Easy Diet

Friday, May 23, 2008

Weight Loss Programs Easier with Pain Pleasure Feelings or Statements

Use your frustrations as Motivators to lose weight and get back to what you enjoyed before! You can do it!

What are you not doing now that you would do if you were at your ideal weight? Make a list and start thinking on these things as the list can create can turn into a great motivator to get your life back to enjoying yourself at or near your ideal weight.

Do you have clothes in your closet that you used to love to wear and felt that you looked great in? If so, you can turn the emotions of frustration that you feel into a great motivator to help you lose weight.

Do you miss out on activities because you don't feel you look good? Do you have clothes in your closet that you are frustrated about because they no longer fit you? These can motivate you!

Get that special outfit that you no longer fit into out of the closet. Hang it over a door or drape it over a chair where you can look at it often. When you look at it do NOT let yourself feel shame. Just let yourself 'feel' how you felt when you used to fit into that special dress or sweater or jacket, or whatever item of clothing. How did you feel then? How will you feel if you lose enough weight to fit into that again? Keep your thoughts "positive". Don't dwell on feeling bad because you've gained weight. Congratulate yourself that you will fit into that item of clothing again. Start putting yourself mentally into those activities you enjoyed in those items of clothing. And start feeling positive emotions that will motivate you to lose the weight to enjoy those or other activities again.

If people used to compliment you - OR if you used to compliment yourself and feel good about the way you looked in the mirror in an item of clothing, "replay" those feelings of how that felt and how that will feel again when you lose the weight to look good in that item of clothing or new clothing that is similar that you will want to buy again when you lose the weight that you want to lose.

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Weight Loss with Chinese Herbs

Chinese herbs can be used to influence the bodys metabolism in different ways. Most people who need to lose weight would like to have their metabolism run more efficiently. There are a number of herbs that can help people in their quest for a healthier, more efficient metabolism in order to ensure that any efforts to lose weight are blessed with success. There are three types of herbs that can assist people trying to lose weight. The first type of herb is the type that transforms phlegm in Chinese medicine terminology. These herbs can help the body to process fats more efficiently and prevent the accumulation of unhealthy fats and fluids in the body. Some herbs in this class that may assist weight loss include citrus aurantium, immature citrus peel, and magnolia bark. Glechoma and hawthorn berry can also help by transforming phlegm.

Citrus Aurantium contains synephrine, which has been shown to have fat-burning properties in research done at McGill University in Montreal. It improves the thermogenesis of brown fatty tissue in the body, which is generally the fat that is the most difficult to burn off. Citrus Aurantium does not have any negative impact on the nervous system like ephedra does. Speaking of ephedra, I do not recommend its use for dieting. Chinese medicine has traditionally used it for severe and acute conditions, such as asthma attacks. It is not intended to be used as a dieting tool or to get a high. These uses can leave a person ultimately more fatigued and adrenal-depleted in the end. Citrus Aurantium is an infinitely safer option for those interested in weight loss.

Other herbs that can help boost metabolic function are herbs that increase the qi and yang energy of the body. This class of herbs includes ginseng, astragalus, and atractylodes. Other herbs in this category include ginger, cinnamon, epimedium and eucommia bark. These herbs can also give a person an energy boost. This can encourage the person to remain consistent with his or her exercise routine. These herbs also encourage healthy digestion and generally make a persons metabolism run faster and more efficiently. This group of herbs can be particularly helpful for those people whose weight tends to accumulate around the abdomen.

Detoxifying, bitter herbs are another class of herbs that can assist with weight loss. These herbs tend to reduce inflammatory, acidic conditions in the body that often trigger the cravings people have for inordinate quantities of unhealthy food. These herbs are particularly useful in people who tend to have voracious appetites for spicy, oily, and sweet foods. They also may have a tendency towards acne or oily skin, and a slightly reddish, or ruddy complexion. These herbs include Chinese rhubarb, coptis, and scute.

Other herbs can be used to control and balance out the emotional conditions that trigger overeating. People who find themselves eating out of stress, sadness, depression, anxiety, or PMS can find that these herbs balance out their emotional life and reduce their cravings for food. These herbs include magnolia bark, bupleurum root, mint, zizyphus and biota seeds, and longan fruit.

Other supplements that can assist in a healthy weight loss program are kelp, apple cider vinegar, vitamin B6, and flaxseed oil. Drinking green tea regularly can also be quite helpful.

It is important to remember that all of these supplements are beneficial for promoting weight loss because they promote a healthy metabolism, a healthy energy level, a healthy digestion, and a healthy mental attitude, but that dietary and lifestyle changes are crucial in order to see the results that you want. Nevertheless, Chinese Medicine can be a great ally in the quest to shed pounds more efficiently.

Dr. Farah Khan, DOM is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine practicing in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She offers information and products related to different health conditions at her web site at http://www.yinessence.com/home.htm, including FormuSlim and Citrus Aurantium for weight loss. She can be reached at farah@yinessence.com.

Recommended Weight Loss Diet

Losing weight is always easy. That is against the thinking of most people but it really is a simple equation; calories taken - calories burnt = weight loss. Most people suffer from this problem because of the life style they follow, which is really getting hectic day by day, so to control one's weight we need a weight loss diet. In this modern world every one wants to look smart and weight is one really important part of personality, so a weight loss diet is a must for those who are obese.

Most important is to know the reason of your obesity. If you are a young adult then probably you eat more than what is required unless there is some physical problem which a doctor would be able to handle better. But it would be less appropriate to keep harping on the point of weight loss without taking into consideration the importance of exercising. It is really important as it completely rejuvenates your mind and we all know a healthy mind has a healthy body.

As we all know dieting is not at all easy, more than physical exertion it requires great mental strength on the part of individual to diet and loose weight. Weight loss is easy if your diet is healthy, that is more of fruits and vegetables, and devoid of junk food. Control your urge for colas and such fizzes and prefer water instead. One golden tip is to choose fresh fruit instead of fruit juice. Further enhancing the cause of losing weight, you really don't get fat by eating but eating wrong food will make you fat; so correct diet is the secret to weight loss.

Exercising is really a must for a healthy body as it is a system which makes your body feel that it is still working and needs to be fit, it accelerates your metabolic rate thus making you burn more calories and hence helps you in weight loss. One important thing not to do in a diet is to starve yourself as it makes you irritated , it may make you loose weight for a small amount but it is sure that later on if strict diet is given up, weight gain will be at a rapid rate. Some of the breathing exercises also help you in losing by increasing the metabolic rate, so yoga is also one good option which can be considered. Rapid social changes in world make us meet different people so confidence is must and your fitness is one great impact area so choice is yours - fit or fat.

