Easy Diet

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Secrets Of The Biggest Loser

The other night I was watching a special on Larry King Live about the hit T.V show "The Biggest Loser." The winner, Bill Germanakos, along with his twin brother Jim were both guests on the show after each lost about 150 lbs and completely changed his life forever.

The show was truly powerful and inspiring.

Something that Bill said struck me as very interesting.

He said, "I didn't really understand how to eat healthy. What I thought was healthy really wasn't."

Then he went on to discuss how the whole team of experts on the show educated and helped him to make the dramatic changes in his life.

He was thrilled that he not only made these dramatic changes in his life but he now knew how to make them permanent.

Now let me ask you:

Do you REALLY know how to eat healthy?

Now, I hope I'm not being overly direct but I've got tell you... Nowadays it seems like everyone knows how to eat healthy.

Wouldn't you agree?

But the reality that no one can deny is that by in large, we kept getting fatter.

One of the biggest problems here is that as Bill mentioned, most people have no clue how to eat healthy. More specifically, it's obvious that millions of people have become brainwashed by the marketing of large companies that advertise that their products are "healthy" when in fact they are anything but.

Whenever I go to the supermarket it seems to me that almost everyone is buying foods that are advertised as "healthy" or "heart-healthy" or "low fat" or "low carb"...etc

Ironically, it seems like most people fail to acknowledge the foundation of "nutritional intelligence," which is:

Healthy foods don't say it on the package!

In other words, the ultimate brand of premium quality fuel is "natural."

Robert Van Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Vitality Publishing LLC, a company that helps people eliminate excess fat, while making breakthrough transformations in their physical vitality and overall quality of life. He's the author of "Living Life Lean: Discover How to Transform Your Body and Your Life -Quickly, Naturally and Permanently." To learn more and sign up for his popular 10 day course visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com

Realistic Weight Loss - Goals, Journey and Success!

Obviously Jean-Claude van Damme did not go to bed one night, struggling with love handles and belly fat, and woke up the next morning as a hunk of cheese! He had to maintain a proper training schedule and eating habits. Fact: you cannot continue your usual eating habits as a couch potato AND lose weight by popping diet pills! The media would like the general public to believe this propaganda, in order to sell more product.

The first step to successful and continuous weight loss is to set for yourself attainable goals. Consider this: it's more realistic to want to lose an average of 5 to 10 pounds a month, compared to wanting to lose 5 pounds a week. On the other hand be wearisome of mediocrity in setting very easy goals - you are only cheating yourself.

The second step is to have a good friend as companion during your weight loss journey, someone who is preferably not already, or close to goal weight. That way you can follow each other's progress and also act as conscience for the other person. Challenge each other to eat 6 smaller meals spaced out during the day, exercise preferably before breakfast to kickstart your metabolism, and drink plenty of ice-cold water during the day to always have something in your stomach and keep your metabolic rate up. Always include one breakout day during each week where you can eat practically anything ... the emphasis being on 'you can', not meaning you have to indulge in buffet - eat as much as you like - kind of eating sprees. Reward yourself with a decent meal with dessert, but do not supersize your portions to 'make up for lost time!' You will only be fooling yourself.

Finally, you should be reaping your rewards of success as you continue to eat properly and exercise regularly. You can easily implement Natural Weight Loss into your life if you set attainable goals. E.g. how much excess weight would I like to lose this month?

Francisco Lakay is the author of the exciting site Natural Weight Loss, where you will find free information to enhance your weight loss naturally! Previously struggling with being overweight, he can profess that these free weight loss tips definitely aided his loss of stomach fat and love handles.

Bodybuilding: Building a Standout in the Crowd Chest

Since the beginning of bodybuilding time, men have wanted to build a chest that enters the room a good 2 seconds before the rest of their body. They want a chest that stands out and commands attention, a chest that steps up and sticks out. A broad chest that women seek to lay their head upon.

And ladies too, seek a beautiful chest, one that accents their natural assets. But they also want their chest to be sleek and feminine like the rest of their physique at the same time.

Well, achieving either of those goals is easily attainable with a thorough chest routine. And add a few expert tips and tricks into your overall plan, and youll have the chest of your dreams without the shoulder injuries of your nightmares.

Shoulder injuries have always been the rain on the chest training parade. Injuries are often due to overtraining, improper form, or simply not applying a back training ying to the chest training yang.

So when you do this routine, it will train your entire upper, upper body. By that I mean your chest, your rear delts, the rhomboids between your shoulder blades, your traps, and your rotator cuff muscles. From your ribs to your collarbone, at both the front and back of your body, your muscles will be exhausted, but trained to just the right level of exhaustion.

With just the right volume, but without overloading the shoulder joint, we are going to use basic chest exercises, but with a twist in a few cases, to make the most of the least. By training with supersets, youll get in and out of the gym if you do only the 6 exercises below. Talk about a beautiful chest fast.

While the full program offers the optimal volume for mega-chest-mass, Ive included some substitutions for women that are a little concerned with adding too much mass too fast to their chests. So make sure to read training substitutions, included below the workout, so you can customize the program to your goals.

Ive also included a summary of the methods, and a bonus instant chest building technique you probably never think of, after the workout. As well, a complete set of exercise descriptions is included at the end of the article.


Superset 1:
Rest 60 seconds between exercises. Rest 90 seconds before repeating the superset.
A1) DB Flat Chest Press (4 sets x 6 reps) Tempo: 3-0-1
A2) Barbell Row or Seated Wide-grip Row (4x8) 2-0-1
Superset 2:
Do not rest between exercises. Rest 60 seconds before repeating the superset.
B1) DB Incline Press (3x8) 2-0-1
B2) DB Chest Fly (3x10) 3-0-1

Superset 3:
Do not rest between exercises. Rest 60 seconds before repeating the superset.
C1) Medium-grip Bench Press (3x12) 2-0-1

C2) DB External Rotation (3x10) 2-0-1
Female exercise substitutions:

Do only 2 sets of each exercise.
For exercise A1), substitute the maximum number of pushups you can do in place of the DB Flat Chest Press.

How to Instantly Increase Your Chest Size

This is something that everyone should be doing, several times per day. If you work at a computer, you should be trying to hold this position all of the time.

Heres what to do:

In a seated or standing position, hold your arms down by your side. Externally rotate your shoulders so that your palms are now facing forward. Use the muscles between your shoulder blades to bring your shoulder blades together. Squeeze extra hard and pull your shoulders back by contracting your rear delts. At the same time, try to pull your shoulders down (you might feel a stretch running along your neck between your shoulders and your ears the more stretch you feel, the more you need to work on holding this position). This should pull your shoulders back and pop your chest out at least two inches. You should feel tension between your shoulder blades as your muscles work to hold that position. You might also feel a stretch in your chest. Now hold this proud posture as much as you can all day and when standing around in the clubs or in line at the grocery store. Trust me, someone will notice!

