Easy Diet

Thursday, May 15, 2008

TT Bodyweight 500 Workout Vs The Spartan 300 Movie Workout - What's the Difference?

If you ever saw the movie 300 (if you didn't than I recommend that you do because it has fabulous special effects), you must have been awed by the kind of muscular bodies the actors who played the spartan warriors had. I mean rock hard abs, massive shoulders and pecs, everything toned and tight. Many people thought that this was just another special effect, but it wasn't. The bodies of the spartan warriors were the result of a special workout which all these actors did in preparation for the movie called the spartan 300.

What the spartan 300 movie exercise session basically consists of are 300 repetitions of various strength exercises which have to be performed continuously without any pause. This is a massively intensive workout which leaves anyone who does it gasping and sweating like crazy.

The only problem with the spartan 300 workout is that it involves equipment like Kettleballs which most gyms don't carry. This puts the 300 workout out of the reach of most gym goers, not to mention people who train at home.

To deal with this problem, a trainer called Craig Ballantyne invented a new exercise session called the TT Bodyweight 500 workout. In this exercise session you need to do 500 reps of various strength exercises which work against your bodyweight alone. This means that you can do this workout at the gym and at home. One thing you need to know is that this exercise session, despite being very short in duration is also very intensive. It will get your heart pumping, your skin sweating, and your muscle straining. For busy people who wish to lose a lot of fat fast and to develop lean muscle tissue, the TT bodyweight 500 workout is an excellent and time efficient workout.

The TT bodyweight 500 workout is part of Craig Ballantyne's complete fitness and diet program.

Click here to learn more about it: http://TTBodyweight500Workout.com

To read how you can start to lose weight fast, visit this webpage:
Bodyweight 500 workout review.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Food Labels and Weight Loss - Friends or Foes?

Food labels are your friend in the game of weight loss. They can quickly reveal how useful something is to fuel your body. For weight loss to be successful, you still have to enjoy your food. Labels can help. Below is a highlight of some of the information available.

Serving Size
What you and I consider to be a serving is not same as the food processors. A box of cereal supposedly feeds 15 people. If you ever tried handing a box of cereal to 15 people and asked them share, how willing would they be? Serving sizes can leave you hungry, but it is an important number if you want to do accurate math with the rest of the information on the label.

Calories are the amount of energy that serving will provide. If you are keeping track of how many calories you want to eat during one meal or one day, this information is helpful. One drawback, however, is it wont tell you how you will feel after eating the food. If it is a high sugar food, you may not feel to good later on due to the sugar high and the sugar crash. More label reading is necessary.

There are numerous fat numbers on the label to help you discern what kind of fat the food contains. Some fats are healthier than others. The drawback here if it contains hydrogenated fats it can still be zero on the label.

Carbohydrates & Fiber
The amount of carbohydrate and fiber will help you decide if the food you are eating will stick to your ribs, reduce cravings, and help maintain a steady blood sugar level.

Protein is important for tissue repair and healing, especially for heavy exercises. Protein also satiates appetite and helps the brain realize you are not hungry so you dont overeat.

Vitamins & Minerals
This is a list of the basic vitamins and minerals that are in the food. Most products that have food labels are processed, however, and they may also be fortified with vitamins and minerals. Because they are fortified with synthetic nutrients, absorption and quality are questionable. It is recommended to balance out the diet with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well.

The last portion of the food label lists the ingredients which is very important if you want to know the sources of nutrition information. Anyone with allergies studies this list very well. Food reactions are different from person to person so knowing if you are sensitive to specific ingredients can be necessary. Trial and error is usually how someone figures this out. Mood swings are commonly seen with a high carbohydrate diet. High fat foods and diary are culprits in digestive distress. If you want to avoid artificial sweeteners or hydrogenated fats, they are listed here, also. Ingredient types may have multiple forms such as sugar which can be lactose, maltose, dextrose, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, etc. Artificial sweeteners also, have many different names.

The only piece of information not listed on food labels is how tasty something is. Taste is an opinion that can lead to overeating if we are not careful about maintaining a balanced diet. While being able to enjoy your favorite foods is key to successful weight loss, Using food labels to help you decide what to eat and how much to eat can make the job easier.

Dr. Lisa Ann Homic, a chiropractor and wellness coach in Auburn, NY, also started the Numbers Don't Lie Diet Program. Visit http://www.CreatePurpose.com

How to Lose Weight Fast - 3 Easy Ways

Your sister's wedding is next month and you look like a puffer fish. You need to get rid of the excess fat and love handles, fast. You know that fad diets that your friends have tried didn't work. As the matter of fact, they look even fatter after the diet wears off in like just a couple of days.

How to lose weight fast in time for the wedding? Get these easy tips and start a healthy lifestyle today and you will be looking good just in time for the big event with 3 easy methods!

#1 Healthy eating
As mentioned above, fad diets are "trash" diets. Please don't think that you will be able to live with them as a sustainable weight loss or maintenance plan, because most people simply can't, and it's just not healthy.

So the best solution is to give your eating habits a little adjustment. Simply adopt healthier eating habits. It's that easy. I don't mean that you are going to eat only greens, and nothing else.

Listen to this: You can eat almost anything that you like, but you got to learn to make better choices. For example, you can choose plain water over sugary drinks. You can have your favorite fish n chips meal, but how about requesting for more salad and less chips portion? As a gauge, use the size of your palm or fist to approximate the amount of food that you should eat. Remember, you don't have to starve; starving is definitely not the ideal way to a diet.

#2 "Cardio" Exercise
Maybe you have tried doing sit ups and you are stressed out at the lack of results. Although sit-ups do work your abdominal muscles, they are unable to remove any fat by themselves.

Want to have a flatter tummy? Try "cardio" exercises. Cardio exercises would refer to those forms of exercises that generally involve the movement of every part of your body. The point is to get your heart rate elevated.

Doing sit ups will just help you to build on your abdominal muscles, without removing the layer of fat. Activities like swimming and cycling are some of the more popular cardio exercises that people love as sports, not just exercises. Maybe it's time to give your self a day out and cycle around the neighborhood.

Want to do something simpler? How about walking? Walking is the safest and easiest form of cardio exercise. Walk for 30 minutes 3 times a week. But remember it helps to break a sweat if you want to shed weight fast.

#3 Good Fats vs. Bad Fats
Fats come in two categories: the "good" fats and the "bad" fats. Many people have the wrong idea about fats in general. Not all fats are that bad. If you completely remove these "good" fats, then your body's fat burning ability will be slowed. This will cause it to store fats easier and you may gain weight as a result.

Examples of good fats are Monosaturated and Polysaturated fats; these can be found in most nuts, avocados, olive oils, fish, etc.

