Easy Diet

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

5 Tips on How to Lose Weight Quickly

If you want to lose weight quickly, it can be done but you will have to use some common sense while shedding your pounds. Too sudden of a weight loss can crash you hard. It can be dangerous doing a crash diet if you are not prepared.

The surefire method? Don't shoot for any overnight miracles, they do not exist. Instead, be sensible and ensure that you are consuming the nutritional values that your body needs to function properly. Any other shortcuts are not going to work for you.

The very first thing you need to do is the prep work. You must determine your daily calorie intake. Take a small notebook and pen around with you for a few days, jotting down everything you normally eat and drink throughout a few days to get a balance of how many calories you average.

From your notes, there are several websites where you can get a breakdown of how much of a certain food equals how many calories. The idea is to start ingesting less calories and working off some of the pounds by exercising.

When you start your diet, you will need to itemize all the calories that you are taking in so as not to go over the set amount that you have established for yourself. You will need to go to a health website to determine how many calories and of what type of foods you will need to get your nutrition while losing weight. The sad news is that most of the calories you will be cutting from will be the junk food you love to eat but do not need in your diet.

  1. Start choosing lean meats in your diet and stay away from the fast foods. Fish and chicken are both low in fat. Tuna is not only low in fat but an excellent source of antioxidants. Stay away from red meat and pork while dieting.
  2. Say goodbye to most of your favorite side dishes. There are tons of empty calories in French fries and macaroni and cheese. Start eating fresh vegetables and salads as replacements. You will begin to feel better for this effort.
  3. Instead of eating three meals a day, begin eating 6 or 7 smaller meals per day. This will actually help you shed pounds. Eating less, but eating more often of the right foods will keep your metabolism up and running, thus burning more calories.
  4. Make friends with water. Water is not only good for you, drinking more of it throughout the day helps to keep your system flushed out and running better. Having a glass of water before eating a meal will also help curb your appetite.
  5. Eating more foods that are fiber rich helps to keep your system running regular and eliminate fat. Just a few days on a fiber rich diet will help to reduce any bloated feeling you may have been experiencing before. In time, the fiber actually works at burning off more calories because your body needs to work harder to digest the food.

Once you have your diet and exercise regime under control you can begin to look at diet pills to assist you in your weight loss journey. Click Here for honest reviews of the safest and most effective diet products available today.

How to Lose Weight Effectively

If you are overweight, chances are good that you have tried every diet plan out there, from low carb to high carb, and failed miserably. Maybe you have tried many different diet pills, only to discover that they make you suffer from the jitters and leave you wasted after a huge energy crash. The answer to lasting weight loss is not a diet fad or diet pills. Here is how to lose weight successfully.

First, establish healthy eating patterns. This is not as easy as it sounds. You have spent your entire lifetime building the eating habits you currently have. They are not going to change overnight.

The first place to focus is on portion sizes. If you are like most Americans, you are eating far more than you need to at each meal. Even if you eat the healthiest foods on the planet, if you overeat, you will not lose weight. A good way to start is to take your normal portion and cut it in half. Chances are you will be full at the end of the meal. Be sure to stop between servings, because it takes at least 20 minutes for the "I'm full" signal to reach your brain. If you wolf down your food, you will overeat before your brain even knows that you are full.

Remember, it is healthier to eat around five small meals or snacks each day. Instead of eating a huge breakfast, lunch, and dinner, focus on slimming down those portions and then adding in some healthy snacks. For your snacks, focus on foods that calm hunger, not cravings. Sugar packed foods will do nothing for your hunger. Veggies, cheese, and whole grains will.

Once you have gotten your eating under control, start adding exercise into your daily lifestyle. Exercise is essential to losing weight, yet many Americans get far too little of it. We are simply too busy, and our jobs are simply too sedentary. We spend our time sitting at a computer, driving to and from our homes, and relaxing in front of the TV. Invest in some exercise equipment that you can use at home. Then, take the opportunity to exercise whenever you can. Park far from the store so you can walk, or take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Besides this, you need to exercise at least 30 minutes 3 times a week. This will burn off many calories and help you lose weight. Losing weight in this manner takes time, but when the weight comes off it will generally stay off, whereas the weight you lose with a diet fad or pill will come off quickly but come back on just as quickly.

