for the speeding bus anyway, huh?

If you are looking for an effective workout program no matter if you are a beginner or at an advanced fitness level... that is guaranteed to get you in the best shape of your life... then be sure to head over here to find out how you can transform your body into one that will be slim, toned and muscular here:


Recommended fat loss program that rocks!

Weight Loss With Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers believes that dieting is just part of long-term weight management. A healthy life style will result in a healthy body. Weight watchers has achieved lasting success with their weight loss program, and the program now has more flexibility than in past years. We are going to look at a few reasons their program works.

Part of their secret to success is the community involvement. The community in this case is a group of like minded people meeting on a regular bases to share their weight loss wins and failures. It is that feeling your not in this alone or I see what you did and I think I can do the same thing. Their pep rallies ( meeting) are encouraging and motivational.

The weight Watchers point system is probably he best known of their programs. A large number of foods have been evaluated and given a point value. If one stays within there daily point recommendation the chances are good that weight loss will result. Although they have booklets giving the point values of various food,this formula will be of help when the book is not available. Points= calories/50 +fat grams/12 - fiber grams/5'

So how many points are recommended? Weight Watchers provides these guidelines:

Less than 150 pounds = 18-25 Points

150 to 174 pounds = 20-27 Points

175 to 199 pounds = 22-29 Points

200 to 224 pounds = 24-31 Points

225 to 250 pounds = 26-33 Points

Over 250 pounds = 28-35 Points

Plus there some flex points involved. Flex points allow a person to pig out on a special occasion and and not feel that they have abandoned their comment.

Another program is the Core Plan. Basically this plan gives a wide scope on the variety of food recommended and relies on the discipline of the individual to limit the quantity. Most beginning dieters find that the community aspect,discipline and motivation supplied with the Points Plan is an excellent way to begin. When weight loss happens and they feel comfortable with the system, then the Core Plan may be advisable.

Their website (http://www.weightwatchers.com) contains a lot of helpful information. Your favorite recipe can be found changed to abide by the Weight Watchers guidelines. For people to busy to take time for a meeting or if a meeting is not available in you local they also have an online application of their plan.

Although Weight Watchers may not be for everybody the program can be very beneficial as it address the mental, emotional and physical health aspects of dieting. Weight loss is each individuals responsibility. See you at the meeting.

For more interesting articles on dieting and weight loss visit: Weight Loss Tips Site

Defrazzle Your Weight Loss

The only time to eat diet food is while youre waiting for the steak to cook

Julia Child

I hate dieting. It doesnt matter what diet I follow, I gain weight. Its so frustrating! If I do find one that works, I usually find that right about the time Im getting used to the diet, my life ends up creating situations where I need to be eating out a lot, or spending time with friends and food. ARGH!

Ive stopped dieting now. Im just working on healthy lifestyle habits that I can work with anywhere, at any time and that allow for life to happen, so I dont need to panic.

Now, believe me, Im no expert, so check with your doctor before you follow ANY of my advice Im just a fellow mom, trying to get back into pre-baby clothes! I have found some things to be consistent in the myriad of ever-changing diet/health rules, and Id like to share them with you here. So ladies, if you want to lose those extra 10 pounds (or more) that just refuse to disappear, here are some tips that are finally working for me:

Pick Your Time

Weight loss involves very personal issues for most people, and is closely related to their self esteem. It is crucial that you attempt to lose 10 pounds at the appropriate time - at a time where you otherwise feel good and satisfied with your life. If you try and lose 10 pounds during a period of time in your life where you have a lot of stress or other distracting things going on, you drastically increase your chances of failure, which will only make things worse.

Do It With Friends

A great and fun way to help you stick with your plan is to undertake your project of losing 10 pounds with a friend. Not only will you be able to provide support for each other and track each other's progress, but you'll be able to engage in fun exercise activities together.

Make Your Plan Realistic

It's important that you set achievable goals for yourself. For example, with just some basic changes in your lifestyle and eating habits, you can lose 1 pound a week. There's no need to be in a huge rush to lose weight, and trying to lose weight quickly often requires a regimen that is difficult to keep up. For most people, it is healthier to lose weight slowly than with drastic dietary changes.