Examples of bad fats are trans fats; you really want to avoid these, look for trans fats on the back of nutritional labels. Quick tip: even if the nutritional label doesn't say trans fats on it, if the ingredients include anything that is "partially hydrogenated" that's a huge red flag and you should try and avoid these foods. "Partially hydrogenated" is code word for trans fats.

Sean Bissell is a certified sports nutritionist providing easy diet tips at http://www.insiderdietsecrets.com. Interested in learning how to lose weight fast? Click Here to learn the secrets most dieters never know about losing weight for free.

A New Year, A New Body - Be Resolute and Ensure Those Personal Promises Are Kept

For most people, the Christmas period is a time of eating, drinking, sleeping and generally lazing around. After all, it's been a long, hard year so why not indulge, right?

Of course, it would be difficult to argue with this. There is no better way of relaxing and unwinding with family and friends at a time of year that is not only meant for reflection on the year just gone, but also for looking to the new year ahead.

Indeed, following this short period of hedonism at Christmas, many people choose to counteract it by making resolutions to turn over a new leaf in the new year and get fit, lose weight, give up smoking or even all three. Of course, no reminders are needed as to the difficulties countless numbers of people face in keeping these personal promises.

Why many people fail though, is because of the psychological barrier created by the excessiveness of Christmas consumption, meaning that they are already 'behind' schedule by the time the resolution even starts. This scenario is avoidable though, if the correct preparations are made in the build-up to Christmas. And the key lies in starting the resolution BEFORE Christmas and new year.

If we begin with the assumption that Christmas WILL be excessive, then that's a good start, as this is the hardest time of year to fight temptation.

In the month or so before the festive period, start calming down on the chocolate, burgers and beer and start walking more. Not only will this help drop a few pounds on the waist, it will also help save a few pounds in the wallet, in the build-up to what is usually a costly period. Don't join a gym yet though, as the best deals are often found in the new year, when fitness centres try and compete for the business of all the other resolution-makers.

This first step should hopefully negate at least some of the effects of Christmas, meaning there is less ground to make up when the new year starts.

But there are also other easy body toning techniques that can be used in the build up to the festive period. The Slendertone system, for example, uses EMS (electro muscle stimulators) technology to help tone and shape the body muscles. This system can be used at work, at home or on the move, and visible results can be expected in 4 to 8 weeks. If this system is used in conjunction with some light exercise and a healthier diet, in the month leading up to the festive period and a month after, the visible results will ensure that the 'get fit, lose weight' new year resolution stands a vastly improved chance of succeeding.

For most people, Christmas is a time of little exercise and excessive consumption, and there is little point in trying to fight this. To maximise the chances of a successful 'get fit, lose weight' new year resolution, plan ahead in the build up to the festive period and ensure that there is no ground to make up due to too much turkey and wine. Follow these simple steps and the new year should bring that long-awaited new, shapely body.

Andrew Regan is an online, freelance author from Scotland. He is a keen rugby player and enjoys travelling.

New Weight Loss Drug Makes Progress

One year ago millions of obese Americans were waiting to hear whether or not the Food and Drugs Agency would give approval to the diet drug rimonabant (Acomplia). Obviously there was huge disappointment when this approval was not given. Rimonabant never actually made it to the American market although it is thought that the patent holder will return for another bite of the cherry at a later date, armed with deeper clinical trial data.

There is, therefore, a great deal if excitement over Merck's new diet drug taranabant. The results from the second phase of testing were encouraging and now after another two years of testing it seems that the results for phase three may be equally exciting, though the final report is yet to be published.

Researchers announced that study participants taking varying doses of taranabant lost 8 to 14 pounds over a 12-week period. There was one question, however, which still remains unanswered. Does taranabant have less significant side effects than rimonabant? Both drugs work in a similar way, by targeting particular receptors in the brain. Acomplia, however, was not approved by the FDA after concerns were raised over its psychiatric side effects which may include depression and suicidal thoughts in patients prone to mental health problems. So how does taranabant compare? Initial feedback seems to suggest that between one-fifth and one-third of patients had experienced adverse side effects which included depressed mood, irritability, anger, mood swings and insomnia. Unlike rimonabant, however, patients reported no suicidal thoughts though it was conceded that the question had not been asked in a systematic way.

There will, of course, have to be more conclusive evidence provided before the FDA grants approval to the new drug. The company expects the phase III report to be published later this year and for taranabant to be submitted for FDA approval before the end of 2008. Taranabant will also be submitted to the European Medicines Agency although it is believed that Merck wants to get it approved in the US first.

Taranabant is a CB1 receptor reverse agonist which is slightly different form Acomplia, which is a CB1 receptor antagonist. Although they are both targeting the endocannabinoid system, the slightly different way in which they work could be crucial. Acomplia was approved for use in the UK in June 2006 and since then it has helped a number of people to lose weight but many have been disappointed by the lack of progress and ceased treatment after one or two months. Many also found the cost of this medication on private prescription to be prohibitive. The unfortunate thing is that all new weight loss drugs seem to get hyped up by the media and this ultimately leads to disappointment as the results, for most people, rarely match the hype. It cannot be emphasised enough that weight loss medications should only ever be used as an adjunct to diet and exercise. Obesity is a burgeoning problem in gthe West and medications that get regulatory approval do work but there has to be some effort on the part of the patient.

Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet - How to Lose Weight

First and foremost, know that the original purpose of the master cleanse diet is not simply to lose weight. Losing weight is a healthy bi-product of going through the lemonade diet. The Master Cleanse also known as the Lemonade Diet, Master Cleanser, or Lemon Cleanse is a detox diet that is made to help the body expunge all the built-up amount of toxins that exists within. In a naturally clean environment lacking such things as car exhuast, food additives, artifical colors and flavors, processed products and fast foods, the body would normally function without fail to detox the body and keep the blood, liver and kidneys clean. However, this is not the case in today's world.

The Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet was established to give the body a clean start and help us eliminate food addictions as well as other kinds of addictions the body may have to keep us healthy. During the Master Cleanse Diet most people lose around 20 lbs. or more, however this will only be temporary if we decide not to eat properly after the cleanse. The good news is that because the body resets itself, you will most likely not crave the foods that you have long been addicted to. This is because you have wiped these foods clean from your diet, therefore, they do not seem as tasty and fulfilling as they once did. Most people after the cleanse crave ravenousley raw fruits and vegetables which is a far cry from french fries and a cheeseburger. So if losing weight is your goal, then think of the master cleanser as a fresh start to eating healthy, and rest assured, eating better after the cleanse is much more easier than you could imagine.

