Easy Diet

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Want To Lose Weight Fast? 7 Myths You Must Know About Losing Weight

Millions of people are looking to lose weight and reshape their bodys. Just do a quick search on the internet for "weight loss" and you will come up with millions of results.

There are so many people offering advice and weight loss tips that it's no surprise that many of the information out there isn't correct. That's why this article was put together - to expose a few of the myths about losing weight.

1) You shouldn't eat carbs if you are trying to lose weight

The Atkins diet was a huge diet craze that has made many people scared of carbs. However, cutting carbs isn't the "secret" to losing weight. What you need to do is cut down calories - plain and simple. If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight.

It's a good idea to cut back on refined carbohydrates, but eating bread, rice or pasta can be part of a healthy diet - just watch your calories!

2) Your weight is determined by genetics

Some people just assume that if their parents are fat, they will be too. Although your family history may have an impact on your biological makeup and how your metabolism functions, you are not "destined" to be overweight simply because your parents were.

Anyone can lose weight and get the "perfect" figure by eating a healthy diet and exercising. Don't use your family tree as an excuse. In fact, try to use it as motivation as what you don't want to become.

3) All weight loss pills and supplements are a scam

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are literally thousands of different products out there that all promise to burn fat and make the pounds melt off your body. Unfortunately a great deal of these products aren't worth a dime.

However, there are weight loss supplements that will give you a huge boost towards your goals. The best ones will use natural ingredients to jump-start your body and give you results faster than possible before.

Go to http://www.myweightlossreviews.com for reviews on the best ranked products for 2008.

4) You have to cut out all fat

There is actually such a thing as "healthy" fats. Saturated fats and trans fat aren't good for you, but there are fats that help your body absorb nutrients and make you feel fuller. This can be a huge help when trying to lose weight.

Fats found in things such as fish, olive oil and nuts are great for you and should be part of your diet. There's the real "skinny" on fat ;)

5) Skipping meals is a good idea

Skipping meals can actually go against you if you are trying to lose weight. By skipping a meal, your metabolism slows down. You are also more likely to binge eat later on in the day as your body feels hungrier due to starvation.

Don't skip meals - rather, try to cut out some calories in each meal that you eat.

6) Changing your diet is the only way to change your metabolism

Actually, exercise is the best way to speed up your metabolism. Not only will you burn calories while you are working out, but your body continues to burn calories faster afterwards.

And remember to make sure you are getting enough food for your body to get the most out of exercise. You don't want to starve yourself - your body needs the energy. This isn't an excuse to scarf down huge meals before exercising, but make sure you give your body the fuel it needs.

7) Picking low-fat or fat-free foods is a surefire way to lose weight

Remember that the amount of fat you eat isn't the key in losing weight. It's calories that play the biggest role.

Many fat-free foods have the same amount of calories as their regular counterparts. It's a great idea to consider the "fat-free" versions, just make sure to compare the nutritional labels and pay the most attention to the calories section.

If you have made the decision to lose weight - congratulations! Not only will you look better, but you will feel like a million bucks. It's a great feeling improving your appearance and your overall health at the same time.

All the best!

Do you want to achieve quick weight loss in record time?

Learn how to lose weight fast and read the reviews for 2008 on the best ranked weight loss pills.

How to Lose Weight Easily, Quickly and Effectively!

How to lose weight easily and quickly has become one of the most discussed topics in the world. In the United States alone, 58 million people are overweight, 40 million obese and 3 million morbidly obese. Weight lose is not something hard to accomplish - yet people think differently.

Our passive style of life and the lack of time are the two main causes. We do not walk to work - we take our car. Most of us work at the office - sitting down 8 hours of the day - then we are so tired mentally that a physical exercise is out of question - besides we need to spend some quality time with our family and/or friends. The food. The 15-30 minutes lunch break at work is certainly not enough time to eat properly. We don't only eat fast, which causes overeating; we also eat low quality food, mostly fast food and snacks, such as chips and chocolate bars.

So How To Lose Weight Easily?

You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.

You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself.

You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan. Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.

Losing weight and staying in shape is very important for our health. Did you know that:

-80% of type II diabetes related to obesity
-70% of cardiovascular disease related to obesity
-42% breast and colon cancer diagnosed among obese individuals
-30% of gall bladder surgery related to obesity
-26% of obese people having high blood pressure

Lose 9 lbs. every 11 days - You could lose 35 lbs. by Christmas!

Weight Loss Using Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil - Use It Externally

In support of other points of view, Coconut Oil is one of the best products available. You can obtain the maximum benefit of Coconut Oil when applied topically.