Exercise in the Morning on an Empty Stomach

There are two main reasons why you can more easily lose 10 pounds by exercising in the morning. The first has to do with the fact that it is much easier to build into your daily routine. One of the keys to losing weight by exercise is to do it regularly, which many people find difficult: it's always hard to find time. So a great reason for exercising in the morning is that you'll have very little distraction. In many ways, you are literally "making time" for the exercise by starting your day earlier. The second reason is that if you exercise in the morning on an empty stomach, you're burning energy at a time when your body's carbohydrate levels are the lowest, and therefore more fat will be burned with the same amount of exercise. There have been studies that suggest over 250% more fat is burned when you exercise in this state.

Balance Your Diet

Try as much as possible to balance your diet. This doesn't mean that you have to starve yourself -- rather make a point of getting no more the 30% of your calories from fat. Eat more fruits and vegetables and try to add as much variety to your diet as possible. Try new things, and new meal ideas. A great rule of thumb is to take a 9 plate and divide it into quarters. One quarter is starch/carbohydrate (potatoes, pasta, rice), one quarter is protein (meat, beans, tofu) and half is vegetables.

Keep Track Of Your Progress

The problem with dieting for many people, especially in the early stages, is that even if the diet is working they can't see any results. It's hard to really notice if you lose 1 pound. For this reason it's important that your track your progress, so you can have a good sense of the accomplishments you've made. Dont just track pounds, make sure you are also tracking inches by keeping track of the measurements of the main body areas: bust, waist, hips, thighs, calves, and even your upper arm.

Incorporate Exercise into your Daily Routine

Another good idea is to try and get some exercise while you're at work. Think how often you end up staying in your office on your lunch break. Instead, why not take a walk? It may not seem like much, but if you did that every day, you'd be walking 5 hours a week, which is a pretty great start towards getting some more exercise. On the weekends and in the evenings, take up a sport or an active hobby like hiking. The key is to find ways that you can get exercise while also doing things you enjoy.

You can lose 10 pounds fairly quickly by starting a serious exercise regimen, of course, but that's not necessarily the best way to do it. If you make your exercise like work, it'll start to feel like work, and it will become tempting to put it off and avoid it. If you incorporate exercise into your daily routine, however, it won't seem like work at all - it will be fun. And the best part of all is that the more you exercise the more energy you'll have: instead of being tired when you come home from work, you'll feel like doing something active. Before you know it that 10 pounds you lost might become 20.

So, there you have it! Try implementing one tip a week and making a habit out of it. Youll drop those pounds in no time!

Tipping the scales in your favour!

P.S. Want more weight loss ideas and a community to share frustrations and triumphs? Check out Darlenes March 2006 blog entries at her "Mom-Defrazzler Blog" http://mom-defrazzler.com/Mom-DefrazzlerBlog/nfblog/ (Theres a contest, too!)

Laxative Tea For Weight Loss - Weight Loss Secrets About Laxative Tea They Don't Want You To Know

If you are looking to lose weight and trying to do so by using laxative teas, you are literally endangering yourself in more ways than you probably know.

Laxative teas are probably worse than your regular, over the counter laxatives. Why? Because they taste good and because the are often marketed as harmless and actually beneficial because of their herbal ingredients. Don't be fooled. Laxative teas are dangerous because they can be addicting. Laxative abuse can lead to long term problems and health risks that far out weigh their use. Even at a casual pace.

See, laxatives work in the large intestines, not the small intestine were the majority of calories are stored.

Because laxatives stimulate the large intestine, they produce side effects like runny diarrhea, softening of the bones and intense pain. Worse, if you abuse Laxative Tea for Weightloss, you may find yourself unable to have regular bowel movements and even more terrifying, you could end up wearing a colostomy bag.