Exercise Descriptions

DB Flat Bench Press

Hold the dumbbells above your chest with your palms turned toward your feet. Lower the dumbbells to chest level. Press the dumbbells straight up above the chest. BB Row

Stand with your torso bent and parallel to the floor. Contract your glutes, brace your abs and keep your spine in a neutral position. Keep the lower back in a neutral position and your knees slightly bent. Grasp the barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Row the barbell to the abdomen and bring your shoulder blades together. Slowly lower to the starting position and repeat. Do NOT round your lower back. Wide-grip Seated Row

Use a long bar and take a greater than shoulder-width overhand grip. Keep your arms and back straight, knees slightly bent. Row the handle back as far as possible bringing your shoulder blades together. DB Incline Press

Lie on a bench with the backrest inclined at 45 degrees. Hold the dumbbells above your chest with your palms turned toward your feet. Lower the dumbbells to chest level. Press the dumbbells straight up above the chest. DB Fly

Lie flat on your back on a bench and hold the dumbbells with your palms turned towards your body (palms will face each other). Maintain a slight bend in your elbows at all times. Slowly begin to lower the dumbbells out to your side until your elbows reach shoulder level. Dont lower the dumbbells any further. At this point, squeeze your chest and bring the dumbbells up and in to the start position under control.

Medium-Grip Bench Press

Keep your feet flat on the floor, legs bent, and upper back flat against the bench. Grip the bar half-way between shoulder-width and your normal bench press grip. Keep the elbows close to the sides to emphasize the triceps. Have your spotter help you take the bar from the rack. Keeping your elbows close to your sides, lower the bar straight down to the bottom of your chest. Pause briefly and then press the bar back up above the chest in a straight line. DB External Rotation

Sit on a flat bench holding a light dumbbell (start with 5lbs). Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the end of the bench. Rest your right elbow on the top of your right knee and hold the DB in the bottom position. Slowly, using the small muscles of your rotator cuff, externally rotate the DB up and back until it is in the finish position (your forearm is perpendicular to your body at the top of the movement).

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Stair Exercises for Weight Loss!

The first questions people will ask when you talk about stair climbing is: can someone really get in shape by simply using stairs? The answer to that question is absolutely yes. If you have ever walked up more than 10 flights of stairs you can understand what I mean. In fact my discovery of stair climbing came when I had to walk up 19 flights of stairs to visit a friend of mine. At the time I had not been able to exercise due to an injury and walking up those stairs just wiped me out.

But as a trainer I thought to myself what an excellent tool for getting in shape. Ever since then I have used stair climbing for myself, my high school students, college athletes, elite professional athletes, and most of my private training clientele. Basically anyone interested in improving aerobic fitness, anaerobic conditioning, muscular strength, power and flexibility. In fact stair climbing proved to be such an incredible conditioning tool for me that I call it real stair climbing. I do this to distinguish it from modifications like the Stair-master and the Step-mill. These pieces of equipment are very valuable but can not compare to what real stair climbing has to offer.

So how can one lose weight, get in fabulous shape and look amazing using real stair climbing. The answer is quite simple: Follow the same principles and guidelines of an exercise program. Usually that calls for aerobic work 2 to 3 times a week combined with strength training 2 to 3 times a week. I myself stick with 2 aerobic/anaerobic sessions combined with 2 strength training sessions a week. In this article I'll discuss ways you can use Real Stair climbing to improve aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.

Here are some ideas to help you set up a stair exercises program for aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.

The following are the stair workouts I have used over the years and a few different ways you can use stairs to improve your aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.

1. Real Stair climbing for aerobic conditioning.

2. Real Stair climbing for anaerobic conditioning.

Real Stair Climbing, Jargon, and Definitions:

Real Stair Climbing:

Real stair climbing is the actual use of stairs and stair cases. I do this to differentiate it from modifications like the Stairmaster and Step mill. Although equipment like the Stairmaster and Step mill can have great value they cannot compare to what Real Stair Climbing has to offer.

Climbs or Climbing: The actual act of walking or running up staircases.

Round or sets: From the first floor to the top floor and back down is considered a round of stair climbing. This is not written in stone. Call it what you like. I also sometimes call it a set. Also in my own workouts, I rarely walk downstairs. I usually take the elevator down for safety reasons, but also keep in mind in the high school I work in we have to use the stairs to get back down, but we make it a point not to run downstairs and just walk down and take our time. It is not going to improve our conditioning, but in this case safety takes the precedent over improvement.

Real Stair Climbing for Aerobic Fitness:

Aerobic fitness can be improved by simply walking up stairs. In my experience, I usually have access to 12 to 20 flights of stairs. My first round up to the top serves as a warm-up. I walk up slowly and take my time. Twenty flights takes me anywhere from four to five minutes. When I reached the top I stretch. Usually I'll hold each stretch anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds. In my second round I picked up the pace a bit. One thing to remember is that it does not take much to increase the intensity with Real Stair Climbing. By simply picking up your walking pace just a bit will noticeably raise your workout intensity (it really doesn't take much). An aerobic workout can look something like this:

Round One: Warm-up: 20 flights at a slow pace (4 to 5 minutes) and then stretch* at the top.

Take elevator down.

Round Two: 20 flights at a faster pace (3 minutes 45 seconds).

Take elevator down.

Round Three: 20 flights at a faster pace (3 minutes 30 seconds).

Take elevator down.

Round Four: 20 flights at a faster pace (3 minutes 15 seconds).

Take elevator down.

Round Five: 20 flights at a faster pace (3 minutes).

Take elevator down.

Round Six: Usually my last round at my fastest pace (2 minutes and 30 seconds to 2 minutes and 50 seconds). Relax and stretch a few minutes.

You can gradually increase this workout to 2 to 4 times a week. It all depends on your conditioning level, your schedule and your fitness goals. Doing this workout will improve your aerobic fitness but not do much for your strength. If you want to work on the strength then you will have to set up time for that as well.

The most frequent question I get asked is what if I do not have access to 20 flights. Simple, the less flights you have the more rounds you will need to get a sufficient workout. I think most people can get a great aerobic workout with at least ten flights. If you have five or less flights, it will be tough to get a sufficient aerobic workout, but there are other ways to achieve this goal as I will discuss later.

Real Stair Climbing for Anaerobic conditioning:

My favorite use of stair climbing is anaerobic conditioning. As with any workout start off with a warm-up and stretching. I suggest you use one round of walking up the stairs and then proceed to the anaerobic work. In my own workouts I prefer to run up the stairs for anaerobic work but you could also walk very fast. I also prefer to climb every 2 steps but you could use every step. Experimentation will help you decide what works best for you. In my own anaerobic workouts I usually climb 6 to 12 flights at full speed and then rest for 2 to 3 minutes. During my rest period I usually continue to walk up a few flights. I find this allows me to recover faster. Experiment to find what works best for you. I usually perform anywhere from 4 to 10 sets. As your conditioning improves you have many options to challenge you further.