Learning about your body is possibly the most fantastic part about the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet and it helps ensure that you will lead a healthier lifestyle afterwards. Most going through this detox diet find that towards the end of the cleanse they feel much healthier and much more renewed, close to what they experienced through childhood. However, it is extremely important to go through the lemonade diet correctly as to avoid complications during the detox.

Below are some basic suggestions for those wanting to lose weight with the Master Cleanse and how to keep it off:

1. Get lots of rest before, during and after the cleanse - Studies have shown that those who get more sleep are much less prone to obesity. In addition, during the cleanse, your body will need more rest because you don't ingest nearly as many calories as you are used to.

2. Stick to the program. By following the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet completely and correctly, you will gain the most benefits and go through the program much easier and more effectively. This is also very important to go through Detox safely. Know the facts before attempting any diet.

3. Continue to eat healthy even after the detox is complete. After you've gone through the Master Cleanse Diet, be sure to give away any unhealthy foods, or eat them before you start the cleanse. Make only healthy food available to you, you will probably not crave the bad stuff anyways. Be sure to keep plenty of raw fruits and vegetables to snack on as well as a variety of non-habit forming foods free of additives and sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup.

4. After the Lemonade Diet be sure to watch what kind of sugars you eat. Stay away from such sweeteners such as high fructose corn syrup and artifical sweeteners that contain such things as aspartame. Artificial sweeteners have also been contributed to weight gain. Try to use sweeteners such as agave nectar, raw (unbleached) sugar, Grade B Maple Syrup, and honey.

By following these simple steps you should be well on your way losing weight on the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet. But most importantly, do it for your health and longevity and go though the cleanse safely and correctly.

For more information on the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet and commonly asked questions on the cleanse

visit: http://www.master-cleanse-diet.net

To receive free information and general facts.

Quickest Way To Lose Weight

What is the quickest way to lose weight? The quickest way to lose weight is to pick a diet that promises significant weight loss over a short period of time. The calorie-shifting diet is a good way to lose weight quickly. You can lose as many as nine pounds in eleven days on this diet.

The rules of this diet are simple:

  1. Eat as much food as you want until you are satisfied.
  2. Eat four meals a day.
  3. Structure each meal such that you are shifting the types of calories you can consume at each meal on a rotational basis every day for eleven days.

Basically, you can eat as much food as you want on this diet. You will be able to eat every type of food on this diet. The "trick" to this diet is that you must eat your fruits, vegetables, meats, and starches (carbohydrates, fibers, proteins, fats, etc) grouped together at different meals. So it is not about what you eat or how much you eat. It is about when you can eat whatever you want. For example, in one meal you might be eating only meats and vegetables. In the next meal you might be eating only breads. In another meal you might be eating only fruits. And then the next day your meal plan will rotate and you will be regrouping these food elements differently.

How this diet plan works is that you are "stimulating" your body's metabolic response by only offering it certain types of nutrients at certain times of day, in such a way as to optimize your body's metabolism. Your body responds differently to different types of foods, and if you feed your body different foods and withhold certain types of foods at certain times of day, you can instrumentally induce rapid weight loss. This approach is both safe, satisfying, and effective. Your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs. You do not feel hungry nor do you feel deprived. Plus you lose a lot of weight very quickly.

How would you like to be 9 pounds lighter 11 days from now? The Calorie Shifting Diet will get you there! Learn how at: http://www.CalorieShiftingDiet.info

Groundbreaking Fat Burning Cardio Research Study - An Expert's Opinion

I've received a few emails about a "new groundbreaking fat loss study" and how it is supposed to burn fat faster than regular cardio (even though we know regular cardio sucks).

Researchers compared...

a) Doing a 60 minute bike (at 60% max effort) then recovering for 60 minutes


b) doing a 30 minute bike, resting 20 minutes, and then doing another 30 minute bike and then resting for 60 minutes. (both rides at 60% max effort).

The results showed...

i) The total calories burned between the workouts did not differ.

ii) more fat was burned during the recovery for the split workout (77% vs 56%).

What does this mean?

Jack squat.


First, why would i even consider doing either of the above when a 20-minute interval workout gets more results?

Second, who is going to do this?

Third, look at the actual numbers of fat calories burned...at most, it could be 50 extra calories. Again, useless in all practical terms.


Look for health clubs to be full of people sitting around for 20 minutes between cardio bouts...maybe clubs will start offering "recovery rooms" where people can sit for 20 minutes and read dry People magazines, instead of the sweat covered People magazines they are used to reading while doing their relatively worthless cardio workouts in the past.

Why am I so hard on cardio?

Because its a waste of time...

and now these researchers and the authors of these "news reports" want to waste even MORE of your life...

As I wrote recently...

A recent study published by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, subjects aged 40 to 75 were instructed to do 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day for 6 days per week for an entire year.

(Reference... Obesity 15:1496-1512 (2007). Exercise Effect on Weight and Body Fat in Men and Women. Anne McTiernan*, et al.)

Given the amount of exercise, you'd expect weight losses of 20, 30 pounds, or more, right?

Well, the surprise findings showed the average fat loss for female subjects was was only 4 pounds for the entire year, while men lost 6.6 pounds of fat over the year. That's over 300 hours of aerobic exercise just to lose a measly 6 pounds of blubber. Not time well spent, in my opinion.

*** Listen, you give 300 hours a year, and you'll lose a lot more than 6.6 pounds of fat...trust me on that. Heck, give me 300 hours a year and I could probably turn you into a Ninja, commercial airline pilot, and accomplished mime, and still help you burn more fat than you would with 300 hours of cardio.

Here's the best advice I can give you...

Ignore mass media news reports about fitness.

If anything worthy of note comes up, you'll hear it from me,

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fast fat burning workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Expert fat loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat burning help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Learn How to Burn Tummy Fat And Boost Muscle Growth At The Same Time

Most people try to burn tummy fat believing the aerobic exercise - or pumping away mindlessly on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, or coasting on an elliptical machine, whilst watching the TV screen at their state of the art gym is a great way to lose weight.

But research into study of obesity has shown that for the amount of hours you put into a standard cardio exercise is not that effective for fat burning.

In other words, this indicates that steady pace endurance cardio work may not be all it's cracked up to be.This is the main reason majority of people get bored and lose motivation with their workouts, and quit after a couple months without seeing results.

However, it only requires a simple change to the variety in the intensity level and frequent change in a workout program for more fat burning results in less workout time.

And for many reasons, strength training is often ignored by many people, but studies have shown that it can boost metabolism by 10% after exercise and increases fat burning by 100%.

Best of all, Resistance Training elevates our metabolism for up to 48 hours after a workout. It definitely pays fat loss dividends after your workout ends!

In contrast, with cardiovascular workouts (an hour of running) you will find your metabolism is only elevated for less than an hour before going back to normal.