Believe it or not, people searching for answers to their weight problem have one thing right. The reason that they can not lose weight is because of the toxin and plaque build up in their bodies. Unfortunately, people are lead to think that these teas will help aid in their removal. But as we have already said, that's where laxatives fall short, they stimulate the large intestine only. The real monster, the real weight loss demon lies within the colon.

You have probably heard the saying, "life and death begin in the colon" well it's true.

People that can't lose weight, and have other chronic illnesses should look to their colon for answers. Parasites and plaque build up in the colon is really what is stopping you from loosing weight. Get rid of this FOR GOOD and the pounds will just melt away.

But don't think for a minute that just by doing a "cleanse" that your problem will go away. There are actually 3 factors to regaining colon health and therefore maintaining the perfect weight for your body.

First, you need to understand why diets don't work--actually we just answered that with the explanation of what lives inside most peoples colons. But here's the thing, how did they get there? What do they live on? And How do I keep them from coming back after I get them out?

These parasites and plaque deposits in your colon are actually what is forcing your body to protect itself with fat. That is why today more than ever, Americans a plagued with love handles, excessive fat under the arms, around the hips and thighs. These fat deposits are your bodies way of trying to protect your organs from these toxins.

Get rid of what's in your colon, don't eat the foods that attract parasites and plaque and balance out your body with the right nutrients. Then, the pounds will melt off and you will never have to worry about finding a dangerous laxative tea for weight loss again!

Visit here for more information on why laxative tea for weight loss don't work. If you want to loose find out how to lose weight without dieting then visit http://www.the-best-weightloss-secret.com

Natural Weight Loss at Home

Modern lifestyles cultivate such habits that are hard to give a skip and to unhealthy practices. Today many view weight control diets as something difficult to practice and that, as something where in you need to keep account of all that you eat. But think of this. Obesity is not fun and good health does not come cheap. Surrendering to quick fix pills like sympathomimetic amine or amphetamine is a serious mistake if you dont consider the side effects. It works by stimulating central nervous system to increase blood pressure and heart beats and thereby reducing appetite. Naturally, you cant compromise on your own health. Look around for a natural way to weight loss.

There are yogic and naturopathic weight loss programs you can adapt. These are systematic by nature and not harsh on your physiology. These systems involve using water predominantly for treatment. Systematic washing/cleansing of stomach, colon and lungs help clean them of acids, semi/fully digested residual waste etc. Removal of waste coat facilitates fresh and more secretion of digestive juices. Repeat this under expert monitoring and schedule. Take up some classes in yoga asanas.

On the other hand, the naturopathy is a wee bit different from yoga. It requires that you drink a lot of water (sun charged water, green water and yellow/orange), take chromotherapy (a system of treatment through sunrays) and subjective cold or hot/steam baths. Fasting and enema are two other things in schedule for natural weight loss program.

As you can see, all of the above steps in the natural weight loss program help in cleansing or ridding the body from toxic and morbid matters and reducing fat. Before I conclude, I think it would not be fair enough if I dont mention the natural weight loss program that the General Motors has conducted for its employees. It was an all vegetable, no exercise and no chemical treatment program of seven days. In the end most of them lost 5-6 pounds of weight with nothing to regret about.

Alevoor Rajagopal is an MBA and advises on issues that concern small businesses. Fine tuning common but pesky issues to improve efficiency and ROI is what he specializes and writes at online earning. Find his eBay business coaching at eBay Made Easy.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #2

Welcome to lesson #2. First of all, I believe that gratitude is so important in everyday life. With this in mind, I am in awe at the response for this ezine and I want to thank you for trusting the process and believing in yourself. When I woke up the next day after setting this up and saw the number of people who subscribed, I broke down in tears. I owe everything I have created to God. He led me to do this and through Him I will help you. I am here to be the light for you to know that you already possess the wholeness within. We have several layers that we will be uncovering. You will then be able to make new choices in your quest for weight loss and be putting daily plans for yourself in place. You will be amazed at the difference. My intention is that you get results!