You can climb more flights
Reduce your rest intervals
Increase your sets (rounds)

An anaerobic workout can look something like this:

Note: in this work-out I had access to 20 flights

Round 1: warm-up: walk up 20 flights at slow pace (4 to 5 minutes)
Take elevator or walk down

Round 2: warm-up: Run up 10 flights (every other step and go half speed),(1 minute)
Rest 2 minutes

Round 3: Run up 10 flights (full speed and every other step), (30 to 45 seconds)
Rest 2 to 3 minutes

Round 4: Repeat Round 3

Round 5: Repeat Round 4

To start this may be enough for most people. As one's conditioning improves you can add rounds, add flights or reduce intervals to continue improving.

Another great anaerobic conditioning tool is an all out sprint to the 20 th floor (that's if you have 20 flights of course). By the 18th floor your legs can barely move. You'll be forced to walk but your body will still be in an anaerobic zone. When I'm pressed for time I use this as a workout. Just do 1 or 2 warm-up rounds of 20 flights and then use the third round as the sprint to the 20th floor.

Another fun way to do anaerobic training is to race up flights of stairs. One person uses one stairwell and the other the opposite. An all out race to the top will challenge even the best conditioned people. With the high school student/athletes I've worked with we had access to 12 flights and racing up those stairs proved to be one of the best ways to condition them. They didn't see it as a workout but just a race. So just calling it a race really motivated them.

There are many ways to do anaerobic conditioning in stair cases. Just remember to be safe and what you're trying to address. Anaerobic work should have you breathless. To get an idea of how you should feel, run a mile track at full speed and you'll see what I mean.

I think the main reason I like anaerobic conditioning so much is because it gives you more bang for your buck.

Both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning are great ways to lose weight, get in great shape, look and feel great.

Note: As with any exercise program consult a qualified medical practitioner before beginning any exercise program. You owe it yourself.

Virgil Aponte brings over 12 years of experience as a Personal Trainer, High School PE Teacher and Strength & Conditioning Coach. He has trained hundreds of people including elite professional athletes of the Womens National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball. He earned his Master's Degree in Physical Education from Brooklyn College and is an American College of Sports Medicine Health & Fitness Instructor. Based in Brooklyn New York he is considered by many fitness industry experts as the authority on stair exercise training and is the author and creator of the Ultimate Stair Exercises.

Sign up for his Free Stair Report, Stair Training Secrets Used By Celebrities Today!

Trying To Lose Weight, Forget About It, Unless You Stop Eating This!

I do a lot of research on health and nutrition and nothing makes me madder than the food industry intentionally, without my permission and yours, producing food that causes you and I not only to be addicted to it, but makes us fat! They do this by adding MSG to just about everything we eat!

I admire people like John Erb, who was a research assistant at the University of Ontario and wrote the book, "The Slow Poisoning of America", as one of the many people blowing the whistle on MSG. The subject of MSG is not new, but not enough attention is being paid to it and the food industry is certainly not going to tell you about it because they are making too much money from it.

MSG is so pervasive in our society that you may not be aware that you are consuming it daily. It is in processed foods, canned, frozen or boxed, restaurants and fast food chains. My husband and I were shocked to find MSG in almost all the vitamin supplements we had. Most consumers are not aware of it because we are being tricked with labeling.

MSG has many aliases. Here is a list of some of the other names for MSG:

- Monosodium glutamate, monopotassium glutamate, glutamic acid
- Anything that says hydrolyzed (such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein)
- Anything that says Autolized
- Anything that says natural flavor, or flavors, natural flavoring, flavorings
- Calcium caseinate
- Sodium caseinate
- Yeast extract
- Seasonings
- Soy protein, wheat protein, whey protein, anything fortified protein
- Textured protein
- Carrageenan
- Gelatin
- Soy sauce
- Bouillon, pork, chicken, beef
- Barley malt, malt extract, maltodextrin
- Enzymes
- Corn syrup, corn starch, dextrose
- Citric acid

You may be asking how it is possible that MSG can come under so many different names. The FDA has stated that if you use MSG in a product it must be labeled that way. If you use for example; hydrolyzed vegetable protein (which has MSG in it) it must be labeled by its common name and not MSG. This is the loophole the food industry uses to hide the word MSG.

Studies done over the last 30 years on rats have consistently shown that MSG makes them fat. Rats are not naturally fat so it has to be created. The studies done showed up to a 40% increase in appetite in the rats fed with MSG.

It works like this. Your tongue has receptors to detect sugars, carbohydrates, fats and protein, and it is used to determine if actual food is in your mouth. The food industry has figured out that MSG fools the taste receptors into thinking it is going to be receiving protein or sugars etc, so now your pancreas now goes into action releasing insulin to do its job. Within half an hour to an hour you have a blood sugar drop and you want to eat again. So you eat more food with MSG and you continue this circuit over and over again. And don't forget to check your diet foods, which are usually loaded with MSG.

True weight loss is achieved by the few who have true stamina and will power because for the rest of us, well, the odds are stacked against us. The food industry wants you to buy their food and keep you addicted and keep you gaining weight because now companies can jump on the band wagon and get you buying weight loss pills and prescription drugs. Is there MSG in the diet and prescription pills? The odds are very high that this is the case.

If you have struggled with weight and health issues without success, don't just give up hope yet. Education is the key. It is up to you to decide what you want to do with this information. For my husband and I, we have given up MSG and we eat organic. I have lost 20 lbs to date and feel great. There are some reputable companies that produce superior products without MSG and pesticides and it is worth seeking them out and supporting their efforts while getting you and your family healthy.

I hope this helps!

Sources: Blaylock, Russell L., M.D. Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, Health Press, Santa Fe, NM 87504, 1994. Schwartz, George R., M.D. and Schwartz, Kathleen A. In Bad Taste: The MSG Symptom Complex, Health Press, Santa Fe, NM 87504.

Willie is a researcher and freelance writer whose own health problems prompted her to gain information on health and wellness and share that knowledge with others. She is co-owner of http://www.cleanbodydetox.com a site that focuses on detox through foot baths and foot massager.

Five Simple Steps To Losing Your Belly Fat Fast

Do you want to learn how to get rid of your belly fat and learn fast weight loss tip? Lose your beer gut forever with these fast healthy weight loss tips.

So, any of you guys out there with the big ol' beer gut and you want to get rid of it fast, then keep reading.

How do you lose weight fast?

A real simple tip is and we've all been taught it, from the time we were kids from our parents, is increase our vegetable intake, more specifically your non-starchy vegetable intake. It's not to hard to choose a vegetable that's non-starchy.

The main reason is, because you want to be able to eat something that is not caloricly dense but nutrient dense and non-starchy vegetables. They're a great source of fiber which is very important for helping you feel fuller longer and not encouraging you to eat 30 minutes later. You're going to be full for a long time. The fiber takes longer to digest, so the body has to work harder and you keep your insulin levels in check which is big for preventing fat storage.

What is insulin which I mentioned above?