A lot of people have tried to lose weight by consuming pills but frankly pills do not work as effective as natural methods. In fact pills can as well ruin your health. Check out the controversial methods of losing weight on how to lose weight fast

Ivy is a mother of three. She never succeeded in losing weight despite trying many so called proven weight loss methods until she found the secret methods. Find out her secrets at How to lose weight naturally and healthily.

Weight Loss Surgery: A Last Resort

Thinking about weight loss surgery? You're not alone. Over two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Many are looking for ways to lower their bodyweight and enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle. A fast surgical procedure seems like a great option. But, for the vast majority of people, weight loss surgery should be a last resort.

One of the most common types of weight loss surgery is liposuction, a procedure that removes excess fat from the waistline. Thousands of people - mostly women - undergo liposuction surgery every year. For many, it appears to be a much easier alternative to diet and exercise. Yet recent studies show that removing abdominal fat with liposuction provides almost none of the health benefits of "normal" weight loss: lowered levels of blood sugar, insulin and inflammation-related biomarkers, not to mention increased cardiovascular fitness, improved muscle tone, stronger bones, etc.

Another little-known problem with liposuction weight loss surgery: over 40% of patients regain the weight they lose from the procedure. Why? Simply because they make no healthy lifestyle changes. Some even believe that they can exercise less and eat more now that they have fewer abdominal fat cells. Obviously this isn't true and thousands of people find that out the hard way.

Other types of weight loss surgery are designed for the severely obese - generally those people with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. These surgeries, which include gastric bypass and various "banding" and "stapling" procedures, have helped many formerly-obese people enjoy a higher-quality of life. However, all of these operations involve a considerable amount of risk.

Some of the risks associated with weight loss surgery include:

Death - According to the Mayo Clinic, about one in 200 to 300 people who has gastric bypass surgery dies from the procedure.

Post-surgery complications - Some weight loss surgery patients experience severe complications such as internal bleeding, infections, and blood clots. Others have to undergo follow-up procedures to correct complications such as abdominal hernias.

Gallstones - More than a third of patients develop gallstones as a result of losing large amounts of bodyweight following a weight loss surgery procedure.

Nutrient deficiencies - Some weight loss surgeries disrupt the digestion process. Without careful dietary supplementation this can lead to deficiencies in many important nutrients, especially vitamins B12 and D, iron, calcium, and folate.

Anyone considering weight loss surgery needs to weigh the risks against the benefits. They also need to realize that these extreme procedures are not cosmetic. Most patients only end up losing about 30% of their bodyweight and remain overweight for life. Simply put, weight loss surgery alone will not make you thin and beautiful. Yes, if you are extremely overweight, it may provide tremendous health benefits. But if you're just looking for a way to get thin without the "hassles" of healthy diet and regular exercise you better think again.

Jamie Clark is editor of fitFAQ.com, one of the Web's top fitness information sites. Learn more about healthy weight loss options by visiting http://www.fitfaq.com

Weight Loss And Fad Diets

Fad diets encompass a whole range of methods to temporarily lose weight. Many of diets are unsafe. We constantly hear about new fad diets in the market. Fad diets generally work as follows:

For a period of time you are instructed to restrict you diet to a select group of foods or to purchase prepared foods from the diet company. You may also be told to restrict your eating or to count calories. These diets vary but it is not uncommon for fats to be eliminated in these diets. The reaction to this starvation diet is that your body eliminates excess water. You'll also experience a rapid loss of weight. This initial weight loss is due to water weight.

As you continue to starve your body, after the initial water loss, you'll start to burn muscle mass. At this point it still is not burning fat. Of course, the excess fat is the problem behind your weight problem. The truth is that while you continue to avoid fats, your system will try to preserve the fat that it has stored. If you stay on this fad diet for a month your body will have no alternative but to start burning fat. This is where the difficulty begins. The dieter will get weaker, lethargic and not able to perform well at this initial fat loss stage. Burning fat requires more effort and time to produce energy from fat than it does from muscle.

Usually at this point something gives. You find it difficult to function under these conditions and return to your earlier dietary habits. The problem is that your body has difficulty adjusting to you former eating pattern. Before the body returns to restructuring your muscle, it will store most of your nourishment as excess fat.

Surprise, you're back to your pre-diet weight and possibly a bit more. This is how fad diets fail. It is not possible to lose weight with fad diets and to keep that weight off. This approach to losing weight is flawed from inception. It will never be successful in your weight loss goals.

If you're like most individuals, then chances are, you have not successfully achieved your weight loss goal yet and still looking for a weight loss plan that can lead you to a permanently slim body. There is only one approach that will work permanently. Simple lifestyle changes that you incorporate into you day to day life.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/fatburnerreviews/herbal_fat_burners.html where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Think Yourself Thin - Weight Loss Tips

If you're the sort of person who dreads the sweat and soreness of exercise and loathes the discipline diets, you'll be happy to hear that there's something you can do just by sitting and thinking which can speed you along to a svelte new physique. You've probably heard of the power of the mind over the body before, and some exciting new research has shown a correlation between imagining yourself as slim and healthy and actually reaching your fitness goals. Unfortunately, it can't totally take the place of diet and exercise. But if you harness the power of your mind your body won't have to work as hard.

Keep a Positive Attitude

When you feel discouraged and depressed about your weight, you're likely to decide your efforts are all in vain and that you might as well console yourself with a bag of chips. You'll wonder why you bother working out and choose to sleep in instead of heading to the gym. So stay positive! Picture yourself as thin, strong, active, and happy. Remind yourself that those Oreos might taste good for a few minutes but that you'll derive a lot more long-term pleasure from the confidence and energy that comes with being trim and healthy. Stress can make you gain weight, so avoid tension-inducing situations and make a conscious effort to think calmly, clearly, and above all, positively.

Wear Clothing That Makes You Feel Thin

Don't wait until you reach your goal weight to start dressing in stylish, well-fitted clothing. Loose baggy clothes make you look bigger than you really are. Dressing stylishly and taking pride in your appearance will make you feel better about your body, and that in turn will make you more likely to want to treat your body right with nourishing food and fun physical activity.

Set Goals

Setting concrete goals and keeping them at the forefront of your mind will help you to stay on track in your journey toward a healthier new you. Realistic, mini-milestones will do you the most good. If you're goal is to be a size 2 by next weekend you're only setting yourself up for disappointment. A healthy, attainable goal is to lose two pounds a week. As you start to reach your goals you'll find a positive, confident outlook on life becomes more and more automatic.