So take note female readers, Weight lifting isn't a macho guy thing - it is a great way to burn tummy fat. The critical thing here is that in order to be fit and toned you NEED TO lift weights or do some type of STRENGTH TRAINING. Resistance training can literally change your entire body, let alone your self confidence and self esteem, and keep your body looking and feeling years younger.

So in order to overcome fat loss plateaus and maintain continual fat loss and muscle gain, look at a combination of interval training and strength training, and continually change your workout.

As long as you 'mix it up' and constantly change your exercises, the number of sets and repetitions for each exercise, the length of rest between each exercise and other variables, will demand your body to adapt and burn more fat (and energy).

By using challenging strength training, and choosing intervals over monotonous cardio, research has shown that your post workout metabolism is significantly greater.

Put it simply, the harder you train, the greater the increase in your post exercise metabolism.

Not only do will you save time in the long run; you will burn more calories, and strengthen and condition almost every muscle in your entire body if performed at the right intensity.

And you don't need fancy machines or an expensive gym membership -- all you need to do is eat healthy, and use a professional program, like Turbulence Training Routine which is a combination of interval training and strength training that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Or do it yourself.

This is the way to burn tummy fat and be in the best shape of your life!

Discover the Best Exercises to Get a Flatter Stomach at http://www.squidoo.com/thetruthabout-sixpackabs1 and Eliminate Your Love Handles for Good.

Starting A Weight Loss Program

The problem with starting a weight loss program is that many people do so without really thinking things through. Then they wake up one day and realize that there are a number of items that they needed for their particular program that they don't have and they have to scramble like mad to get them. Even worse, sometimes they'll start a weight loss program and half way through it, realize that it's the wrong program for them for a variety of reasons. This article will hopefully prepare you for starting a weight loss routine in a proper manner so that you're not scrambling for things down the road. Hopefully, after reading this, you won't have that problem.

The first thing you need to understand when starting a weight loss program is that not all weight loss programs are the same. There are many different methods for losing weight. There's diet, exercise, drugs or any combination of these things. Each routine or method that you choose is going to have different requirements.

For example, let's say you decide that you're going to get this new at home yoga program. Well, before you send away for that package, make sure that you have the proper items needed to carry it out. For one thing, most of these programs now come on DVD. Well, guess what? If you don't have a DVD player you better either plan to go out and get one or choose another option.

What about weight loss programs that require specific diets? Are you sure you don't have any food allergies or intolerance? If not, you better get those things tested. The last thing you want to do is start on a diet and find out that the food you're required to eat doesn't sit well with your digestive system.

What about if you decided that you wanted to take diet pills? It would probably be a good idea to check with your doctor first to find out what the potential dangers of diet pills are, and believe me, the dangers are quite real. You doctor might determine that diet pills are not the best course of action for you. For that matter, you shouldn't go on any diet plan without first checking with your physician first. As much as I'm not the biggest fan of the medical profession with the way they give our prescriptions like candy, there are times when it's a good idea to talk to a doctor.

You also want to make sure that you're physically capable of handling the diet plan that you've chosen, especially if you decide to go the exercise route. If you've been sitting behind a desk for the last 25 years and haven't exercised since you graduated high school, you might want to take it slow when it comes to hitting that treadmill. You've probably got muscles that haven't been used in years.

The bottom line is this. You can't just jump into a diet program, no matter what kind it is. You need to make sure that you're fully prepared for whatever plan it is that you choose and that your body has a better than even chance of surviving the routine.

In other words, use your head before you start using the other parts of your body.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

For natural treatments to a number of ailments, visit our website at http://www.natures-healing-remedies.com/ where you can get a free report on how the drug companies are killing us as well as get a 52 week series on a different ailment and treatment each week.

Key Weight Loss Ingredients

Most men have a problem knowing what to buy food wise. I know because I'm one of them. I never stock my fridge and cupboards with healthy options because I don't know what to buy. Because of this i am much more likely to eat snacks that are very bad for me.

Sometimes i can't be bothered to cook so i will get fast food instead. This is a death sentence on a plate! You need to keep your cupboards stocked with the right things so that you can always cook something that you like. Here are 20 simple items that you must keep in your cupboard.

1. Water - yes water is something that comes out of a tap, but keep a jug of water handy so that you can be ready. This helps you to keep the water cold.

2. Milk - Use low fat milk where possible. You will use milk on your cereal or porridge in a morning.

3. Fruit - Fruit is very good for you, it's a lovely healthy snack food. Try eating fruit instead of crisps.

4. Carrots - Cut them up into sticks and eat them raw as a form of snack.

5. Peanut butter - This contains protein, but little fat. Put it on toast instead of using any butter.

6. Eggs - Everything has eggs in it, you need them whenever you bake anything. They also make a great breakfast, just don't fry them!

7. Yogurt - A nice refreshing snack for hot days. Yogurt can be used to make a number of different drinks and can also be used in Indian cooking.

8. Butter - use it sparingly though! You do need it for baking things

9. Lemons - If you eat seafood and fish often then you defiantly need some lemons. You can also use them to make lemonade.

10. Mayonnaise - This is high in fat so don't use it every single day. It is great to use sometimes however. Try and buy a reduced fat mayonnaise.

11. Mustard - Use this instead of mayonnaise on your sandwiches. This has virtually no fat.

12. Cheese - Don't eat chunks of the stuff, sprinkle it onto otherwise dull dishes to make them spring to life.

13. Drink - You must drink something, try drinking fruit juice and water.

14. Ginger - Fresh ginger keeps for a very long time in your fridge. Just put it in your ice box whole.

15. Bread - A sandwich is a great lunch every now and again. However bread does have a lot of carbs, so don't go crazy. Buy bread from a local bakery if possible as it has less salt in than the mass produced stuff.

16. Cans - Buy canned vegetables and fruit, they really help you out of a tricky spot if you have run out of fresh fruit and veg. Tinned food can be kept for a long time, so don't worry about it going out of date.

17. Pasta - Pasta is a quick and easy meal to prepare

18. Rice - Rice is also extremely easy to cook

19. Herbs and spice - You'll never know when you might need spices and herbs. Try buying them in bulk, the small containers are pretty expensive.

20. Cereal - Great breakfast, little preparation time full of good stuff for your body. Much better than any muffin.

Fightfat.info offers you the latest information on weight loss, articles, and reviews about the numerous weight loss products that are on the market.

Ways to Lose Stomach Fat By Eating More - Part 1

Want the best ways to lose stomach fat - Eat more!

Diet and proper nutrition plays an important role in fat loss.

And the cornerstone of any fat loss is a good metabolism.

It is the key ingredient to reducing stomach fat.