When you eat you get sugar in your blood and your body has to get that sugar out of the blood and either use it as energy or store it for use at a later time. Insulin does that. When you ingest food and you get these sugars into your blood, your insulin increases and gets those sugars, pull them out of your blood and either, like I said, burn them for energy or store them to be used at a later time. When all of your carbohydrate glycogen levels are full, then the only other alternative is to be stored as fat. Insulin tends to promote fat storage because most peoples glycogen/carbohydrate levels are usually pretty full, so the alternative is fat storage.

You want to keep that insulin response low, which is one of the main goals.

Now on to Tip number 2 which is eating protein at every meal. We hear so much about protein; again, most guys are probably meat and potatoes guys. Why is it so important - how do we make the transformation to just eating fatty protein sources to types of proteins that you should be eating to help lose that gut.

It should be easy to get protein into your diet since most men are meat and potato type of men, but you want to control the type of protein you eat. A fried chicken breast, or 18 chicken wings from Hooters, probably isn't going to be the best source. Yes, its protein, but you are also going to pack in a lot of extra calories that you really don't need if you're trying to lose your gut. So, one of the things you want to do is to look for those lean protein sources. Skinless chicken breasts, lean beef and steaks, fish grilled not fried. Eggs are another good source.

Dairy is also another good source. If you like cottage cheese or yogurts or things like that, you can get in your lean protein that way as well.

Tip number 3 Eat whole grain carbohydrates.

So now, what is a whole grain carb? What's a good carb? What's a bad carb? When am I supposed to be eating some of these carbs?

A whole grain carb would be carbohydrates that are considered a good source of fiber. Staying away from the - you've heard the thing of no white breads and things like that and white rice, and to a point there's validity to why people say that. I don't know that they always know why they are saying it, but the reason that they should try to limit those is because those are usually made with processed carbohydrates and very little fiber content. Whole grain carbs will say 100% whole grain. Wheat bread is just white bread that hasn't been bleached. So you need to look for the whole grain or the whole oats/grain wording in it to find out, and look at the fiber source. Most of them should have at least 2 grams of fiber per serving, if not 3 to be considered a good fiber source. So, that will help you get you your answer as well with that.

Alright, rapid weight loss diet tip number 4. Eat more healthy fats. Now, this is very confusing for people, I'm sure. Healthy fats, unhealthy fats, Trans fats, why is this going to be such a big deal when it comes to losing weight fast?

Your healthy fats is what's usually called essential fatty acids, and what that means is that it's fatty acids and fats that we can not produce in the body on our own, so we have to get them through diet. Why essential fatty acids are so important is because there's hundreds and hundreds of studies that are showing that it helps with numerous diseases.

It helps prevent certain diseases such as heart disease and cancer. The studies are actually now showing that it may actually increase your metabolism by as much as 400 calories a day and that's the big one when it comes to just specific weight loss.

If you want to just throw out all the numerous health benefits of why essential fatty acids are good and just go off of the fact for weight loss and fat loss, it actually helps increase your metabolism and there's also some studies showing that it may actually block what they tend to call pre-fat cells from turning into permanent fat cells. So, again, that's another huge step in regards to weight loss and trying to prevent weight gain. And, essential fatty acids primarily are, what you'll also hear or read, as Omega 3 fats.

You'll see that fish is an excellent source of Omega 3 fats. Use olive oil because of the essential fatty acids and the Omega 3s. Walnuts and Almonds are another good source and they're actually a good protein source, they contain good fiber, and they contain healthy fat.

So, if you want a healthy snack, throw some almonds in a bag and take them with you to work, keep them at your desk. They're a great snack to help you feel full; help boost that metabolism and it's actually a really good food for you in many ways. You're getting your fiber, you're getting your protein, you're getting your healthy fat, you're getting three of the five tips I'm giving you today just in one food, with that.

How to lose belly fat tip number 5.

Eat frequent meals. I'm sure you've heard it before eat smaller meals throughout the day. You're probably having a muffin and coffee for breakfast, having a big lunch, maybe not eating all afternoon, come home and eat a huge, huge dinner. How are you guys going to get 4-6 small meals a day?

You do have to do a little planning ahead, but if you use the previous four tips, you could cut up some vegetables ahead of time on a Sunday and just put them in bags so that you have them available to put into your lunch or as a snack. Protein choices you've got the yogurt, you could hard boil eggs, you could have string cheese as a snack. Almonds, as we talked about.

Doing those types of things and plan ahead to where you don't have to think the morning of, "Alright what am I going to eat for my snack today? What am I going to do for lunch? It's all already in the fridge. Plan on a Sunday for one hour and then all you have to do is pack your meal. Put it in individual bags, throw it in your cooler and put it in the refrigerator at work, so that it's available. That way, the less thinking you can take out of it, the better off you're going to be.

Every time you eat your metabolism increases to digest that food. Your body uses calories to digest calories? So, you want to keep that metabolism revved up every day.

What guy doesn't want to eat. The worst thing about trying to lose weight is you think you have to starve yourself and that's the exact opposite that you want to do if you're going to lose weight. You need to feed yourself and you need to feed yourself consistently because then the weight will come off. If you restrict eating and that metabolism plummets your body has to survive. It goes into a survival mode at that point and it's going to do everything possible to burn as little calories as possible because you don't feed it frequently enough.

Apply these 5 tips today to lose belly fat fast.

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, go to the following site and grab a free fat loss report which details 36 potent foods for boosting your metabolism and losing belly fat - http://getridofmygutdiet.com

Best Way To Lose Belly Fat - Eat More, Move More

The population of most of the developed world is getting heavier each year.

And as a result too many people today are overweight or obese.

More likely, overweight people are prone to chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease,sleep disorders, reproductive problems and depression.

Aside from the genetic factors, the main reasons why more and more people are getting heavier are due to various reasons like

-watching too much television,
-spending way too much time on the computer,
-relying on less manual work,
-eating far too much junk food and take aways.

If you see yourself in this situation, it's time to improve your life and self-esteem.

And it's time to get going, lose weight for a healthier lifestyle.

When planning to lose body fat, avoid fad diets promising fast weight loss.


Two reasons...

1) It is not healthy for you
2) Once you return to your normal eating habits, the weight will quickly return

The best way to lose body fat is to

  1. Sacrifice and plan to make small, life long changes to your eating habits;
  2. Reduce the calories, and eat 6 healthy meals during the day. This will reduce any cravings for junk food or sweets;
  3. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day;
  4. Eat less high fats such as biscuits, chocolate, fried onions, and chips
  5. Cut out both diet and non diet sodas
  6. Add less fat from butter, margarine and oil to foods
  7. Eat plenty of steam food, vegetables and fruits
  8. Reduce alcohol consumption if you drink more than 2 standard drinks per day
  9. With a calorie restricted diet, you might lose weight - but if you don't exercise, you will miss the chance of burning more body fat, and reduce the likelihood of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. So Move your butt and start exercising.

And one of the best exercises to lose belly fat is the Turbulence Training Routine.

This is a great workout for beginners looking to lose body fat.

With that, aim to lose 5-10% of your weight over 3-6 months.