Let's face it, Coconut Oil does not taste that great. You can use it in place of butter and in salad dressings in place of other oils but, it has a heavy taste and may not be appreciated by the taste pallet. In addition to using it externally, getting used to using Coconut Oil internally will be most beneficial to your Weight Loss regimen. It will seem as if the extra subcutaneous tissue is just melting away. You will notice a favorable difference by the external use of Coconut Oil.

Use Coconut Oil that does not have any additives. I have found that the kind in the jar is best because it is hard when you use it and stays in the palm of your hand when you apply it to the targeted area. It also has a higher vitamin A and E content. It melts as you massage it in. Just think of it this way, as it melts into your skin so is the fat that you want melted away.

Best used externally, is when you just get done bathing. Your skin is already supple. Towel dry then apply the Coconut Oil starting at the face. Apply on the neck area then the shoulders and arms. Working your way down toward the feet, always using an upward stroke with the palm of your hand. This is a specific massage tactic that increases the flow of oxygen to the heart.

You don't need to use a lot, just enough. While applying the Coconut Oil, make sure you rub it into your skin well. The facial area is a different story; apply gently. Coconut Oil will help rehydrate your skin.

Coconut Oil is absorbent. In other words, it will absorb into the skin and not cause an oil affect on your clothes like petroleum products do. Use it in place of baby oil when removing makeup. Baby oil and other petroleum based products dehydrate the skin. Petroleum based products WILL increase the cause of wrinkles around the eyes and puffiness as it is non absorbent.

Have you ever had eye surgery for cosmetic purposes or know someone who has? Little did you know that when the surgeon cuts that little line at the corner of your eyes and squeezes out all that oil, that his work is basically done. And you paid the doc thousands of dollars to do it as you did it to yourself by using a non absorbent product. Because Coconut Oil is absorbent, it actually soaks through the dermis layer of the skin and thus causes the -melt fat- effect. In addition to using it internally you will feel the better for it.

Weight Loss or Not, using Coconut Oil WILL cause your skin to not just look hydrated but feel hydrated. Your overall body hydration inside and out will be greatly benefited. You WILL love your body for it and love yourself for using it in all aspects of your daily life in making Healthy Choices. The Tin Man needed lubrication, we do too. Coconut Oil is a wonderful addition to your Weight Loss Regimen

Coconut Oil Per Tablespoon

      weighs 13.6 grams
      contains 120 Calories
      11.8 grams Saturated Fat
      1.0 gram Unsaturated Fat
      12 milligrams Cholesterol
      13.6 grams Total Fats

I have used Herbs and other means of alternative Health Choices since I was a teenager. I Schooled at Dr. Christopher's School for Alternative Medicine for Master Herbalist. I believe the choices we make in our lives effect our overall Heath. Our Choices may not be the best choices but there is a Beautiful Earth that gives us the Remedies for what ails us.

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How To Lose Tummy Fat Fast With A Bunch Of Buddies

Curious on how to lose tummy fat fast with a bunch of buddies? One of the reasons that people failed in their bid to reduce their weight is because there is no one to motivate each other. Have you had the experience of going to the gym or jogging track alone, start training and after 2 months, you stopped everything. You become more interested in joining friends for coffee, for sinfully good food and you gain back those fats again.

Imagine if you have a bunch of buddies to train and loose weight together, do you think you will stop your training easily. I do not think so. Let me share my experiences. When I was first attempting to lose weight, I was doing it alone. In just 2 months, I began to feel bored and slowly, I started to drift off my training schedule and the fats start coming back.

But when I was partnering with a buddy, we could force each other to the gym; we will track each other's progress as well as force more repetitions without getting injured. We will be motivating each other to carry heavier weights as well. The progress was that we both began to feel better about ourselves and we needed to buy smaller clothing as well.

It was like a business partnership, or you can call it a mastermind group, where you can give advises, point out problems and because any discussion will affect a bunch of people, you will not be able to give up easily and even if you do, your buddies will get you back to track. So find a gym buddy or jogging buddy and start planning the progress and the targets you want to achieve.

Some basic tips to plan together include:

- How much weight you want to lose?
- How much time is needed to achieve the targets you two have set?
- Location to train and the time to start training.
- Exercises to be done per day, week or month.
- Food to eat or avoid

So, to start knowing whether how to lose tummy fat fast method really works, go find those flabby buddies and start motivating each other now!

For you are seriously trying to slim your waistline, stop piling on the fats, get discipline, enforce determination and get your own personal health magazine washboard abs at http://www.trainthoseabs.info

Ultimate Weight Loss: Ephedra is Back?

I had some questions come in about Ephedra. So I have put together this short article to get you some info. Just to fill some of you in , Ephedra was taken off the market last year , but it is now back on the market and ready for consumers. This product seems to be the most wanted weight loss product. They cant keep this stuff on the shelves since it was given the OK to be sold again. Make sure you read some of the common sense rules below before using Ephedra.