You might be thinking that these steps are too simple and painless to actually work. But they really can be hugely beneficial. If you imagine yourself as healthy and attractive, your thoughts will come to manifest themselves as reality.

Brent Crouch is the owner of WeightLossEtc.org. He has dedicated this site to providing information on using the power of your mind to lose weight and discussing other weight loss issues.

Interval Training: The Fastest Way to Fat Loss

Intervals: Efficient & Effective

Intervals are the single most results producing exercise that Ive ever found for boosting your metabolism, helping you burn inches off your body, and giving you a tight, lean, strong shape.

Heres an excerpt from my latest article in Mens Fitness showing you how to use intervals for fat loss (Mens Fitness, Page 114, April 2005).

Interval training is the fitness worlds equivalent of a visit to the in-laws. The shorter and more intense the visit, the better.

An interval is a short period of exercise performed at a given intensity for a specific length of time. Each interval is separated from the next interval by a short rest or lighter activity. There are no strict rules on how long or how intense the interval must be, however, changing the interval length or intensity changes the way your body works and responds to exercise.

Never sacrifice the quality of rest between intervals because this will only reduce the benefits. To succeed with intervals, you must first shake the mindset of traditional continuous cardio training.

No matter where you start with intervals, heed this warning. The high-intensity nature of the exercise can cause muscle soreness youd associate only with weights, and can cause your legs to feel like j-e-l-l-o.

What most people dont know is that intervals are the best cardio method for fat loss. Most guys in the gym are hung up on doing excessive amounts of work, but shorter, more intense intervals get the job done better.

Intervals continue to burn calories and fat after the training session, and thats something you wont get from slower, longer sessions of cardio. When Canadian researchers compared interval training and long, slow cardio training, it was interval training that was shown to be more effective for fat loss.

Use this workout 3-5 times per week to blast fat.

Start with this beginner protocol:

Warm-up for 5-minutes.
Work for 30 seconds at an 8/10 level of intensity.
Follow that with active rest for 90 seconds at a 3/10 level of intensity.
Repeat for 3-8 intervals.
Finish with 15 minutes of traditional cardio for transition and cool-down.

As you become accustomed to intervals, progress to the experienced protocol:

Warm-up for 5-10 minutes.
Work at a 9/10 level of intensity for 30 seconds.
Follow that with active rest for 60 seconds at a 3/10 level of intensity. Repeat for 4-10 intervals.
Finish with 5 minutes of low intensity exercise for a cool-down.

Craig Ballantyne trains athletes and executives in Toronto, and writes for Men's Fitness magazine. His trademarked Turbulence Training workouts and his comprehensive workout manuals (including "The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout") are featured on his website Turbulence Training.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diets

The market for weight loss programs is vast and there are many differing ideas out there. The sheer scale of choice can be a discouragement to many that are seeking a way to healthy weight loss. The plan which works for some may be doomed for failure when it is tried by others and this make the choice even more disheartening.

Some people think looking thin and attractive means giving up the food we love forever. Rather, you can lose weight now, just like you had in mind by following a few simple guidelines, not rigorous, ball-and-chain rules. The best first step you can take here to lose weight now, is no more strict diets. A nutritionist friend of mine put it best when he said he didn't believe in extremes in any area of life, including low-carb diets. These types of diets are often so rigid and uncomfortable that sustaining long-term results is nearly impossible. That's no way to lose weight now. If you make any kind of all-encompassing decisions about your diet and health, the best one to let you lose weight now, is to go all-natural. And there are a few ways to do this, and it's easier to stick to.

So remember if you are sick and tired of starving yourself or depriving yourself to lose a few pounds only to have them creep back when you can't resist the cheeseburgers and fries, pizza or meat, potatoes and gravy? Do yourself and your body a favor. Get the information you can use to get rid of those ugly, fatty bulges that are literally ruining your health. I did and could not be happier with myself today.

Tired of the extra weight? Visit zach1201.wordpress.com to find out how to get rid of those pounds right now.

The Mystery Of The Target Heart Rate

Have you ever been at the gym or in an exercise class and observed people working out with a heart rate monitor or watching someone check there pulse repeatedly? Are you curious what they were doing and why? Monitoring your heart rate is very important to help achieve great health and wellness and optimize your workout. I would like to take the mystery out of calculating your heart rate.

The importance of working out in your target heart rate zone is to maximize your work out. If your goal is to burn fat you will want to work out with your target heart rate of 50% to 60%. This is a slower longer work out. If your goal is to improve your cardio vascular fitness than your target heart rate should be 60% to 70% for your maximum heart rate (MHR).

Target Heart Rate

To calculate your target heart rate range the formula is very simple.

1) Calculate your approximate maximum heart rate (MHR): Start by subtracting your age from 220. Example 220-47(age) =173 (MHR of a person 47 year old).

2) To calculate your target Heart Rate (THR) range multiply the MHR (maximum heart rate) by 60% and then by 90%. Example 173 x 60%= 104 173 x 90%= 156.

So the Target Heart Range (THR) for a 47 year old is between 104 and 156 beats per minute. If you workout at your 50% to 60% target heart range this is a very easy workout but will still improve your fitness.

Working-out at the low training intensity the body chooses fat as fuel for the work out. This is the best workout for people who want to lose body fat. Working-out at your 60% to 70% of your target heart range is argued by many athletes to be the most important training intensity. It will increase the strength in your muscles, the ability of the heart to pump blood, and improve endurance. When we workout at the maximum target heart range (MHR) between 70% to 80% we improve our endurance. When we are unfit, our muscles will choose carbohydrates as our fuel source. But if we are fit our body will select a percentage of fat as our fuel source, while saving our limited stores of glycogen.

This should take the mystery out figuring your target heart rate, and how hard you should work out. So find your target heart rate, and work out for great health and wellness.

Kimberly Jamieson http://www.healthypainfreeliving.com/ has achieved success in living and maintaining a healthy fit lifestyle and has helped thousands achieve this success by using her fitness, diet, lifestyle and motivation tips. She is committed to helping womens fitness, and womens health and wellness and helping others achieve ultimate health and wellness.

Want To Lose Weight Fast? 7 Myths You Must Know About Losing Weight

Millions of people are looking to lose weight and reshape their bodys. Just do a quick search on the internet for "weight loss" and you will come up with millions of results.

There are so many people offering advice and weight loss tips that it's no surprise that many of the information out there isn't correct. That's why this article was put together - to expose a few of the myths about losing weight.

1) You shouldn't eat carbs if you are trying to lose weight

The Atkins diet was a huge diet craze that has made many people scared of carbs. However, cutting carbs isn't the "secret" to losing weight. What you need to do is cut down calories - plain and simple. If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight.