This is more of a realistic target, and much easier to achieve.

As a guide use your waist measurement as an indicator of the amount of body fat you have lost.

And so, if you are overweight and looking to reduce weight - the best way to lose body fat is think long term, eat more and move more for a better you, today.

Need to know the truth about six pack abs?

Visit http://www.squidoo.com/thetruthabout-sixpackabs1 now to learn how to get rock hard abs and effectively turbo-charge your fat burning metabolism to scorch away stubborn belly fat.

The Jenny Craig Weight Loss Program - A Review

The Jenny Craig weight loss program has been in existence for over 20 years now but only gained much needed buzz when celebrity Kirstie Alleyhaving lost about 100 pounds with the programstarted endorsing it. Since then, more and more celebrities and civilians alike have started using the Jenny Craig weight loss program to get into shape. Popular throughout the United States and Canada, the Jenny Craig weight loss program has also started to gain a following around New Zealand and Australia.

The Program

The Jenny Craig weight loss program essentially works by following good nutrition with rationed portions, as well as giving motivation for an overall lifestyle change. It provides participants with a comprehensively planned food guide to help weight loss and is specific to the fitness goals of each participant. The variety of weight loss plans available in the program is designed in such a way that a participant loses the extra pounds slowly but increasingly.

Your Meals

At the beginning, each participant is assigned a personal consultant. Each participant is then made to follow a specifically designed plan with meals coming from the company. Before reaching the halfway point of his fitness goal, every participant must purchase all his meals, prepackaged and specifically designed, from the company. Only by reaching the halfway point of his fitness goal will a participant be then allowed to cook his own meals at about 3 or 4 times per week. All meals cooked at home however will still need to follow the meals required and recipes included in the weight loss plan. In addition to the prepackaged meals, that include full meals as well as snacks and desserts, participants can also eat fruits and vegetables as well as low-fat dairy products that can be bought in stores. In addition to the pre-packaged meals and snacks or desserts, you will also be eating fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products that you purchase at your usual market.

Transition Diet

Aside from being allowed to cook their own foods, reaching the halfway point of their fitness goals allows participants to start eating regular food items again. After a 4-week period of transition, participants can stop eating meals as provided by the Jenny Craig weight loss program altogether and start eating entirely on their own again. Participants will have by then assimilated the program into their eating habits so weight gain shouldn't be a problem as long as they keep their eyes on their food portions.

Other Services

Apart from being provided with healthy-eating guidance, participants also undergo weigh-ins and counseling sessions each week. The counseling sessions are venues for motivating the participants as they strive hard to meet their fitness goals. The purpose of these consultations is to review each week's successes and challenges. She or he will assess your previous week's eating, exercise and mental/emotional progress and help you set goals and a menu plan for the following week.

Besides just sticking it out for the remainder of their weight loss plans, participants are also encouraged to apply what they have learned to their daily lives. Come the time that they get off the program, after achieving their fitness goals, they'll be able to keep the extra pounds off. Any other questions or concerns that need consultation can also be handled through the phone or email. Or should participants wish it, the direct at-home programs of the Jenny Craig weight loss program allows consultations to be done in the comforts of their own homes. Apart from addressing general questions or concerns, consultations can also be used to review the participant's weekly challenges and successes. The participant's assigned personal consultant can assess his eating, exercise, as well as emotional progress from the previous week and use this assessment to help him set up new goals and create a menu plan that he can follow for the coming week.


The Jenny Craig weight loss program also strives to promote exercise, aside from providing a guide to healthy eating and massive amounts of motivation. The program includes having participants do physical activities that last for about a minimum of 30 minutes, and should be done, at the least, 5 days per week. The Jenny Craig weight loss program believes that not only does exercise enhance achieving weight loss but it also helps a participant stay active in general.

As with any weight loss program, diet, or exercise regimen, it is best that you consult your doctore before you start. That way, your doctor can assess if your intended weight loss program, diet, or exercise regimen will work for you.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret

The Science of Arm Training

You know the world has changed when the average lifter wants a baseball players physique. A big chest, a thick back, and jacked arms pretty much completes the wish list for most. Now whether or not all of these players achieved their results with steroids, I dont know. The fact is, they sure as heck didnt get those arms by training with kickbacks and concentration curls.

If your arms havent grown since you thought baseball was drug-free, then its time to make a change to your workouts. And Im going to show you how to use efficient and effective exercises in a scientifically-designed plan that will add more size to your arms a week at BALCO labs.

Unlike the average gym member, the lifter that gets results trains with a plan (even on arm day). While my sets and reps scheme might be out in left field compared to what you are doing now, believe me, its guaranteed to improve on most arm training programs. But if you insist on playing in the 10-15 rep range for every exercise then you are bound to plateau and have minor-league arms. Research shows that a wide range of repetitions (from 3 reps per set to 12 reps per set) can lead to big-time gains in muscle size.

Using low reps and heavy weights for your arm exercises might go against the grain, but the following outline will work for arms and all other body parts. But for now, this is all you need to know.

In the first exercise of this workout, youll do 3 sets of 5 reps with a heavy weight (that allows you to complete all reps according to the guidelines below). The goal is to build absolute (maximal) strength and muscle mass (obviously). Increasing your absolute strength will help you lift more weight in all exercises. And if you can lift more weight, then you can train the muscles harder. In response, the muscle will get bigger to keep up to the demands of the heavy weights.

In the second exercise of the workout, youll use 4 sets of 8 reps. It just might be the optimal combination of intensity and volume for muscle growth and will work extremely well for lifters that have been stalled on higher rep sets.

In the third and final exercise of the workout for the arms, youll do 3 sets of 12 reps to add more volume to the workout and to fatigue the muscle and deplete muscle glycogen (glycogen is the name for carbohydrate stored in the muscles). High-volume training and fatigue cause the muscles to stock up on carbohydrate stores in preparation for the next training session. And when your muscles stock up on glycogen, they get bigger and future training sessions can be more intense. At the end of the 6 week program youll be blasting through these workouts with more intensity and strength than youve had in months.

One the trademarks of my strength-training programs, as you will see in the months to come, is to use supersets as often as possible (although there will be exceptions to the rule). With supersets, we pair two non-competing exercises together to get more work done in less time, without sacrificing strength or mass. Muscle size is not associated with how long you spend in the gym. The training goal is to get in, work hard, get out, pound a post-workout shake, get home, eat and grow.

Another way to increase the effectiveness of the training program is to focus on the tempo of the exercise. Tempo just means the speed of the exercise. For example and for our purposes, a 3-1-1 tempo means youll take 3 seconds to lower the weight, then youll pause for 1 second, and then youll lift the weight back up in 1 second. A slow eccentric (lowering) tempo and a fast concentric (lifting) tempo will work your Type II muscle fibers the hardest these are fibers that have the greatest potential for muscle growth. So youll get your best strength and mass gains by using that general tempo arrangement.