But how do you adjust your diet to make sure the foods you eat are as metabolism friendly as possible?

Here are 3 ways to lose stomach fat-

1) Eat healthy to lose stomach fat

A healthy diet needs to be well rounded with the proper amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. As well, We need fiber, protein, and good source of fat.

2) Food is Not the Enemy

Not only do we need a balanced diet, a proper meal plan is also required. Instead of eating three meals throughout the day, eat several little meals, say times a day.

You don't have to reduce the number of calories you eat, but just reduce the portions of your meals in half and space them out throughout the day.

Or simply sticking to the policy of only 1 plate portions is a good start.

The benefit of doing this is, it keeps your blood sugar up, which gives you more energy. Initially, this might be difficult for some people, but after a while it will feel natural.

3) If you want a fast metabolism, avoid the 'stuffing' yourself to the point of a belly discomfort. We've all been guilty of over indulging ourselves, especially over Christmas, thanksgiving, and the buffet meals.

Over-eating does not allow your metabolism to handle efficiently, and a lot of it will be stored as fat.

You will gain weight, have less energy, and just make it more difficult to lose the weight.

Stay tuned for Part two on More "Ways to Lose Stomach Fat By Eating More" series coming up soon!

For More Information On How to Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle, Visit Turbulence Training at http://www.squidoo.com/turbulencetrainingreviews For the Best Exercises To Blowtorch Your Body Fat For Good.

Diet Without Counting

Wouldn't it be so much easier to lose weight if we could diet without counting? Most people lack the motivation to diet because they don't have the patience to count and keep track of the calories, points, or carbohydrates they consume. They would much rather diet without counting. That is why the calorie shifting diet is gaining widespread popularity as a viable alternative to the other so-called "mainstream" diets.

Rather than focusing on the quantity of the food you out, the calorie shifting diet places its emphasis on what foods you eat and when you eat them. In fact, while on this diet, you can eat as much food as you want until you are satisfied at every meal. Further more, you are required to eat four full meals per day. Furthermore, you are required to eat food from all four food groups during the course of this diet. Even more compelling is the fact that you are required to take a mandatory three-day "cheat break" from the diet every two weeks, to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss you will have been experiencing.

While on this diet, you can expect to lose nine pounds for every eleven days of dieting. That comes out to approximately twenty pounds per month.

So how is it possible to lose weight that rapidly, while eating as much food as you want, four times a day, from all four food groups?

The answer lies in the theory of calorie shifting, which is based on the premise that you can trigger your body's metabolism to go into fat burning mode at will, simply by restructuring your diet in such a way that you shift the types of calories that you consume from meal to meal on a rotational basis. Doing so induces simulated nutritional deprivation which causes the body's metabolism to tap into its food stores as its instinctive "survival mechanism", while in reality you are eating healthy.

The success rate with this diet is very high due to the levels of satisfaction that are achieved during the dieting process. You never feel starved or deprived while on this diet. Plus you experience weight loss at a rapid pace, nearly a pound a day. The mere fact that you are able to take a 3-day break from the diet serves as a boon for many a dieter.

So what are you waiting for? Follow the diet plan outlined at http://www.CalorieShiftingDiet.info and you will be 9 pounds lighter 11 days from now!

Free Tips on Losing Weight

Here are a few free tips on losing weight that really work. Starting with your behavior, you need to start thinking thin and realizing that weight loss begins in your mind. Keep a positive attitude, set realistic weight loss goals, keep a food journal and begin an exercise routine you can live with.

To lose weight you have to cut your calorie intake by 500 calories a day. A little secret weight loss tip is you don't have to cut them all from your food. If you eat 250 calories less food you can burn the other 250 calories by walking for 30 to 45 minutes a day. In a week, you will have lost about 1 pound. Over time, these small changes will add up to a healthier, happier and lighter you.

Below are some of the best healthy weight loss tips to keep you moving toward your weight loss goals:

Eat breakfast every day. Eat whole grains with at least 2 grams of fiber.

Eat some dairy like yogurt or milk, it can help rev up your metabolism.

Drink water and keep hydrated, add a twist of lime to zest up the flavor.

Be aware of white foods, choose fruits and vegetables with bright colors.

Be cautious about bread, choose high fiber, whole grain loaves.

Have an apple before dinner, it fills you up and provides lots of fiber.

Keep moving, dance around the house while making the bed and doing chores.

Brush your teeth after meals or have a breath mint, it helps to stop the urge to eat.

Losing weight is not something that happens overnight just like gaining weight is not an overnight occurrence. Developing the right mind set and determination to achieving your weight loss goal along with a few sensible behavior changes will send you well on your way to achieving success.

Understand how your thoughts, life experiences and attitudes about food and exercise influence your mind into making lasting lifestyle changes for long term success. I hope these free tips on losing weight will start you on your way.

Copyright 2005 Treadmill Info.com All Rights Reserved.

This article is supplied by http://www.treadmill-info.com where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to: http://www.treadmill-info.com/articles_1.html

Weight Loss Excuses To Avoid

A lot of people complain about how difficult it is to lose weight. They allege that no matter how much exercise and healthy eating is done, their skinny jeans still do not fit and the number on the weighing scale has barely changed. More often than not, the reason behind the inability of many to shed pounds is due to a number of misconceptions about exercise and dieting. Below are some weight loss excuses that you need to avoid if you want to eliminate excess fat.

Strenuous Exercise Is Bad For The Joints

People who are overweight and obese usually have problems with their joints so they are advised to shed some pounds first before running or performing strenuous exercises. However, they can still perform other forms of exercises that can help them trim down extra fat. Several minutes of brisk walking and doing low impact exercises will often do the trick. Furthermore, weight training is important because strong muscles help strengthen the bones. Thus, not exercising because of fear of endangering the joints is just a lame excuse for people who simply do not have the conviction to be healthy and stay slim.

Complete 100 Crunches For A Flatter Tummy

You might have heard celebrities claiming to perform 100 or more sit-ups or abdominal crunches before shooting a sexy revealing video or a scene that requires baring some flesh. In reality, these stars do not only do these crunches, but also scanty diet and other high intensity workouts.

If you want to get rid of your beer belly, you need to do much more than 100 sit-ups. You need to start watching what you eat, do high-impact exercises, and squeeze in weight training to at least three days a week.

Exercise Should Be Done In The Morning

There are many people who think that they can only benefit from exercise if they performed it in the morning. Although there are some who really prefer exercising in the morning, you can actually exercise anytime you want. In fact, it is much better to schedule your gym visits to a time that is most convenient for you so that you don't have to be in a hurry to finish your sets. The key to successful exercise plan is consistency. For example, if you start to perform your weight-loss exercise program in the afternoon, it would be best to do succeeding sessions in about the same time of the day so that exercising will become a habit.