It's a good idea to cut back on refined carbohydrates, but eating bread, rice or pasta can be part of a healthy diet - just watch your calories!

2) Your weight is determined by genetics

Some people just assume that if their parents are fat, they will be too. Although your family history may have an impact on your biological makeup and how your metabolism functions, you are not "destined" to be overweight simply because your parents were.

Anyone can lose weight and get the "perfect" figure by eating a healthy diet and exercising. Don't use your family tree as an excuse. In fact, try to use it as motivation as what you don't want to become.

3) All weight loss pills and supplements are a scam

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are literally thousands of different products out there that all promise to burn fat and make the pounds melt off your body. Unfortunately a great deal of these products aren't worth a dime.

However, there are weight loss supplements that will give you a huge boost towards your goals. The best ones will use natural ingredients to jump-start your body and give you results faster than possible before.

Go to http://www.myweightlossreviews.com for reviews on the best ranked products for 2008.

4) You have to cut out all fat

There is actually such a thing as "healthy" fats. Saturated fats and trans fat aren't good for you, but there are fats that help your body absorb nutrients and make you feel fuller. This can be a huge help when trying to lose weight.

Fats found in things such as fish, olive oil and nuts are great for you and should be part of your diet. There's the real "skinny" on fat ;)

5) Skipping meals is a good idea

Skipping meals can actually go against you if you are trying to lose weight. By skipping a meal, your metabolism slows down. You are also more likely to binge eat later on in the day as your body feels hungrier due to starvation.

Don't skip meals - rather, try to cut out some calories in each meal that you eat.

6) Changing your diet is the only way to change your metabolism

Actually, exercise is the best way to speed up your metabolism. Not only will you burn calories while you are working out, but your body continues to burn calories faster afterwards.

And remember to make sure you are getting enough food for your body to get the most out of exercise. You don't want to starve yourself - your body needs the energy. This isn't an excuse to scarf down huge meals before exercising, but make sure you give your body the fuel it needs.

7) Picking low-fat or fat-free foods is a surefire way to lose weight

Remember that the amount of fat you eat isn't the key in losing weight. It's calories that play the biggest role.

Many fat-free foods have the same amount of calories as their regular counterparts. It's a great idea to consider the "fat-free" versions, just make sure to compare the nutritional labels and pay the most attention to the calories section.

If you have made the decision to lose weight - congratulations! Not only will you look better, but you will feel like a million bucks. It's a great feeling improving your appearance and your overall health at the same time.

All the best!

Do you want to achieve quick weight loss in record time?

Learn how to lose weight fast and read the reviews for 2008 on the best ranked weight loss pills.

Master Cleanse for Weight Loss

The Master Cleanse or Lemonade diet is more of a colon cleanse system that you are on for a period of 10 days. Just by getting rid of years of built up internal waste from your body, you will lose weight. The weight loss does have a little to do with the fasting you have to endure, but most of the weight loss happens from everything you are getting rid of from your body.

Think of it, you have many years of internal gunk such as plaque, phlegm, mucus and other waste that is basically stuck to your intestinal tract. By getting rid of this waste, you will not only lose weight, you will feel like a completely different person. You will definitely notice an increase of energy.

A lot of people want to do the Master cleanse for weight loss and the hardest part of doing it is the fasting you have to do. There is an electronic book called Master Cleanse Secrets that teaches you the exact recipe you should use, helps to get you past the first three days which is the hardest and gives you the steps you must follow when you finish the Master Cleanse. Most importantly, it will also give you some secrets to what foods you can cheat with without it affecting the Master Cleanse process as well as information that will help you deal with your food cravings.

You will feel and look years younger after finishing the Master Cleanse. You will not get sick as often and your metabolism will get back to normal so that you will be able to lose weight the way your body was meant to do without you having to go on very low calorie diets. This means that you will not have to starve yourself to lose weight.

Being healthy is what life is all about. If weight loss is what you're after and you feel that diets just are not working, then cleansing your body may be just what you need. Do your own research on colon cleansing programs and compare those with the Master Cleanse Secrets program to find out which program is best for you.

Learn about how you can start losing weight today using the Master Cleanse for Weight Loss Program. Another great weight loss program that is worth checking out as well is Fat Loss for Idiots

Fitness Habits and Losing Weight

These days just about everyone you meet is looking to lose a few pounds. In fact, obesity is the number one health problem facing the developed world today. Fitness habits and losing weight go hand in hand in resolving this issue.

Some may think that the answer is pretty straightforward. The basic theory is that in order to lose weight a person must take in fewer calories than are burned for the same 24 hour period. However, calorie reduction which happens too quickly will cause the body to think it is starving and thus it begins to store fat so that it can be used later by the body as a food supply.

That means that in order to be successful in reducing calories it will need to be done slowly while increasing the level of fitness. Physical activity is an important part of the formula to lose weight.

There are simple things that a person can do to increase their fitness level. Too often its assumed a gym membership is a requirement and although that might be nice, for some people not being able to afford a gym membership is not a valid excuse for not getting fit.

Walking is not only cheap it is the best activity for both burning calories and keeping your heart healthy which is also very important. When a person is extremely out of shape, first consult with your doctor and once the go ahead is given, start slow for example go for a walk around the block.

Increase the speed of the walk or the duration of the walk as fitness improves and then incorporate some hills. If jogging is preferred it can also be incorporated into the workout.

Another option is to purchase fitness equipment for the home. This equipment can include rowing machines, treadmills, stationary bikes, and ski machines.

A treadmill takes up space but overall it is a great choice but they arent cheap. Stay away from bells and whistles and finding an affordable treadmill will not be a problem.

Stationary bikes have been around for a long time and they are also a good choice. They take up very little room, are low impact, and a great place to start getting into shape.

Rowing machines will give a total body work out and they have minimal impact on the joints which is beneficial for anyone with joint problems. However it can take a little bit of practice getting used to.

Ski machines are also a good choice for a full body workout however they do take up a fair bit of space. If space is no problem, they are an excellent choice but do start slow as injuries can occur.

Now that exercise equipment options have been covered, food now needs to be addressed. Start by doing a calorie calculation to determine the current calorie intake then reduce this by 250 to 500 calories a day. Do not reduce calorie intake by more than 500 calories or the body will go into starvation mode. To lose weight a man should be taking in on average no more than 2000 calories and a woman on average no more than 1500 calories. Of course if the daily activity level is really high then calorie intake will need to increase as well.