You may have gone through a tempo phase in the past for a couple of weeks and then due to human nature you probably got lazy and forgot about using it. But for the next 6 arm workouts, I want you to stick to the prescribed tempo. Youll see and feel the benefits after the first workout.

Now all that remains is to choose the best exercises for building big arms. With the help of scientific research, experience, and some recommendations from Charles Poliquin, Ive put together some of the most efficient and effective arm exercises for mass and strength.

After the 4-week arm assault I want you to cut back on your arm training for 1 week to allow your muscles to grow (and adapt to the training). If you regularly include an off-week in your training plan, take it here. Otherwise, skip your arm workout in week 5. You can return in week 6 with a new variation of this program. By the end of the program your results should be strikingly obvious and you might even be getting calls from major league sluggers for training tips.

Training Recommendations

Note: This program is for advanced lifters only. If you are a beginner, youll need only 1 set per exercise for the first two weeks and only two sets in weeks 3 & 4.

Do this workout 6 times in 4 weeks.
Week 1 Wednesday & Saturday
Week 2 Wednesday
Week 3 Wednesday & Saturday
Week 4 Wednesday
Week 5 Recovery week

Reduce the amount of direct shoulder training you do in the 4 week arm training phase.

Exercise descriptions: See the bottom of the article.

Warm-up: For a specific warm-up, perform 2 sets of each exercise in the first Superset. Start with 50% and then 75% of the weight you will use in your first real set. Perform 8 repetitions for each warm-up set.

Each pair of exercises constitutes a Superset. In each Superset, do one set of the first exercise (1A) followed immediately by the next exercise (1B). Rest 1 minute and repeat.

Use a proper weight for each exercise that allows you to get all repetitions completed with perfect form and the recommended tempo. It will require you to decrease the weights by at least 10% on most exercises.

Superset #1
Sets: 3
Reps: 5
Tempo: 5-0-1

1A) Close-grip Rack Lockout Bench Press
1B) Close-grip EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

Superset #2
Sets: 4
Reps: 8
Tempo: 3-1-1

2A) Decline DB Triceps Extensions
2B) DB Incline Curls

Superset #3
Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Tempo: 3-0-1

3A) Lying EZ-Bar Triceps Extension
3B) Seated DB Zottman Curls

Exercise Descriptions

Close-grip Rack Lockout Bench Press

Move a flat bench into the middle of the squat rack.
Set the pins 6-inches above your chest. Youll perform only the top half of a close-grip bench press.
Keep your feet flat on the floor, legs bent, and upper back flat against the bench.
Grip the bar using a shoulder-width grip & have your spotter help you take the bar from the rack.
Keep your elbows close to your sides, lower the bar straight down to the pins according to the tempo.
Pause briefly and then press the bar up in a straight line.
Poliquin recommends that you keep a very small bend in your elbows at the top of triceps exercises in order to keep the muscles working at all times.

Decline DB Triceps Extensions

Lie on the decline bench with your feet anchored appropriately.
Press the dumbbells over your chest to the start position and turn your palms in so that they face one another.
Start the movement by bending the elbow and lower the dumbbells down and beside your head.
Pause and hold for one second and then contract your triceps to extend your arms and move the dumbbells back to the start position.

Lying EZ-Bar Triceps Extension

Lie flat on a bench with dumbbells in each hand. Hold the dumbbells at arms length over your chest, with your palms facing each other.
Bend the elbows and lower the dumbbells behind your head.
Pause briefly at the bottom, and then contract the triceps and extend your arms back up to the starting position.

Close-grip EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

Sit at the preacher curl bench with a narrow, palms-up grip on the EZ-Bar.
Poliquin recommends that you set the height of the seat so the tops of your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Lean forward so that your armpits are at in contact with the top of the preacher bench and as you lower the bar your triceps are in contact with the padding of the bench.
Lower the bar until your arms are stretched.
Pause briefly and then contract your biceps to curl the bar back up to the top position.
Poliquin also recommends that you keep your wrists cocked back throughout the full range of motion.

Seated DB Incline Curls

Set the incline of the bench at 80 degrees (in an almost upright position).
Sit on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your palms turned up.
Lean back and keep your back and head against the bench at all times throughout the exercise.
Perform alternating dumbbell curls with each hand. Keep the palm up throughout the entire exercise.

Seated DB Zottman Curls

The Zottman curl is simply a dumbbell curl performed with a palms down grip as you lower the dumbbell and a palms-up grip as your lift the dumbbell. Its like doing a curl followed by a reverse curl.
Set an adjustable bench so that the back is upright. Sit down and hold a dumbbell in each hand at arms length with your palm turned up.
Contract the biceps and curl the dumbbell up to shoulder height.
At the top of the movement, turn your palm down and lower the dumbbell back to the start position.
Poliquin recommends that you keep your elbows glued to your sides throughout the lifting and lowering portion of the exercise.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

5 Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss

Are you ready to stop yo-yo dieting? We have all read countless studies and know from experience that often, keeping the weight off is as much of a challenge as losing it. Here are 5 secrets to shedding those extra pounds and keeping them off.

1. Individualize - Find what works for you, this may take some trial and error but in the long run it pays off. Lets face it all diets work when you follow them.... but can you live your life with the eating plan? Find a plan that you can not only live with but enjoy. You can do this by assessing what has and hasn't worked in the past, what your food preferences are, and looking for healthy ways to incorporate them into an eating plan.

2. Choose - We all have a choice about what we eat. Choose smart calories - healthy carbohydrates like whole grains, fruit,& vegetables, - low fat proteins like chicken breast, fish, & low fat yogurt, - healthy fats like omega 3 (salmon,nuts,flax seed). You can enjoy your food and feel full.

3. Carbohydrates - The thing is carbohydrates are good for you, if you choose the right ones. Sugar and highly refined flour wreak havoc on your blood sugar causing you to be hungry again very quickly. Studies have shown choosing the good carbohydrates (fruit, veggies, whole grains) over the refined ones (soda, cookies, white bread) can help you to lose up to 10 pounds in a year even if you don't cut calories.

4. Move It - Exercise is important to weight loss and maintaining weight. Every bit counts, if you can't find 30 - 45 minutes in one chunk break it down into 15 minute segments. Be sure to include strength training in your exercise regime to get the double benefit of toned muscle and increased resting metabolism. Start where you are and appreciate all that you body does each and every day. Honor your body by taking care of it.

5. Haunting Habits - Be on the alert for habit creep, the insidious slide back to the habits that helped you gain the weight. Be alert and keep the good habits you've developed from being consumed by the old ones. Schedule regular maintenance check ups with yourself... whats working , whats not, do the clothes still fit the same, are your goals still reflective of what you really want?

Cathy Brennan is a Registered Nurse and Life Coach who helps frustrated dieters lose weight and keep it off.She has helped many clients end their weight loss struggle. Visit http://www.pathwayscoach.com for your free e-recipe book.

Weight Loss Exercise Programs - The Single Best One You Can Do Bar None

When it comes to losing weight, there is no quicker way than combining diet with exercise but then I'm sure you already know that. What you might not know is that there is only one single best way to lose weight bar none. Discover this great technique in this article.