As we proceed through each lesson, I will be reviewing some of the content in the previous lessons as well to recap. Hey, it doesnt hurt for you to hear information over and over again, does it? Remember it takes 21 days to create a habit. In lesson #1, we discussed how everything is made up of energy. Your thoughts are pure energy. Whatever you put out, is what you will get back. The Law of Attraction is set up and will manifest those things in your life which you attract with your thoughts. Changing your thoughts will be your greatest challenge. It was for me and it took daily effort to do so. When you look at your life currently, what have you attracted with your thoughts? If youre overweight, then what do you believe about yourself? If you believed that you could actually lose weight, these thoughts would have been released into the Universe to produce a completely different response.

I mentioned previously Louise Hays book, You Can Heal Your Life, and in it she talks about how anger is the core issue of weight issues. Now, did you do your homework assignment? The homework assignment was to write down those people in your life who youre angry with and remember you can include yourself. You were also supposed to write down what they did that made you angry.

For me, I didnt feel love from either parent, but I had such a special bond with my father so I held on to his energy in a more devastating way in my body. My father died when I was fourteen, and theres an entire story behind that one in an e-book, Close Kept Secrets to Overcoming Illness. I felt responsible for his life and for his death and that book will detail everything about how I attracted a horrific illness because I carried so much negative energy in me relating to childhood. With this in mind, I carried anger at not feeling loved and having the childhood I believed I deserved.

Okay, ready to release that anger? First, I want to explain the process. As an integrative body therapist, I work with clients face-to-face or over the telephone to help release their pain using Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques. Energy is energy and can be utilized all over the world. I did hear from a subscriber that she felt tingly all over after this process so it does work. Were on this journey together being supported by God. It is similar to prayer energythe person doesnt have to be right there in order to see that prayer works.

What is Rapid Eye Technology (RET)? Its a technology which was developed to help release pain and trauma so that a person can experience love and joy on a deeper level. It stimulates the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep cycle, a natural release process. Your eyes flutter when you are in REM sleep similar to watching a baby sleep and this is where the release process takes place. How many of you have experienced waking up in the middle of the night remembering that you were supposed to do something? This is your brain at work for you while you sleep. Well, in RET, youre awake and youre processing and releasing your stuff. Theres also guided imagery, charka clearing, affirmations and life skills which are part of this process as well. RET is great for balancing left and right brains because the left brain has to know why whereas the right brain sees the positive/spiritual aspect of the world. In addition, well be using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). The premise of this technique is that when one experiences a negative emotion like anger, there is a disruption in the bodys energy system resulting in various symptoms. EFT is similar to acupuncture without the needles.

When I work with clients, we go through six to twelve sessions. Depending upon the amount of stuff one is carrying will determine how long the duration of the sessions so just keep this in mind. The results are absolutely amazing as the person feels lighter after releasing.

I do have to mention a Disclaimer now as you might be triggered by these processes. I know, I know! Disclaimers are part of our lives now.

Here it is:

You understand these ezine sessions(s) are for the purpose of weight loss, stress reduction and personal growth and you take full responsibility for them. This is not a substitute for medical examinations and/or diagnosis by physicians. You agree to hold the therapist completely harmless from any and all problems that might arise as a result of these ezine sessions.

Okay, we have that out of the way. Now lets proceed.

These processes address the underlying cause of most weight issuesthe need to tranquilize with food the anxiety which is felt by you with unresolved emotional issues. Until ones underlying issue is dealt with, the need to overeat will continue. This is why many weight loss programs fail over the long term. People may lose weight using them but since the underlying emotional issue is still there, the need to medicate feelings through food will ever be present. It has been my experience in working with people who are overweight that the underlying emotion has to be released in order for new choices to be made; otherwise they will just revert back.

Right now, sit back and think about your anger. Judge where you are on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) with your anger that we spoke about earlierwho youre mad at and why. Now, if youre not feeling anger, then identify if its sadness, guilt or shame.

Release Process

State your intention for what you want out of your personal session and ask God, angels or your guides for assistance. If uncomfortable emotions surface, acknowledge them by writing down what youre feeling. Read the entire process (you'll be doing several things) to the end of the ezine before proceeding.