Fitness habits and losing weight go hand in hand because you cannot have one without the other. Combining calorie reduction with increased physical activity is the start to successful weight loss.

Thyroid Weight Loss Treatment

Do You Know What Is The Best Aerobic Exercise For Fat Loss? Part 2

This is the moment you have been waiting for... Part 2!

As I mentioned in Part 1 -- interval aerobic training kicks ass over the slow, plodding, steady and more importantly -- BORING steady cardio...

With that in mind -- let's cover more ways to lose excess body fat -- which is the main goal for most of us...

And truth be told... you probably have noticed that no matter how much you work out... you STILL cannot rid yourself of stubborn body fat and belly fat...

The reason for that is probably you hit the fat loss plateau so to speak.

So let's deal with that problem and get your fat loss workouts back in gear. The key thing to keep in mind is add VARIETY to your workouts!

You can do several things. You can change your workout plans every four weeks. You can modify your training.

Here are some things to consider:

  1. Switch methods of training -- do bodyweight exercises instead of free weights or machines.
  2. When doing interval training -- go shorter or longer on the high intensity part of the workout.
  3. You can include more or less high intensity intervals during your workouts.
  4. You can rest longer or shorter in-between your weight sets or cardio intervals.

The next thing we should talk about is what kinds of interval aerobic training you can do based on my experience, these are all very good:

  • Sprinting on grass at your local parks
  • Bodyweight sets and reps
  • Running on the treadmill at home or at the gym
  • Stationary cycling machines
  • Stairmaster machines
  • Rowing machines
  • And if you don't have anything better, sure, use the Elliptical machines

The next obvious question you are going to ask me is, "How exactly do I do interval aerobic training and are you serious about using bodyweight exercises in place of the more traditional aerobic/cardio training?"

For the first part, keep reading and yes, I'm serious about using bodyweight exercises. It is one of the BEST ways to pump your body up using just your bodyweight, you can do this at home and you won't need to buy a bunch of expensive equipment...

Are you ready? Then here we go!

I suggest that you ramp up with a 5 minute warm-up on your choice of aerobic activity. Then start your interval aerobic phase...

And then speed up to almost near your maximum speed of output and hold for thirty to sixty seconds. Then slow down to a recovery speed for double the intensity phase.

Do three to six intervals per workout.

To use an example: I could jog for five minutes to get my heart rate going a little and warm up my muscles. Then I would sprint near my maximum speed for 30 seconds. Then slow down to a jog for 60 seconds. Then I could run fast again for 45 seconds. Slow to a jog for 1.5 minutes. Then speed up for 1 minute. then jog for 2 minutes. I could repeat all the previous intervals for a total of six intervals for a complete workout.

And you can do this for all the other types of interval aerobic workouts including bodyweight training. One more thing... depending on your fitness level -- listen to your body. After completing your interval aerobic workouts -- you should be tired but you shouldn't feel like crap or gasping for breath. If you are, slow down partner! Just work your way up... Rome wasn't built in a day, you know!

The great thing about interval aerobics is you are going to burn your fat. Even when you are done for the day and watching the TV. Intervals are part of the secret for fat loss.

Now go, go, go! You will notice the change in your body and improvement to your overall health and fitness.

If you are looking for an effective workout program no matter if you are a beginner or at an advanced fitness level... that is guaranteed to get you in the best shape of your life... then be sure to head over here to find out how you can transform your body into one that will be slim, toned and muscular here:


Turbulence Training Program

How To Get Rid of a Beer Belly

If you want to know how to get rid of your beer belly, you've stumbled upon the right article. Here I shall write the necessary steps to start losing your excess belly fat and having a flat stomach. But just so you'll know, it may take some time for you to complete this process, but if you take the steps I write of here, you will see constant and improving results.

Step #1 - Remove the cause

Before starting to reverse the process which brought about your beer belly, you need to erase the thing which caused it. By this I mean that you have to stop feeding it so that the only place it will have to go is down. If you think I mean that you need to go on a fad diet, or anything, then you've got me all wrong. What I do want you to do is make some simple adjustments to your diet:

  1. Cut down on alcohol - They don't call it a beer belly for nothing. Alcohol is filled with sugar and empty calories. Cut down on alcohol and you will have a much easier time to get rid of your beer belly.
  2. Cut down fried, fast food, and processed food - If you eat fresh food, a lot of vegetables, fruit, lean meat, and complex carbs like brown rice and whole flour pasta, your body will have much easier time to use the calories you're feeding it instead of turning them into ugly abdominal fat.
  3. Eat more meals but make them smaller - Most people eat large meals making it impossible for their body to cope with all the food they eat. The only thing left is to turn much of their food to fat. If you break your meals into 4-6 smaller portions throughout the day, your body will have a much easier time of it.

Step #2 - Reverse the Process

The second step in your process to lose your beer belly is to get a little more active. Even a small amount of exercise can do wonders. You wouldn't believe the results you may have. Start walking in the evenings, play a sport (even golf or bowling is better than sitting at home), or join a gym. Whatever suits you. You need to do some exercise in order to accelerate the fat burning process. Don't think that sit-ups will do anything to your stomach fat, because they won't. The key to getting rid of it is to lower overall body fat. The best way to do this is through complete strength and cardiovascular workouts. But again, start slow and gradually build up your activity levels.

The best thing to do in order to get rid of your beer belly is to become better educated at fitness and diet issues. Once you know the right things to do, it'll be much easier for you to succeed.

Click here to get free diet and fitness tips and get 2 Free ebooks

To read how you can start to eliminate belly fat fast, visit this webpage:
How to get flat abs.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now enjoys a flat stomach. To discover more about belly fat loss, click here: How To get rid of your beer belly

How To Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days

In order to lose 10 pounds in 7 days you will have to do 2 main things: Improve on your nutrition and increase the amount of aerobic activity that you perform. It won't be easy but it is very possible if you keep focused and are willing to make the effort. At the end of the week it will be worth it.

Here are some tips on how to lose 10 lbs. in a week:

1. Cut down on your useless calories - sugary drinks, white bread, pastries, fast food, fried food and candies.

2. Instead of eating 3 large meals a day, eat 4-5 small meals. This helps your body to digest the food and turn it into energy instead of into fat. It will also help you feel energized through out the day and will curb your hunger.

3. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day. I know not the easiest thing to remember so take a large bottle of water to work and make sure you finish it before you leave for home. Often when we feel hungry it's not for lack of food but for lack of liquids. Drinking water will help keep your hunger down. And the best thing is that water is zero calories.