I'll get straight to the point - the single fastest weight loss exercise is HIIT, also known as High Impact Interval Training. Let's dissect this - the "high impact" means that this is at rapid pace, not a walk in the park. The "interval training" means that this is not a constant rate, you keep varying it.

So What Does HIIT Look Like Then?

First of all you should start in the morning on an empty stomach, this way you'll be burning fat only and not food. Then jog quickly (not slowly) for 20 seconds. Then run as fast as you can i.e. sprint, for 20 seconds. And when I say as fast as you can, I mean as if you were running for your life and no matter what, you cannot run any faster. The go back to jogging and repeat between this and sprinting. This sounds really tough doesn't it? Read on and you'll realise that it isn't.

Well there are two great bonuses to HIIT. First of all, you only need to do it for a total of 15 minute per day. Yes, only 15 minutes! Although you push yourself hard, there is no need to work out for any longer than you need to. Sure beats a one hour workout doesn't it? The next great thing is that not only do you burn fat whilst doing the exercise but you also continue to burn fat during the day and at a much greater rate than for any other type of exercise.

So how does HIIT work? Well obviously, the "high impact" aspect means you burn more but the "interval training" aspect means that your body and its metabolism never quite gets used to the exercise and is always trying to react but never can. The result is that you burn a ton of weight.

Want to learn even more great weight loss tips? Then click here to get weekly weight loss tips that really work, from http://www.52WeightLossTips.com

Medifast Diet and Fat-Burning State

The medifast diet is a very safe and effective diet and weight loss program. The main reason for this is because it gives enough nutrition while at the same time induces your body into a mild fat-burning state.

What is the Fat-Burning State?

When you are on the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan, your daily calorie intake is very low at around 800 to 1,000 calories. This causes your body to enter a fat-burning state - a "mild ketosis". In this state, your bodys fat releases free fatty acids, which are transformed by the liver to an energy source - the ketones. This mild fat-burning state helps the body achieve fast weight loss while preserving muscle tissue. It also helps eliminate physical hunger and provides sufficient levels of energy at the same time.

The fat-burning state is not harmful to your health. It is just a normal way that your body uses to manage energy. You get enough protein intake on the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan so that you are protected from losing muscle tissue. Regular exercise also helps in this area.

Are you in a fat-burning state?

You will know that you are in the fat-burning state if you feel less hungry and more energized, and start losing weight at a steady rate. It usually takes about 3-5 days, after you start the medifast diet, for you to move into the fat-burning state.

Do I need to use ketone test strips?

It is not recommended that you use ketone test strips while on the medifast 5 & 1 plan because:

1) With medifast program, you are only in a mild fat-burning state. The ketone test strips are meant to be used for a much stronger fat-burning state as you would be in a low carbohydrate diet.

2) The ketone test strips can give you inaccurate results if you are not using them consistently very day - the same way at the same time.

Jodi Thompson runs a few websites on weight loss and diet programs, including medifastworks.com To learn more about medifast diet program, tips, and stories, visit medifastworks.com

Lose 10 Pounds Fast By Shifting Calories

Fat Loss 4 Idiots has introduced a new method of dieting which will help you to lose 10 pounds fast. Unlike other diets available that claim to help with fast weight loss this one has continuous results rather than just short term results and this is because it is based around shifting calories.

The diet is based around an 11 day cycle during which you will eat foods of every type in a constantly changing pattern to fool your metabolism into working at a high rate. Once the 11 day cycle is at an end you then receive 3 full days to eat whatever foods you want, these are commonly known as cheat days.

Here are a few tips which make using Fat Loss 4 Idiots shifting calories diet more effective.


Because many dieters are so desperate to lose weight they decide to ignore the 3 cheat days and continue to diet but this should be avoided. Cheat days have several benefits and they have been put there for a reason, so use them, enjoy them and then start the cycle over again.


The diet provides a menu generator which will be based on a list of foods you have told it you like so once you get the menu don't ignore it. The weight loss program gives you 4 meals a day and this is what you should try to follow. Some feel that by leaving one out if they don't feel hungry that they will lose weight faster but this isn't the case. Leaving longer periods between meals gives your metabolism time to work at a slower rate and increases the chances of binging.


Most dieters are in the need to lose weight because they have never gotten enough exercise so the last thing they need is a diet program that requires them to put in a super human effort. Instead try to walk more often, a simple walk to the shops each day can make a massive difference. The program this diet uses doesn't actually require any exercise but this will increase the amount you do lose.


Anyone that has ever dieted will know the habit we have of jumping on the scales each and every morning to see what weight we have lost but this should be avoided. This diet is based around an 11 day cycle so I would suggest you only weigh yourself at the end of each 11 day cycle. This will help prevent a loss in motivation if one day goes extremely well and the next day has poor results.

By using the calorie shifting diet and following this advice you will lose 10 pounds fast without fail.

To read more about how you can lose 10 pounds fast then visit this webpage Shifting Calories Diet.

Katie Turner has lost 34 lbs since the birth of her twins. To find out more on fast weight loss Click Here

Discovering An Effective Fitness Training Program

It's incredible if you really thought about it but most people treat their prized sports car better then there own bodies. They shop around for the best deal possible and then fork over a lot of hard earned cash for the sports car of their dreams. The car goes into the shop for the slightest concern. These same people won't do the same for their own bodies. Shouldn't you give the same focus to your own health?

Some Facts About Physical Appearance and Lifespan

In this country the average life span of men and women is right around 80 years, give or take a few years. The painful truth is, a significant number of men and women look and feel this age long before they get there. The signs are there in their physical appearance:

- Sagging dry skin

- Posture is unsightly

- Unsteady walk (i.e. overweight)

- Joints that ache

Can you just imagine what a person's inside is like if they have all of those outer appearances? Chances are it's even worse:

- Conditions such as diabetes, nervous tension

- Inefficient heart


There you have it! Some of the positive reasons for engaging in a fitness training program now. It has been said that an "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". If you understand that last statement then you will get started on your fitness training program today. All it takes is a decision on your part and then the requisite follow through. If you need any ideas on where to get started then check this article's resource box.

James Redder is a advocate of an effective Fitness Training Program. If you liked the fitness exercise tips mentioned in this article, why not get the digital dynamite that will assist you now? Click here to grab this guide now: Turbulence Training.

Dr Suzanne Gudakunst - What Are The Benefits of Her Weight Loss Program?

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's new fat loss program, The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, is rapidly gaining popularity as a potent way to lose weight fast. But that isn't the only benefit that Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is claiming her program delivers to the people who use it. This article is about this program and what it can do for you.

The first thing you should know is that any diet that works for you and gets you to lose your excess weight is also improving your health as a result, since being overweight is decidedly unhealthy. A detox diet like Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's program may also do other things which may greatly improve your health.