1) Get comfortable in a chair or on the couch. Find two spots. One in each corner of the room at eye level.

2) Move your eyes to the left and right as rapidly as possible for the intent to release (as you move your eyes from left to right, look up at the seam between the ceiling and the wall and then slowly move your gaze downward to the seam between the wall and the floor, then return to eye level. Its like a zigzag sequence.

3) After several seconds of this, open your eyes wide and then scrunch them closed as you breathe in and out. Do this no more than three times.

4) If the emotion still seems strong, return to step 2 and begin again. Only do this process twice.

5) Open your mouth wide and take a big breath, hold it in a second and then blast the energy out to dissolve in the light. Do this three times.

While youre doing the above process, you can say the following while moving your eyes:

Release all trauma/Release all the anger/Release all the sadness/Release all the frustration/Release all the grief/Release all the helplessness/Release all the hopelessness/Release all pity/Release all the poor me/Release it.

Energy Realignment

Tap the pressure points outlined below with the first two fingers (index and middle fingers) on your hand 7-10 times while repeating the phrases below. Heres some you can use or you can make up your own to make it unique to your situation.

Youll always fill in the blank and then complete the statement with the same phrase.

Even though my mother didnt like me, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I didnt feel love from my father, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though my mother doesnt think Im good enough, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though Im embarrassed by my weight, I deeply and completed accept myself.

1) Beginning of the eyebrow towards your nose
2) Side of the eye (either eye)
3) Under center of eye on cheekbone (either eye)
4) Under nose
5) Under bottom lip
6) Right below the collarbone (either collarbone)
7) Under the arm, about 4 inches below the arm pit (either arm)
8) Tap all over the top of head for good energy flow
9) Form a fist and rub in the clockwise motion over your heart

Dont worry if youre not sure if youre hitting the right points and saying it just right. You will still get results. There are many energy points all over your body. Trust in yourself and know that God is with you every step of the way.

Now, judge the intensity on a scale of 1-10. If youre not at a 1 or a 2, then repeat the tapping.

You can tap throughout the day, especially when issues of food begin to arise (even though I have this craving for chips, I deeply and completely accept myself). I do a morning routine of tapping and I include exercise, meditation and prayer. I tap throughout the day and it keeps me centered and then I do a night routine as well. I tap when I have to do a presentation and Im experiencing fear. I tap when Im about to have a conversation which is uncomfortable and Im experiencing fear. I tap in my car. Im sure it must be funny to the person who is in the car next to me. Just like me, this will become part of your daily routine.

Positive Affirmations

The mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Athletes use this concept to envision themselves as already have completed their feat. They visualize themselves being triumphant. This is what separates those who are successful and those who still are presented with challenges. You must believe yourself as if you have already are at your desired weight.

With this in mind, its important to use these as if they are already occurring. Once you do this, you will manifest and attract exactly what you focus your thoughts on. Use these or create your own and say them throughout the dayseveral times a day. It works to put them on sticky notes or 3x5 cards so youre reminded to do them. Place them on your refrigerator, your mirror..any place that is visible.

Thank you, God!

I am my ideal weight!

I weigh ____________! (fill in the blank with your ideal weight)

I am peace!

I am happy in my body!

I am loved!

I breathe in joy!

I am wholeness!

I am beautiful!

I have thin thighs!

I love you _____________ !(fill in your name)

I am powerful!

I am a sexy, love machine!

I am perfect just as God created me!

I am so hot, I make fire jealous!


If you are feeling like youre not fully in this space and time, here are some things you can do:

Firmly press the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth and hold your fingertips together for about 30 seconds.

Place your right hand on top of your head while imagining energy coming in through the top of your head and flowing down your spine connecting to the middle of the earth.

Tap all over the top of your head

Drink some water

Were an awesome team! I appreciate you and know that youre an amazing child of God, whole and complete just as He made you!