4. In order to lose 10 pounds in 1 week you will have to burn a lot of calories through exercise. There simply isn't enough time to lose that much weight by diet alone. Choose a reliable fitness program that you can use. One such program is home based exercise program called Turbulence Training. The main advantage of this program is that it teaches you how to work out in the comfort of your own home.

Pleas keep in mind that losing 10 pounds in 7 isn't easy to do because it requires a major commitment on your part.

Personally, I don't recommend trying to lose 10 pounds in such a short time. It is much better to give yourself at least 2 weeks to lose 10 pounds. If you have that kind of time, I recommend using the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. To read a review of this diet, click here: How To Lose 9 Pounds Every 11 Days With Fat Loss 4 Idiots

To read how you can lose as 10 pounds in a short time, visit this webpage:

How to lose 10 Pounds In 7 days.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds Fast

Using New Technology To Meet Your Weight-Loss Goals

January 1 has come and gone, and like many people, those ambitious weight-loss goals you had at the turn of the new year are becoming less and less of a priority as 2008 moves from February to March. However, summer is right around the corner, and you still need to fit into that bathing suit!

Really, you've only got 30 minutes for lunch, so it wouldn't be that bad to grab a quick snack at the gas station to tide you over until you get off work, or would it? Or you don't have enough time to cook dinner, so is it really that bad to swing through the Burger King drive through just this once?

There are times when sticking to your weight-loss goals just isn't convenient. Keeping track of gym visits? Counting carbohydrates and calories? Who has time to do all that stuff?

Modern technology can help you finally keep those weight loss resolutions. Attempting to keep track of your fruits and vegetables, carbs and calories, and exercise goals with a pen and paper is tedious and trying at best. Thankfully, new technology can make keeping track of your diet information a breeze.

Imagine if...

Imagine if, instead of having a notebook you had to drag around with you, you just had a PDA, or a handheld diet counter. It fits easily inside a purse or pocket, so you don't really have to carry anything extra around with you.

Instead of having to open your notebook, write what you had to eat, look up how many carbs or calories it had, and write that down as well, all you have to do is pick up your PDA and tap a few keys with your stylus to enter your information.

You could also use it to create recipes. Instead of having to wrack your brain or scour cookbooks for something healthy to make, you could just call up a few healthy favorites on your PDA.

You could also use it to track exercise, so you not only know how healthy you're eating, but also how often you're making it to the gym.

This kind of technology can make it nearly effortless to stick with a weight-loss goal.

Handheld accountability

Working out with a friend means you can hold each other accountable for meeting your goals. A handheld diet counter can help you achieve that accountability everywhere you go.

Whenever you look at that little screen, you can see what you've eaten and when you've exercised. You know if you've met your goals for the day or if you've been shirking them.

Imagine the sense of accomplishment you'd feel if you saw that you met your weight-loss goals every single day.

Weight loss technology can keep pace with your daily life

We're busy people. That's just the way it is in today's world. That's why it's nice to have technology that can keep up with it. Make sure you get the features you need.

Look for technology that's simple and usable. It should easy fit it in with your daily schedule. You're probably already stretched after adding time to go to the gym, or drive out of your way to shop at a health food store rather than Wal-Mart. Don't make losing weight harder rather than easier.

Adding something like a handheld diet counter or PDA software program won't add more time to your day. Rather, it will make it easier to keep track of all the myriad things you need for your diet and weight-loss goals.

Meeting your weight-loss goals doesn't have to be difficult. There's technology out there to help make the more tedious parts of working out a bit easier. Do some research and find a handheld diet counter that works for you. You may find that sticking to your diet becomes easier than ever.

About the Author
Nap Napowocki is the COO of HealthFitCounter, Inc. With the HealthFitCounter, people can easily manage their diets by keeping track of anything from Weight Watchers points and calories to carbohydrates and sodium. Make managing your diet easier by visiting them online at http://www.healthfitcounter.com.

Fake Lida Weight Loss Products

There are a number of options for those who want to reduce your weight. People who are obese take the help of the different exercises for reducing their weight. With the help of the weight loss exercises you can burn the fat contained in the body. Whenever you do any physical labor the calories consumed by you is also burnt. If you want to reduce your weight quickly then you must keep a check on the food that you consume. If you consume calories less than what you can burn you can easily reduce your weight. There are a number of weight loss programs that are used by people to reduce body weight. The weight loss programs are normally based on the simple concept that, if you want to reduce your body weight then you must not consume more calories that what you can burn.

In a weight loss programs the calories that you consume is counted and the calories that you burn is counted. Depending on the nature of your work and the amount of physical labor that you do in a day, a diet is decided upon. This process is a little complicated but is very efficient. There are other way outs to this problem. You can take the help of the weight loss products that are available in the market. There are a number of weight loss products that are available in the market. With the help of these weight loss products you can easily keep a check on the amount of calories you consume. You should however not reduce the physical effort. The weight loss products just help you keep a check on the calories you consume. There are a number of companies that are providing the weight loss products. One such company that is known for its weight loss products is Lida Daidaihua. You can find various weight loss products with this company. To check the details of the different products you can visit their website. You should however beware of the fake lida products. There are a few websites and outlets that are supplying spurious Lida products. To keep a control over this now you would get lida new inner packing on all the weight loss products that are provided by them. Just by checking the packing you can figure out whether a Lida product is genuine or spurious.

Read more on Fake Lida. Check out the Lida new inner packing and Lida DaiDaihua.

Proactol - 100% Natural Weight Loss Product

A fabulous benefit to Proactol is that it is 100% natural and found from an herb. This means that it is healthier for you than the traditional weight loss methods and you are not harming your body from toxic ingredients.

Many weight loss supplements that saturate the market today contain ingredients that are harmful to the body. Many people have claimed to have serious memory loss and severe side effects from taking weight loss pills for too long. It can be dangerous to the body to take weight loss pills that have harmful ingredients.

Many people will take anything to lose weight and there are millions of people out there trying to achieve their weight loss goals right now. However, the problems with the common supplements for weight loss today is that people can form an addiction to these drugs and cause bigger problems for themselves than just their weight. Many of the weight loss pills might be mixed with alcohol or other drugs and people cannot stop. People might find themselves taking more than the recommended dosage for weight loss also.

Proactol is a 100% natural weight loss product because it is derived from an herb. There are no additives and extras in this product that will make you lose your memory or create an addiction. You are perfectly safe taking Proactol.