Lifting Weights Can Give Women Very Muscular Body

Body builders, both men and women alike, end up with big muscular body because they wanted to. They lift very heavy weights and train very hard to achieve their chiselled body. However, not all weight training programs can lead to big muscles. If you do not want to accidentally have biceps like Popeye, then you need to tell your trainer or gym instructor what you want to achieve. These people are trained and certified fitness instructors so they know what program and weights to give you in order to achieve your goal.

Skip Carbs In The Evening To Shed Pounds

No matter what time of day you eat, you are likely to continue gaining weight if you eat a lot, particularly unhealthy foods. There are really no studies to confirm if the habit of eating nothing after six in the evening can burn more fat.

However, some people really lose weight when they eat early dinner and skip midnight snacking because they end up eating less. Thus, if this should work for you, then go ahead and do this diet plan. Just make sure that you still reduce your intake of sugar-rich foods.

If you have been having a hard time losing weight, you can always couple your weight-loss training program with some diet aids, such as Zylorin. If you want to know about this product, go to http://www.zylorin.com/.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com

Easy Stamina Workout

Even if you dont have any time for stamina training, I know for a fact that this one exercise can be done no matter how limited your time is.

Running in place is guaranteed to get you in shape quickly, and make you shed off those extra pounds. If you do it for 30 minutes each day, youll begin to notice the difference in your stamina in a very short period of time. You can do it while watching TV. Just pick out one of your favorite TV shows that is about to come on soon, and run in place while watching it.

To get the most out of running in place, you must do it for at least 30 minutes each day (the length of your show), and run with high-knees when you do it. Lift your knees up to about abdomen level with each step and swing your arms. You can do it at any speed that you wish, just make sure its not too slow.

Running in place is used by many people as an alternative to running. When the whether is bad and fitness trainers cant go outside to do their daily training, they don't use the bad whether as an excuse to not train (well the success fitness trainers don't), they turn to running in place. It works equally as well and is actually a lot easier to do. Plus with the high knees, you'll also be getting a good calve workout as well.

So give it a try and see the results for yourself!

Ryan Dodson - Personal Fitness Trainer - There are a lot more easy, time-efficient exercises that you can be doing right now to greatly increase your stamina. Visit http://www.ebookchi.com/inhumanstamina.html to find out what I'm talking about.

Target Heart Rate is Useless for Losing Body Fat

I co-wrote this target heart rate article with Craig Ballantyne because we want to get the message out to everyone who keeps struggling with this outdated mentality that they must be in some sort of "fat burning zone" if they want to stand any chance of losing body fat with their workouts. We'll show you why targeting a specific heart rate to be in this so-called fat burning zone is actually the opposite of what you should be focusing on in your workouts if you truly want to get lasting fat loss results.

One of the worst myths in the fitness industry is that you need to maintain a specific heart rate range in the fat burning zone in order to lose fat. But this is simply not true. Unfortunately, this false belief leads people to choose low intensity steady state cardio routines that are ineffective and cause most people a major lack of results from their workouts.

The quicker you get rid of the "target fat burning heart rate = the best workout" mentality, the faster you will actually start to get real results with fat loss and changing the shape of your body for good.

In the Turbulence Training workouts, you actually burn more fat and more total calories when you are OUT of the gym due to the high-intensity and variable intensity nature of the training methods in these programs. This phenomenon is not due to the elevated heart rate you experience during the workout (even though your heart rate will be increased from the supersets and intervals), but rather from the metabolic and hormonal response you achieve from the more effective workout compared to your ineffective "fat burning zone" workout.

Over the last 10 years, scientific research has indicated a couple of very important things to us about exercising for body fat loss. First of all, lifting heavier weights while exercising leads to a higher caloric consumption by the body in the period for about 1-2 days following the workout when compared to lifting light weights with high repetitions. So that's why 6-8 repetitions per set is better than 12-15 reps per set when it comes to stimulating the metabolism for losing fat permanently. That's one of the cornerstones of the types of training routines in programs that actually get results, like Turbulence Training.

Another important aspect we have learned from scientific research in recent years is that highly variable interval-type training is far superior to slow, steady-pace cardio exercise for fat loss and post-exercise induced calorie burning. In the long run, if you focus on the internal metabolic response your body is getting from your workout routines, instead of how many calories you burn during some sort of magical "target fat burning heart rate zone", you will achieve MUCH better fat loss results. So not only is it more result-producing, but it is also more time-efficient to use short high-intensity interval training workouts instead of slow, long, steady-pace cardio sessions.

The only time you might need to know your specific heart rate is during the recovery period of the interval training. It is important to take enough time during your recovery intervals in order for your heart rate to drop back down significantly (allow it drop to approximately less than 60% of your max heart rate).

That way you are able to get more quality work done when it counts. You do not want to start your next high-intensity interval too soon, nor do you want to exercise too hard during your recovery intervals.

All of these details are provided in the interval training guidelines within the Turbulence Training program. And we'll show you how to properly structure your intervals so that you allow enough recovery time between each. With these guidelines, you do not have to worry about monitoring your target heart rate or anything fancy like that. It's just not necessary. Just follow the TT instructions, and you will do great.

So here's the bottom line:

If you want to start actually getting the fat loss results you've been wanting for so long, do not worry so much about your target fat buring heart rate zone during exercise. Instead, make sure that you are working at a high-intensity and a variable intensity (according to your individual capabilities of course) during each weight lifting and interval training session.

The TT workout guidelines will give you all of the details you need on the specific rest periods to use between supersets and intervals. With these guidelines, you will start to see vastly improved results from your workouts within weeks of implementing the changes.

See below for a special free report on cardio training alternatives that create a much better metabolic environment for fat loss than traditional cardio routines.

To free yourself of the mindset of the target heart rate and "fat loss zone", grab your free cardio myths report at Beyond Cardio Workouts.

If you're trying to uncover your six pack abs by losing stubborn belly fat, visit Best Ab Exercises, Flatten Stomach, Abdominal Workouts

For any ladies interested in toning up your butt, visit Workouts for a Sexy Butt.

What Are You Eating?

