Easy Diet

Friday, May 16, 2008

Planning, The Fourth Secret Of Healthy Weight Loss


Why a plan
Do you plan your vacation?
Do you plan the dinner when you invite friends or family for dinner?

Would you invite people for dinner without taking care of all the details?
Of course you wouldnt, you want the evening to be memorable. You want everyone to enjoy the dinner and the company.

Plan to succeed
Why shouldnt you plan your daily nutrition and your daily exercise?
Why shouldnt you plan some private time to work on your Motivation and your mindset, to write your daily goals in your diary?

If you plan it, you will be more willing to do it.
If you plan it, you will be motivated to do it.

Plan to be prepared:

  • You will always have fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds available.
  • You will always have fresh greens washed and ready to eat, waiting for you in the fridge.
  • You will have all the ingredients needed for your daily meals and your daily snacks.
  • You will have an updated shopping list.
  • You will always have bottled mineral water with you, at home, at the office
  • Maybe you can prepare part of the meal the day before.
  • If you eat out, you will know what to order, because you called the restaurant and ask them to fax you their menu so you can plan ahead an appropriate meal. Maybe you have a special request for the chef that he will be more than happy to accommodate if you let him know a few hours before.
  • Plan to always have something ready in case of emergencies: like products to prepare a salad quickly, or a soup and a whole grain slice of bread. (For those days when nothing goes as planned.)
  • You will have scheduled your exercise time.
  • You will have scheduled some private time to be motivated and with a positive loving attitude towards yourself and your weight management.

Plan everyday
Plan everyday to ensure your success; write everything down in your journal. Schedule everything so you wont forget, we all have busy schedules. Use your palm computer or your cell phone to schedule and remind you of your successful planning for healthy weight management. Plan and put your plan into action, this is another secrets to healthy weight loss.

Isabelle Epstein
Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style. If you would enjoy motivation and tips for a healthy weight management, sent directly to your inbox, sign up for Isabelle's free newsletter at: http://www.HealthyNutriMania.com


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