Another benefit of Proactol being a natural weight loss product is that it is not harmful to you. This means that there are no side effects from the drug and you don't have to worry about it. Many people have serious problems with excessive weight. The major problems for them are that they suffer from other medical issues too. This puts them in a difficult situation in losing weight because they might harm their health if they attempt to take other supplements that contain something dangerous. They continue to gain weight because exercising is painful and they have no other solution and need help. Proactol can help people like this because it is natural. Not only will they notice the pounds start to drop but they will soon be in a physical condition that they are capable of exercising again. This is very beneficial and proven.

When you are trying to lose weight, you have to almost cleanse your body and get rid of all of the toxins in your body. This means that for the first week of eating healthy and taking Proactol, you will see your body go through major changes and expel many of the fats and toxins in your body. You will begin to feel fantastic and completely rejuvenated. Results from Proactol are not the same for everyone because no body is the same. Some people notice visible results from Proactol with in a couple of weeks and others it may take a couple of months. You will notice the change in energy levels and clarity.

Proactol is the best solution for weight loss management because it is a completely natural product. You are not putting any toxins into your body to lose weight.

You can find more information on the amazing weight loss supplement known as Proactol. And you can also find Diet Pill Reviews, including Prescription Diet Pills at DietPillCheck.

Weight Loss Tips - Drink More Water To Lose Weight Faster!

Not drinking much water is as bad as starving for weight loss. Lack of water causes retention of fluid in the body.

Guzzling eight to ten glasses of pure water is good for many reasons. It helps our body dispose off toxins. You would have heard of the universal advice, "drink at least eight glasses of water a day!" This medical dogma has been proved to be effective.

The urban lifestyle has given way to habits that are harmful to the body, one of which is substituting water for soft drinks, coffee and tea, but they are not good because they fail to hydrate the body. They may also act as diuretics or contain sugars. Replacing these drinks with water increases the energy levels of the body and also helps with the exercise regimen, which should be a part of all weight loss programs. With a good hydration regimen (drinking water) and proper exercise, it is possible to maintain good health while aiming at losing weight.

Water by itself also helps in weight loss, since it carries no calorie content, and should be made your dominant drink. It keeps diseases such as high blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes at bay.

Drinking more water is necessary and needs to be included in weight loss programs. However, many people who are on a diet believe in the false notion that drinking water before a meal is a good way of killing hunger. Drinking water for filling up the stomach does not help and can prove bad for health.

Even when you are on a quick weight loss regimen, it is important to form eating habits keeping long-term weight control in mind and not to resort to techniques that seem to be beneficial in the short-term.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn

fat at the same time, visit http://www.positiveattitude4life.com

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

Weight Loss Methods, How to Lose Fat

People who try different weight loss methods often find themselves in the middle of a hard situation, this happens when they are incapable of following those methods until the time when they really start showing the benefits. I have something to tell you, I used to be a fat person, I used to suffer from overweight; however I found out that it really does not matter the kind of weight loss method that you follow, because in the end you will only see the results if you actually enjoy following the method.

In the past I tried everything, from those miraculous diets that artists announce in the television, to those bizarre exercise machinery in which you are supposed to reach your weight loss goal without even realizing you are doing something. I also got myself inside those sauna baths, wore patches, tried acupuncture, and even hypnosis; but there was only one thing that got me to my ideal weight, and it was called motivation.

As I wrote before, there is no single weight loss method that will help you burning fat if you do not actually enjoy following it. Whether it is a diet or a routine exercise, if you do not like what they make you eat, or you do not feel motivated to wake up every morning and perform your exercise routine, after a few days you will dispose the method; believe me, you will toss the exercise machine in your closet never to see it again, and you will go back to your chocolates and candy bars, there is no escaping this situation.

So, the first thing that you need to do in order to discover the best weight loss method and lose some fat, is to find something you will actually like. In my case it was martial arts, I really have fun throwing some kicks and punching stuff, and while at the beginning my technique was not very good, I got better with time; and time also brought results, and results boosted my confidence and my motivation until it became a cycle: the more exercise I did, the more results I got, and the more results I got, the more motivated I was for following this weight loss method. Try it yourself, just keep in mind that the best weight loss method is the one that you actually want to follow, not for the results themselves, but for the actual process.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.

Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his weight loss obesity website for lots of articles about losing weight. Also check out the weight loss eBook that will give you tips for your weight loss problems.

Starting A Weight Loss Program

The problem with starting a weight loss program is that many people do so without really thinking things through. Then they wake up one day and realize that there are a number of items that they needed for their particular program that they don't have and they have to scramble like mad to get them. Even worse, sometimes they'll start a weight loss program and half way through it, realize that it's the wrong program for them for a variety of reasons. This article will hopefully prepare you for starting a weight loss routine in a proper manner so that you're not scrambling for things down the road. Hopefully, after reading this, you won't have that problem.

The first thing you need to understand when starting a weight loss program is that not all weight loss programs are the same. There are many different methods for losing weight. There's diet, exercise, drugs or any combination of these things. Each routine or method that you choose is going to have different requirements.

For example, let's say you decide that you're going to get this new at home yoga program. Well, before you send away for that package, make sure that you have the proper items needed to carry it out. For one thing, most of these programs now come on DVD. Well, guess what? If you don't have a DVD player you better either plan to go out and get one or choose another option.

What about weight loss programs that require specific diets? Are you sure you don't have any food allergies or intolerance? If not, you better get those things tested. The last thing you want to do is start on a diet and find out that the food you're required to eat doesn't sit well with your digestive system.

What about if you decided that you wanted to take diet pills? It would probably be a good idea to check with your doctor first to find out what the potential dangers of diet pills are, and believe me, the dangers are quite real. You doctor might determine that diet pills are not the best course of action for you. For that matter, you shouldn't go on any diet plan without first checking with your physician first. As much as I'm not the biggest fan of the medical profession with the way they give our prescriptions like candy, there are times when it's a good idea to talk to a doctor.

You also want to make sure that you're physically capable of handling the diet plan that you've chosen, especially if you decide to go the exercise route. If you've been sitting behind a desk for the last 25 years and haven't exercised since you graduated high school, you might want to take it slow when it comes to hitting that treadmill. You've probably got muscles that haven't been used in years.

The bottom line is this. You can't just jump into a diet program, no matter what kind it is. You need to make sure that you're fully prepared for whatever plan it is that you choose and that your body has a better than even chance of surviving the routine.

In other words, use your head before you start using the other parts of your body.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

For natural treatments to a number of ailments, visit our website at http://www.natures-healing-remedies.com/ where you can get a free report on how the drug companies are killing us as well as get a 52 week series on a different ailment and treatment each week.

Taking a Weight Loss Dietary Supplement

A weight loss dietary supplement has different functions in helping aid weight loss. Some act as appetite suppressants to help users eat less, therefore have lesser calories to burn. Some act as thermogenics, increasing the body's metabolism, which means increasing its calorie-burning abilities, while some, on most occasions, support a combination of functions for speedier weight loss.