What are you eating? High fattening foods (even only once a day) can destroy any weight loss that may have occurred during your low fat eating. Fast foods, fried foods, foods and sodas high in sugar are detrimental to weight loss- Avoid them! Even if you only eat these kinds of foods once a day, they can really hinder weight loss efforts. Try to eat well-balanced meals with protein, carbohydrates and a small amount of fats. One good example would be: 1) Protein- a chicken breast or fillet of fish, 2) Carbohydrates/Fat- a small salad with vinegar and olive oil (the oil will be your fat for the meal) 3) Carbohydrates- a small baked potato or a serving of rice (either should be plain- no butter!).Meal Replacement Powders (MRP) such as Met-Rx, MyoPlex, Atkins Shakes, Balance 40-30-30, Ultramet or Complete Protein Diet are excellent fast meals, or snacks, that are effective when added to your eating plan. (All of which are carried by MaxLabs). MRPs are an excellent way to get a high protein, low calorie meal into your diet once or twice a day. This will keep you from eating fattening foods that hinder weight loss. (Plus these products yield many vitamins and minerals).

I eat low fat foods at the restaurants I visit. Why is this bad? An example of how normal food is bad, bad, bad!

You proceed to your favorite restaurant for: a salad with dressing, no fat pasta with sauce, a cola, and some bread! First, the dressing from the salad is usually 100% fat so there is 15 grams of fat. Second, the pasta is easily stored as fat because it is a starchy carbohydrate. (Starchy carbohydrates are easily stored as fat unless you are on a serious exercise program). Should we mention the sauce that was on the pasta (mostly fat as well- lets store that on the hips!)? The bread well, you guessed it, high-glycemic foods such as this are hard to burn off too! That cola you drank (depending on the size) had anywhere from 40 grams to 100 grams of sugar (which almost always turns to fat if not burned off with exercise). Did you have refills? CONCLUSION: You can see how what most people view as eating low fat, can be detrimental to a diet!

When are you eating? Do you eat more at night or during the day? If you eat at night right before bed, you have a greater tendency to store that food as fat! Try to eat your biggest meal at breakfast, a medium meal at lunch and a light dinner. Drink MRPs in between meals or as meals by themselves. Try not to eat within 3 hours of the time you go to bed. The metabolic process slows down drastically when we rest. If there is food in our stomach that has not been fully digested by the time we go to bed, there is a strong possibility that food will be stored as fat!This means that all the hard work you did during the day may be negated by storage of fat at night!

Are you skipping meals?If you skip any meals, you have a great chance of storing your next meal as fat. People who do not eat very often, "train" their bodies to believe it will not be eating for a while. Therefore, the body stores everything we give it for its future energy needs. In other words, the body stores much of what we eat as- .you guessed it, FAT! Do not put your body in a "starvation mode"; eat 3-5 very small (almost snacking) meals a day! This will boost your metabolism and allow your body to better burn off the things you eat.

Here is an example:

You get up in the morning get ready for work and rush out the door without eating breakfast. A hectic day leads to a late lunch at 12:30. You eat what you believe is a low fat, well-balanced meal. Now think about this, you have not eaten anything for around 18 hours (since dinner the night before). 18 hours, thats huge! And, believe me, your body knows this! So when you do eat, even if you do eat low fat, your body is going to store everything you eat, because you have trained it to know that there is a strong possibility it will not be refueled again for another 18 hours.

Another thing to consider is that our bodies can only digest so much food at a time. Consider this: person A is eating 1500 calories a day and person B is also eating 1500 calories a day. Both person A and person B have the approximately the same body structures and chemical make-up. Person A eats 5 meals consisting of 300 calories per meal and person B eats 3 meals at 500 calories per meal. Person B puts a lot of stress on his body because his body has a hard time digesting 500 calories at a time while person As body has no problem digesting 300 calories at a time. For this reason, person B cant lose weight while person A does lose weight by eating the exact same amount of calories. The reason for this is person B usually stores a little of each meal as fat because his body just cant handle digesting 500 calories at a time.[500 & 300 calories were just examples used for simplicity]

Are you exercising? This obviously has a great impact on weight loss. The more you exercise, the greater your metabolism is boosted! Also, what type of exercise are you doing? The best is to get 3 days of aerobic-type exercise (30-45 minutes per session) and then to get 3 days of weight lifting. Most women (and some men) do not want to lift weights because they dont want to look big and bulky. But getting big is very, very tough to do. With exercise, most people will end up just looking lean (this is good). The bottom line is that weight lifting is one of the absolute best ways to boost your metabolism and get your body to burn calories. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE! Plus, the more muscle you add to your body, the more calories you burn just sitting still. This is because one pound of muscle burns more calories than one pound of fat.

Are you drinking lots of water? This aspect of weight loss is often under-looked. Drinking water is very, very important to weight loss. Many people are under the impressions that they "retain water" and this is the reason they are overweight. RUBBISH! Water is a major contributing factor in aiding the weight loss battle. Drinking plenty of water is a vital component for weight loss.

How much weight are you trying to lose? The less weight you are trying to lose, the harder it may be. For example, if you are only trying to lose 5-15 pounds, every little thing you do will matter more to you than to someone who is trying to lose 50-100 pounds. As we get closer and closer to our ideal weight, our body tries very hard to hold on to those pounds. Now this doesn't mean we should take it easy if 50-100 pounds is your weight loss goal. It just means that usually the last pounds are harder to bring off than the first ones.

These are just a few of the topics you should look into, and obviously, these things vary from individual to individual. I also recommend for you to get a good multi-vitamin or antioxidant. The healthier your body is, the more efficiently it will get rid of those excess pounds. Also, educate yourself. There are about 10-15 very good health/fitness magazines out there to keep you well informed about fat loss, burning of calories, exercise programs and descriptions of what/when/why to eat.So learn, learn, learn, and as you build your knowledge base you will begin listening to your body and watching for signs that tell you "This works" or "This does not work".

Many people have a hard time losing weight, and this too is natural. It is the natural tendency of your body to hold on to extra calories and fat for future energy use. You have to shock it into losing. Thermogenic products like Max Ten, Max Fifty or Max Sports Fuel help significantly, but sometimes it takes that extra effort (the extra mile, the extra workout, one less soda a day) to get yourself moving in the right direction.

Loren Bailey is the webmaster and content advisor for MaxLabs.com, HighFiberFoods.net and other health related web sites.

5 Easy and Effective Steps to Reduce Belly Fat

A excess of fat in the midsection has been linked to a number of debilitating illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, certain cancers, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. Many people find it increasingly difficult to lose weight as they age, and most men tend to gain weight around the midsection first. However, by following the five steps outlined below, its possible to reduce belly fat, lose weight, decrease the risk of certain diseases, and increase your overall quality of life.

1. Eat healthier meals

Research suggests that a diet rich with omega-3 fats can reduce the production of adrenaline, which is a stress hormone that contributes to belly fat. Omega-3s can be found in foods such as fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Also be sure to get the right amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals, and avoid processed foods and those that are high in animal fat.