Stay tuned for more lessons and hearing about powerful cleansing and fat burning products. For the last nine years I have been in search for a nutritional product line in which I could put my heart. I have tried everything imaginable in my quest for those products I could use myself and promote to others. I have found the perfect answer. Check out http://www.tamiclose.isagenix.com.

With hugs and love,

Tami Close

Tami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist and has a successful energy practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is also a Reiki Master. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up... Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others.

Best Way To Lose Belly Fat - Is Turbulence Training The Answer?

With Turbulence Training for Fat Loss, there are a lot of workouts to choose from.

Why did they create so many fat loss programs?

The importance when burning fat through exercising it is vital that you shift the type of exercise to keep your metabolism ticking fast.

When we exercise we often stick to a program for several months without any change. This means that our body gets used to the exercise and adjust to meet the workout. This is why you should change your workout ever 5-6 weeks. This will boost the fat burning process and keep it going for as long as you would want to.

Turbulence training switches type of exercise every 4 weeks, this makes it more possible that this training will give outstanding results.

You must change your workout every 3-4 weeks.

Turbulence Training gives you many options and this article is meant to be a guide to what level would be appropriate for you.

1) The complete beginner.
If you are overweight and haven't done any physical training for a long time you should start with the Introductory Program. If you are completely out of shape you have to start here as bodyweight exercises prepare your muscles for the more heavy workouts coming in the future. It will also prevent you from having overuse injuries that we (overweight and unfit) tend to get from high-volume cardio programs.

2) Experienced lifter but haven't exercised in a month
You should start with the intermediate program but only do one set per exercise as this will prevent you from being excessively sore after the workout

3) Advanced, meaning you workout 3 times per week
You should start with the original program and work your way through the advanced workouts and when you feel you master it you should use the focused programs.

After you decide which category you fall into start following the instructions. There is a total of 12 weeks of workouts and if you combine this with one of the better diets that also improves your metabolism you will see some wonderful results!

If you want to see before and after photos, follow the link below!

Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

If you are interested in learning more about the calorie-shifting method, please please Click Here!

Will Acupuncture and Weight Loss Work For You...

Losing weight is not always as easy controlling your diet or exercising because there are some of us that are overweight because of various other reasons such as a health condition that does not allow us to get on a strict diet or exercise excessively. Here is how acupuncture for weight loss has helped in the past and how it can work for you too. Acupuncture is an ancient treatment that originated in China centuries ago; it is practiced by using a variety of extremely thin needles of different sizes, which are inserted in different areas of your body depending what type of treatment you are looking for in order to stimulate your nerves and senses to produce the desired effect.

In the case of acupuncture for weight loss the needles will be used to control your hunger and does achieving weight loss in the process. However, acupuncture for weight loss does not work overnight, in fact it almost always will consist of several sessions, which you must not miss or else your treatment can be compromised.

How Fast Can You See Results through Acupuncture for Weight Loss

You will notice changes in your metabolism and appetite from the first session of acupuncture for weight loss however, to loose the desired amount of weight and most importantly maintain the weight you desire will take a few sessions depending on your present weight and health state.

While acupuncture for weight loss will help greatly by using your own body, you need to be committed and help yourself too; you need to stick to a balanced diet and try to have as much physical activity as possible. There are simple yet very effective exercises such as yoga and Pilates, which can be done in the comfort of your home, whenever you have time.

Helpful Tips

It is important you set some rules for yourself to follow at all times and here are some guide lines: never eat when you are distracted such as, in front of the television or while working on the computer as almost always you will over eat; always place small quantities of food in your plate and eat slowly because the brain takes approximately 20 minutes to register that the stomach is full and some of us take about 10 minutes to eat a full meal.

Make eating an enjoyable experience not something you do on the run where you dont pay attention to what and how much you are eating. Any diet or treatment will only work if you are committed to it so take charge of your body and mind and start a new life by getting fit and healthy for life with acupuncture for weight loss

Visit Ezyweightloss.com for reliable acupuncture resources.

Weight Loss Made Easy