More doesn't mean more

Some people make the mistake of taking a weight loss dietary supplement above its recommended dosages. This not only futile because studies have shown that increasing dosages have very little effect on its efficacy, but more importantly can be very dangerous. While most weight loss dietary supplements have natural ingredients, that doesn't mean that more of it in your body is good. Dosages are given for that reason. Because the ingredients in the weight loss dietary supplement have undergone testing and have yielded to be most effective in particular potencies, anything less or in excess will negate the benefits that a particular weight loss dietary supplement has in general. You know that anything in excess is bad for you and that also applies even if you're taking more of the good stuff.

Buy safely

Apart from taking proper dosages, safeguard your health by buying only from licensed manufacturers and distributors. The weight loss industry is home to a lot of amazing products, and consequently, to those who want to cash in on the many who are eager to use these products. As such, counterfeit products might be circulating in your locality. To be sure, buy only from respectable drug stores and health food stores. Be wary also of weight loss dietary supplements that are extremely inexpensive. You may be tempted to buy them because of the savings you'll get but there's always a catch. And your health isn't something so easy to get back once you get caught.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret

Interval Training Works For Me - Is Turbulence Training The Best Interval Training System For You?

It is really easy to get down on yourself when you are carrying a lot of extra weight and you know you need to lose it. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with what you have let yourself become.

I know what that is like because I was 50 pounds over my healthy weight for many years. I wanted to be slim and healthy but because I had packed on so many pounds the huge change I needed to make made it feel almost impossible. My self esteem was in the pits. I felt awful about my body and I tried to cover it up with loose-fitting clothes and extra large coats even during warm weather which was so uncomfortable.

If you are like I used to be and you want to lose weight, you want FAST results so that you can actually see that your effort and sacrifice are paying off. Otherwise it is easy to give up and go back to the old unhealthy ways. When I was beginning my weight loss effort which eventually led to losing over 50 pounds, I wanted results relatively soon so that I would have the incentive to stay on my healthy track.

When you have a lot of weight to lose it can seem like you are going to have to diet forever to ever get to your goal - so seeing results on the scale and in the mirror can be very motivating to stick with your program.

Back when I lost my 50+ pounds I followed what was generally taught when it came to losing weight. Eat healthier foods and exercise. The healthy eating advice was good however the expert exercise advice I followed was to exercise for at least 60 minutes a day in a fat burning zone. I followed that advice for years and I would even change my schedule and get up as early as 4 AM to make sure I got my fat burning workout hour in for the day.

Well it turns out the exercise gurus that say to work out for a long time each day in a fat burning zone might not be giving you the best advice.

Clinical research is now showing that the INTENSITY of your exercise is more important than the DURATION if you want to lose weight quickly and keep it off .

I have now embarked on a strategy of interval training using Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne.

I am sharing my thoughts and progress at my site.

If you want to visit and read my results or if you are interested in learning more interval training or if want to see if it is really possible to lose weight and get in shape faster in MUCH LESS TIME than you may have thought, please visit my site.

If you want to visit and read my results or if you are interested in learning more about interval training or if you just want to see if it is really possible to lose weight and get in shape faster in MUCH LESS TIME than you may have thought, please visit my site.




If you are thinking about becoming a personal trainer and want some great tips go to:


Want To Lose Weight Fast? 7 Myths You Must Know About Losing Weight

Millions of people are looking to lose weight and reshape their bodys. Just do a quick search on the internet for "weight loss" and you will come up with millions of results.

There are so many people offering advice and weight loss tips that it's no surprise that many of the information out there isn't correct. That's why this article was put together - to expose a few of the myths about losing weight.

1) You shouldn't eat carbs if you are trying to lose weight

The Atkins diet was a huge diet craze that has made many people scared of carbs. However, cutting carbs isn't the "secret" to losing weight. What you need to do is cut down calories - plain and simple. If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight.

It's a good idea to cut back on refined carbohydrates, but eating bread, rice or pasta can be part of a healthy diet - just watch your calories!

2) Your weight is determined by genetics

Some people just assume that if their parents are fat, they will be too. Although your family history may have an impact on your biological makeup and how your metabolism functions, you are not "destined" to be overweight simply because your parents were.

Anyone can lose weight and get the "perfect" figure by eating a healthy diet and exercising. Don't use your family tree as an excuse. In fact, try to use it as motivation as what you don't want to become.

3) All weight loss pills and supplements are a scam

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are literally thousands of different products out there that all promise to burn fat and make the pounds melt off your body. Unfortunately a great deal of these products aren't worth a dime.

However, there are weight loss supplements that will give you a huge boost towards your goals. The best ones will use natural ingredients to jump-start your body and give you results faster than possible before.

Go to http://www.myweightlossreviews.com for reviews on the best ranked products for 2008.

4) You have to cut out all fat

There is actually such a thing as "healthy" fats. Saturated fats and trans fat aren't good for you, but there are fats that help your body absorb nutrients and make you feel fuller. This can be a huge help when trying to lose weight.

Fats found in things such as fish, olive oil and nuts are great for you and should be part of your diet. There's the real "skinny" on fat ;)

5) Skipping meals is a good idea

Skipping meals can actually go against you if you are trying to lose weight. By skipping a meal, your metabolism slows down. You are also more likely to binge eat later on in the day as your body feels hungrier due to starvation.

Don't skip meals - rather, try to cut out some calories in each meal that you eat.

6) Changing your diet is the only way to change your metabolism

Actually, exercise is the best way to speed up your metabolism. Not only will you burn calories while you are working out, but your body continues to burn calories faster afterwards.

And remember to make sure you are getting enough food for your body to get the most out of exercise. You don't want to starve yourself - your body needs the energy. This isn't an excuse to scarf down huge meals before exercising, but make sure you give your body the fuel it needs.

7) Picking low-fat or fat-free foods is a surefire way to lose weight

Remember that the amount of fat you eat isn't the key in losing weight. It's calories that play the biggest role.

Many fat-free foods have the same amount of calories as their regular counterparts. It's a great idea to consider the "fat-free" versions, just make sure to compare the nutritional labels and pay the most attention to the calories section.

If you have made the decision to lose weight - congratulations! Not only will you look better, but you will feel like a million bucks. It's a great feeling improving your appearance and your overall health at the same time.

All the best!

Do you want to achieve quick weight loss in record time?

Learn how to lose weight fast and read the reviews for 2008 on the best ranked weight loss pills.