2. Get enough exercise

A combination of aerobics and stomach-toning exercises coupled with a healthy diet will help tighten abdominal muscles and reduce belly fat. Exercise for at least 20, if not 30, minutes a day for the best results. Many people are surprised to learn that traditional sit-ups really arent the best way to reduce belly fat. Exercises such as pelvic lifts and tilts are much better for toning and strengthening weak or flabby abdominal muscles.

3. Strength train

Incorporate strength training into your exercise routine to help reduce belly fat. Regular weight lifting is beneficial because muscles burn calories. The more muscles your body has, the more calories it will be able to burn. Muscles also take up roughly a third of the amount of space that fat does, which helps us to not only feel better, but look better as well. Fitness trainers recommend strength training only every other day to allow the muscles a chance to rest and to avoid injury.

4. Limit stress

A hormone called cortisol is released during periods of stress and then remains at an elevated level. The fat in the abdomen acts differently from fat cells found in other parts of the body mainly due to the large blood supply in this particular area. The abdominal region also has more receptors to stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. All of these factors make it easier for fat to be stored here and settle around the abdominal area.

Try to limit your levels of tension by incorporating stress relieving activities into your daily schedule. At some point during the full 24 hours of each and every day, its imperative to make time for yourself in order for good mental and physical health. Read, talk a walk, listen to music, talk to a friend, soak in the bath, or simply nap or meditate for a few minutes each day. Research has shown that reducing stress does have a positive impact on the bodys ability to reduce belly fat.

5. Be patient

This final step to reduce excess belly fat is just as important as the other four. The extra fat that youve accumulated around your midsection didnt appear overnight, and likewise, it wont disappear that quickly either. By fretting and worrying about plateaus or stalls in weight loss, you may actually cause yourself to gain weight due to the extra stress on the body.

Find out how you can easily and quickly lose weight with Nutrisystem visit Fast Easy Diet.com at http://www.fast-easy-diet.com

Alternatives To Weight Loss Surgery

Losing weight via surgery has become quite common these days even before exploring all of the other options out there. If we cut through the hype and salesmanship on the subject, it sure would make things a lot easier. But the truth is there are always alternatives to a weight loss surgery, that will help you lose excess weight fast, without under going painful and costly surgery.

To melt off the unwanted weight without any hard work or surgery, all you need to do is to change your eating habits or routine. Most people stuck in overweight bodies, considering surgeries, don't realize that the cure lies at the base of the problem i.e. the reason why many of us gain weight is the consumption of undesired food products. We have very little real knowledge about what we put in our bodies. In this area knowledge is truly king!

Getting rid of unhealthy eating habits also cleanses your body system supporting weight loss protocol. Consuming fruits and vegetables along with lean protein does not just provide you with the essential ingredients, but also supports your body functions without adding any undesired weight. But if you don't know what well marketed processed foods are doing to clog your system, fill you with parasites, yes, parasites, and prevent you from losing and keeping weight off. You will never stop the yo-yo weight gain/lose cycle.

So, if you are someone looking for alternatives to weight loss surgery, begin by doing some research on the truth about your diet. I have found a excellent source of this information in a easy to read (only-39 pages) and understand ebook by Dr. Susan Gudakunst. Before you let anyone do surgery on you, know all of your options. This Dr. is going against the grain with the information she is revealing. I found it very refreshing, I hope this article was helpful in your search for alternatives to weight loss surgery.

If the content in this article somehow does not apply to you, I know that it does apply to someone you love. Check the site out yourself and then enlighten that person in your life that you know needs to make a change. We can all be more healthy to experience a better life with the ones we love. Thanks for reading this.


3 Easy Weight Loss Tips That Work

1. Exercise

This should obviously be the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of how to lose weight. Exercise has been proven effective since the days of cavemen. Anytime you challenge your body in a workout you are going to get results that you like. The thing is you have to stick to it even though it may seem hard at first. Remember the saying "no pain, no gain", it stands for something and it will help you succeed in your weight loss goals.

2. Supplements

Some people have problems losing weight and need to get help from supplements that are available on the market. These supplements are perfectly healthy and are actually made from plants that grow on the earth. No harsh chemicals and the side effects are nil to none compared to over the counter prescription pills. These weight loss supplements work WITH your body to help you lose weight and keep it off. The supplements are able to bind to fat and keep it out of your system. They also help reduce your appetite so you are not craving for food and binge eating. Give them a try if you are looking for some added help in weight loss.

3. Keep a Food Journal

You would be surprised how much you eat in a day if you wrote down everything. Sure you had a snack at 10 am but then you ate lunch in the afternoon. After you ate lunch you grabbed a snack from the vending machine, or maybe at lunch your co-worker couldn't finish their sandwich and you ate it. All these little things add up and will keep you from achieving your goal of losing weight. Keep a food journal and track what you eat. See what you eat and at what times so you can try and kick the habit of eating in between meals.

Taking these tips and running with them will help you succeed in losing weight. Visit the weight loss website HelpLoseThePounds.com for more information!

How To Stop Emotional Eating

For many people overeating is simply a habit and a strong focus and change of behavior will be key to weight loss success in these cases. But to say that people who are overweight just eat too much, is not always true.

Sometimes people eat more, for any number of psychological reasons. In a letter that I recently got from a subscriber there is the following line: "I find myself eating sweets when i get frustrated or sad".

Stress, frustration, sadness and depression are just a few emotional triggers which can make a person want to eat more. Eating is then usually associated with these emotions and for this reason they choose to eat more to comfort themselves.

Certain chemicals in the brain are linked to both mood and hunger.

For example, one of the most likely culprits that lurks behind the act of emotional binges is cortisol -- a stress hormone that tends to make people crave sweet and salty food. So, if you experience more stress than is natural, higher quantities of cortisol is produced, leading you to crave for unhealthy foods, and this in turn leads to other health related problems. It's the domino effect.

In cases like these it is wise to resolve your emotional issues first, even if you need to consult a specialist, rather than trying to attack the eating problem first.

And for your own good, try to cope in healthy ways --

  • Exercising has the effect of letting the dominoes and the dice fall in your favor. It is the foundation of feeling good and eating healthy. Get your endorphins going, instead of cortisol.
  • Eliminate any temptations by not actually buying foods that are going to cause you a problem. This will encourage you to eat better foods and in doing so change your behavior patterns.
  • Social support can go a long way toward helping you process your feelings. Put your trust in your family, a close friend, or once again - by seeing a specialist if necessary.
  • Keep a diary. This has proven time and time again to have many health benefits beyond mere stress management. This is successfully used to set goals, keep track of daily consumption and to chart progress. Even when failures arise, these are noted, and used constructively, eventually just becoming a bad day between more and more successes. So when you feel like reaching for unhealthy food, reach for a pen and your journal instead.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at WeightLossDietSecrets.net, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!