Ephedra (also known as Ma huang, Chinese Ephedra and epitonin) is the worlds oldest medicine. The Chinese discovered ephedra more than 5000 years ago. Research has shown that ephedra increases metabolism and helps promote weight loss, relaxes the air passages in the lungs to help treat asthma and cough, promotes perspiration to help a person recover from a minor cold and helps promote urination to help relieve edema. Ephedra has been widely researched for its thermogenic (fat burning) properties. Research has show that ephedra helps promote the loss of fat while helping spare lean muscle tissue, a highly sought-after property that prescription diet medications still have not been able to reproduce.

Safety Tips

As ephedra is a stimulant and a thermogenic, it should NOT be used by people / in situations where these properties might be harmful. There are some common sense rules about using ephedra:

Do not use ephedra if you have any medical problems as the use of a stimulant might overtax your system. Do not use ephedra if your activity / environment will prevent you from dissipating heat. Your body core temperature might exceed safe levels. And do not take more than the manufacturer's recommended amount.

What this means is: If you have a heart condition, do not take ephedra. And if you plan to wear clothes to raise your body temperature, do not take ephedra. And do not think that playing baseball on a hot muggy day will counteract these two common sense conditions and make it okay to take ephedra.

Copyright protected 2005 by M.Landry

Michel Landry lives in beautiful Kamloops, BC in Canada. He has a huge interest in Health, fitness and business.

The Real Secret To Losing Weight The Weight Loss Industry Doesn't Want You To Know

If you have had trouble losing weight or you keep hitting a plateau in your weight loss efforts, you will want to read this article.

I am going to discuss THE most important factor involved in our weight struggles. You probably haven't heard it before because there is not a lot of profit to be made from it. You see, you can be on the most advanced weight loss program ever created but it doesn't matter one iota if you have blocks in your subconscious mind to losing the weight you want to lose. It simply won't happen.

Simply put, if you are having trouble reaching your weight loss goals, you can be sure there are subconscious blocks that are standing in your way. Many of us have subconscious advantages or reasons to keeping our current weight and disadvantages for achieving our ideal weight.

I know it sounds silly but a good example would be someone who has been really hurt by someone they were romantically involved with and they subconsciously keep the extra weight knowing that they won't put themselves in that situation again. It is a protection mechanism.

They may have thoughts under their awareness that says "if I achieve my ideal weight, I may be more attractive which will put me in situations that I can get hurt" Again, this is all under the awareness. This example may or may not resonate with you but there are several programs out there that teach you how to pull up whatever blocks are in the way that are keeping you at your current weight and preventing weight loss from becoming effortless.

That is where it's at. Affirmations, visualization, The Law Of Attraction etc will not work if there are counter intentions in your subconscious mind. In fact, what I have found is that when you release the subconscious blocks to losing the weight you want, affirmations and visualizing what you want all the time becomes unnecessary and heading towards your ideal weight becomes much more natural rather than something you have to force to make happen.

Here's another scenario: Have you ever made a New Years Resolution to lose weight only to get back to your current habits six weeks later? So have I. We make a goal to lose X amt of pounds and then we find it really hard to keep going.

That wall that we hit upon is called subconscious resistance. It is like driving with the brake on. In any area of your life that requires will power and effort and struggle, you are coming up against a wall of resistance. Unfortunately, the movie The Secret didn't talk about this. Dissolving subconscious blocks, especially resistance, is paramount to losing the weight or for anything you want in life for that matter.

There are various methods that teach you how to let go of resistance on the spot. Once we let go of our resistance to eating well, to exercising etc., doing these things become effortless. Obviously, action is required, but that action becomes effortless in the sense that we are taking off the brake and just hitting the gas so we easily move in the direction we want.

Letting go of the garbage in your subconscious mind is the real secret to losing weight...or anything else for that matter. This may be the first time you have heard this because if everyone knew this secret, the multimillion-dollar weight loss industry would go bankrupt!

Thank you for taking time to read my article. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it


Feel FREE to Check Out My Brand New Book The Secret Behind The Secret at:


For More Information on how to remove your blocks to weight loss

The Real Secret To Losing Weight The Weight Loss Industry Doesn't Want You To Know

If you have had trouble losing weight or you keep hitting a plateau in your weight loss efforts, you will want to read this article.

I am going to discuss THE most important factor involved in our weight struggles. You probably haven't heard it before because there is not a lot of profit to be made from it. You see, you can be on the most advanced weight loss program ever created but it doesn't matter one iota if you have blocks in your subconscious mind to losing the weight you want to lose. It simply won't happen.

Simply put, if you are having trouble reaching your weight loss goals, you can be sure there are subconscious blocks that are standing in your way. Many of us have subconscious advantages or reasons to keeping our current weight and disadvantages for achieving our ideal weight.