Here are the possible benefits of Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's new fat loss program:

  • It can help you to lose a lot of weight fast
  • It can cleanse your body of bowel worms
  • It can purge your system of colon parasites
  • It can help you flush out dangerous intestinal plaque
  • It can help alleviate chronic conditions
  • It can help prevent or help overcome certain diseases

Now, don't get me wrong, this program isn't perfect. It's also not the easiest thing to do. Flushing out your system isn't an easy thing. It can be somewhat unpleasant ad requires determination. You will of course need to keep maintaining a healthy lifestyle after you complete this program in order to maintain your new weight and overall health. Another thing about this program is that it doesn't build any muscles since it doesn't include any exercise. But as a way to lose weight fast, it can be highly effective.

Click here to see how Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst can help you to lose weight fast.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about getting rid of bowel worms, click here: How To Get Rid of Bowel Worms Fast

Calorie Based Diet Plans Work Wonders

Do You Have A Calories Based Diet Plan?

If your not already aware there is a problem "silent disease" this is also referred to as obesity. This is why calorie based diet plans are beneficial to lose weight the healthy way. The 1,200 calories based diet plan have been proved to be one of the most successful calorie based diet plans on the market today.

It is very important that this 1,200 calories diet plan is only used for a short period of time. These calorie based diet plans seems to lose their effectiveness if targeted for a long period of time. Your body adapts to the change in food intake and the amount of calories it receives daily. A calorie based diet plans are what you need to lose weight. I have found that this 1,200 calorie diet is better used to jump start your metabolism and helps you start lose a couple extra pound from the start. It is very important that you adapt one of these calorie based diet plans when starting your diet.

It is important to understand the importance of a restrictive diet to lose the weight fast. The most essential benefits are gained in the initial phase of the drastic calorie reduction. Your body will begin to use the excess fat that is stored by your body and burn it.

These calorie based diet plans slows down your metabolism, so it is important to add a couple extra calories a week and than work on burning them off to make up for the shift in metabolism. This is a natural body mechanism because it thinks that it's helping you to survive everyday.

Please remember that calorie based diet plans are a highly effective way to lose extra pounds of fat. If you use these dieting plans correctly you will have solid foundation to a weight loss plan.

Calorie Based Diet Plans Are Very Beneficial And Learn to Count Calories

6 Pack Abs - Will Abdominal Exercises Reduce That Fat Around My Stomach?

To get rid of belly fat and get 6 pack abs, you must exercise. There's no secrets. However, there is something that most people don't get when it comes to getting in shape and most importantly get a superb flat stomach.

Exercises are not the only factor to get abdominals. In fact, everybody has abdominal muscles. The only thing is that most of people can't see them.

How to see your 6 pack abs like famous cinema celebrities or other bodybuilders professional?

1. Understanding Calories

There's nothing complicated about calories. All you need to do is to burn more calories than the amount you consume.

2. Drinking a lot of water

You need to build at least one liter of water every single day. I will enter in the details of this later, but for now, make an habit to drink even when you are not thirsty.

In fact, your body needs a lot of water, and you don't have to wait for it to send you a signal. When you are thirsty, that means that you are not supplying your body with enough water.

3. Dieting

You need to be aware that most diets don't work on the long term. Sometimes it's the diet itself, but most of the time, the problem comes from the individual who don't follow through.

4. Build muscle

You are not only going to work on your abs, but every single muscle of your body. This will help you to burn belly fat as well.

As you can see, having a powerful six pack abs is not only about spending hours doing crunches and sit ups. There's a whole science behind this.

To learn more about my powerful weight loss system and how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good and get killer 6 pack abs when you visit: http://www.positiveattitude4life.com

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

Exercise Schedule For Weight Loss

With reduction of calories we have achieved one portion of the plan and with exercise we will achieve the other. Remember, we have to under take exercise with a dual objective in mind.

Burning the excess fat already stored in the body (a kilo of excess weight represents around 7,000 calories).

Stopping further accumulation of fat.

Typically, exercise and diet schedules should advance gradually. The schedule should be customized according to the lifestyle of the person. My personal observation is that clients and consultants are over-enthusiastic in the beginning but the enthusiasm fades with the time.

The prime reason for this is that the exercise schedules often fail to match the lifestyle of a person or are too stringent to follow in real life. A health consultant should draft an exercise schedule accordingly. I personally feel that walking is one of the best and most natural ways of losing weight. I have had great success with it. In fact, because of regular walking (I walk around 20 km per week) I have been able to maintain the same weight levels for the past 15 years.

To start with, live an active lifestyle wherein you exercise a minimum of 30 minutes (15 minutes of vigorous exercise and 15 minutes of low or moderate exercise) per day.

In my programme, we gradually increase the duration of exercise to a minimum of 45 minutes per day (30 minutes rigorous and 15 minutes low or moderate exercise).

The key here is consistency. Often, I have observed that people tend to complete their schedules on the weekends, which is not right for the basic reason that the body is overloaded on the weekends and totally free during the week.

When I say 'exercise', I do not mean pumping iron (of course, you can also do weight training) every time. What I mean is making your body move - and this can be done by walking, climbing stairs, household work, etc. There is no dearth of activities that we can enjoy and simultaneously lose weight. It's just a matter of commitment and resolve.

Once we have achieve that ideal weight, the next step is maintaining it, which is little difficult than the first part. This is the phase during we say, 'Now that I have lost that excess baggage, indulge in all those tempting foods and bad lifestyle . But before you do that just close your eyes and think all the good things you can do now and all the difficultive faced when you had that excess weight - I am sure you will get your answer.

Always find a person can be your mentor and to whom you can be accoudle. This will help you in not regaining that weight your good and healthy habits on the backburner. Regularly check your weight and be calorie conscious.

The third important point our weight-loss programme is managing hunger. This ilised on eating balanced meals in which most of the calorie come from foods with high volume and low energy . For example, if we compare raisins (dried grapes) with grapes, we will find that after eating one-fourth , one would probably continue eating; but it would be difficult to consume more than 3/4 - 1 cup of grapesh servings have 110 calories each, but the fresh grapesfull of water. Water is a key ingredient in managing hat, but not the water you drink with the meal. Studies shomat it fills up the stomach but doesn't influence satiety. But the natural water in fruits and vegetables or in broth-based soups makes one feel full, that is, satiated.

Very low energy density Most fruits and vegetables, skimmed milk, and broth soups. Eat as much as you like.

Medium energy density: Includes meats; cheeses; fried food; salad dressings. Eat in moderation.

High energy density: Includes chips; chocolates; candies, cookies; nuts; butter and full-fat milk. Try to eat as less as possible.

One important tip for hunger management is to have a broth-based soup or a big, low-calorie density salad at the beginning of the meal.

You can have all those tempting foods but on your terms. 'Fhe day you have more calories you ought to slog more to burn them! Remember, at the end of the day it's you who has to decide how you wish to live. Whether you want to be a slave to your temptations or master them is up to you. Follow the Safe-n-Sure Weight Loss Programme honestly and I assure you that your weight will never be a problem ever again, making life all the more lighter and pleasant.

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