I know it sounds silly but a good example would be someone who has been really hurt by someone they were romantically involved with and they subconsciously keep the extra weight knowing that they won't put themselves in that situation again. It is a protection mechanism.

They may have thoughts under their awareness that says "if I achieve my ideal weight, I may be more attractive which will put me in situations that I can get hurt" Again, this is all under the awareness. This example may or may not resonate with you but there are several programs out there that teach you how to pull up whatever blocks are in the way that are keeping you at your current weight and preventing weight loss from becoming effortless.

That is where it's at. Affirmations, visualization, The Law Of Attraction etc will not work if there are counter intentions in your subconscious mind. In fact, what I have found is that when you release the subconscious blocks to losing the weight you want, affirmations and visualizing what you want all the time becomes unnecessary and heading towards your ideal weight becomes much more natural rather than something you have to force to make happen.

Here's another scenario: Have you ever made a New Years Resolution to lose weight only to get back to your current habits six weeks later? So have I. We make a goal to lose X amt of pounds and then we find it really hard to keep going.

That wall that we hit upon is called subconscious resistance. It is like driving with the brake on. In any area of your life that requires will power and effort and struggle, you are coming up against a wall of resistance. Unfortunately, the movie The Secret didn't talk about this. Dissolving subconscious blocks, especially resistance, is paramount to losing the weight or for anything you want in life for that matter.

There are various methods that teach you how to let go of resistance on the spot. Once we let go of our resistance to eating well, to exercising etc., doing these things become effortless. Obviously, action is required, but that action becomes effortless in the sense that we are taking off the brake and just hitting the gas so we easily move in the direction we want.

Letting go of the garbage in your subconscious mind is the real secret to losing weight...or anything else for that matter. This may be the first time you have heard this because if everyone knew this secret, the multimillion-dollar weight loss industry would go bankrupt!

Thank you for taking time to read my article. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it


Feel FREE to Check Out My Brand New Book The Secret Behind The Secret at:


For More Information on how to remove your blocks to weight loss

Easy Tips for Weight Loss

There are thousands of "experts" out there trying to sell you their weight loss solution, which usually involves a huge calorie reduction in order to see results. It is impossible for me, having been in the fitness industry so many years, to justify starving yourself as a healthy practice. I am exercise advocate; I don't believe in dieting. Nutrition, however, IS a very important component in maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Simple choices often make the difference and I'd like to offer up some easy tips for you to use everyday.

First, it's important to understand the reason we gain fat weight. When more calories are consumed than the body has current use for, it converts those extra calories to fat for storage. It was an evolutionary survival necessity; when food was plentiful we ate in abundance and when times were lean survival depended on having enough fat stored. If we want to lose excess fat we need to consume fewer calories than our body needs-this is called energy deficit. If one were to consume 100 less calories everyday, or burn 100 more, it would result in over 10lbs of fat loss in a year's time. If we want faster results, we have to make the energy deficit greater.

Tips to Creating a Daily Calorie Deficit

Avoid Liquid Calories:

A can of Coke has 139 calories; an average latte with regular milk has 180 calories; a 471 mL (16 fl oz) bottle of orange juice can have 225 calories...I'm sure you get the point. Opt for water (0 calories) and tea (5 calories per 250mL). Just for comparison, a plain donut has 185 calories, and a Subway roast beef deli sandwich has 215.

Read Food Labels:

Find out how much a serving size is; it is often less than we think. Products that boast of being low-fat or fat free are not necessarily low calorie. Just as a label that proclaims low-carb or sugar-free doesn't mean a low fat or calorie count.

Don't Skip Your Meals:

Try and eat 5-6 times per day. If you eat smaller amounts more often it will keep your metabolism revved up, keep you from over eating at meal times, and help balance your blood sugar level. If you are used to eating only 2 or 3 times a day, try gradually increasing your meal frequency so it doesn't seem so overwhelming.

Do More Walking:

For a 180lb person one mile of walking burns around 100 calories. It doesn't matter how fast or slow the pace; walking at a 3.0mph, which is a bit more than a stroll, it would take about 24 minutes. This equates to around 90 seconds for every waking hour. Just find ways to fit it in; park farther away, don't drive to the corner store, or to get the mail.

Start a Workout Program:

One Pound of lean muscle weight burns up to an extra 50 calories a day. Resistance training is the key to maintaining a higher metabolism as we age.

Making the decision to try and lose of few pounds of fat doesn't have to be a drastic change to your current way of living. Start with one simple thing today and stick with it; when you start getting used to that try adding something else. You will soon see that it is not that difficult, it is just a habit-a very good one!

For more info visit www.fabscyberfitness.com