There are many Free Diet Programs available including the Low Carb Diet. Whatever diet you choose you need to keep track of your calorie intake with a Calorie Counter

How Many Calories to Lose Weight Safely

I am often asked how many calories can I consume and still lose weight. Not suprisingly, the answer is, "it depends". It depends on a variable called your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR.

Simply, BMR is how many calories you can burn at rest per day. You may not know this, but your body burns about 60% of your calorie intake just doing normal body functions like breathing. You need to know your BMR and then cut calories from that number to lose weight. To learn how to calculate BMR please visit the link in the author box. You will find a great explanation of the calculation there and how to use it in your weight loss efforts.

Once you know your BMR you can now determine how many calories per day to consume in order to lose weight. Another good number to know here is that burning 3,500 calories is equivalent to one pound of weight loss. Using that number, if you cut 500 calories a day, then you could lose one pound of weight a week.

Don't Go Overboard

Set a goal to lose one to two pounds a week. That may not get you excited, but that is a healthy expectation. Losing too much weight too quickly can be unhealthy and studies have shown there is a greater chance in gaining it back if you lose to rapidly. Also, keep in mind that if you are exercising, weight loss may be slower because you are building muscle which weighs more than fat.

Keep A Log

Track what you eat. I know this sounds boring, but it is a great exercise in your weight loss plan. Plus, it keeps you accountable for what you eat. This will also help you determine which foods to alter or cut to help you meet your goal. Maybe going to 2% milk will get you over the hump, for example.

Cut the Calories

Making little changes in your diet can easily help you meet your calorie intake goal.

  • Reduce portion sizes
  • Switch to a lower calorie version
  • Avoid fast food if possible

If you can't imagine cutting 500 calories out of your diet everyday, then do some exercise. Maybe let 250 calories of your goal come from exercise then you only have to cut out 250 calories from eating. Then you are still meeting your 500 calorie a day goal. It is far easier to be a little more active than to do without far much more food and still receive the same calorie reduction goals.

So, now you have the information you need to begin your weight loss plan. Determine your BMR and then consume less calories per day. It is that simple. Just don't go overboard because your body still needs calories to function everyday. If you make it too hard on yourself, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Did you find the information on basal metabolic rate and calorie reduction useful? If so, you can learn much more about weight loss, diets, healthy eating and other similar topics at Jessica's website at http://www.imsoslim.com Also, be sure to sign up for the newsletter to get information straight to your inbox and to receive an ebook on safely raising your metabolism to help you lose weight.

If you need help with figuring BMR, please visit: http://imsoslim.com/bmr-basal-metabolic-rate-calculation-for-weight-loss

Ways to Boost Metabolism Fast

I want to give you what I think are the top 3 ways to boost metabolism, fast. Why do you want to do this in the first place? Because your metabolism is one the things that controls exactly how much weight you will be able to lose. It is the rate that your body converts food into energy. The faster your metabolism, the quicker your body will burn calories off instead of storing them as fat.

First of all it's important to understand that your system already burns about three quarters of calories taken in just in the basic upkeep of our bodies. That's good news. The first method and most obvious is cardiovascular work and if exercise is your thing you can burn up a lot of excess calories with that. But I know not everyone is exactly keen on joining the gym rat revolution. That's fine, there ARE better alternative if you hate exercising.

The second of the ways to boost metabolism and one that is often overlooked is keeping the body well hydrated. I know we've all heard the old saw about having to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I'm not certain that number is entirely accurate but I do know that keeping yourself hydrated will help boost your metabolism. My father used to say, "If you're not peeing clear, you are not drinking enough fluids." He had a way with words that way.

I think the single most effective way to get your metabolism cranking up into high gear and give yourself a real boost is to learn how to properly combine foods that naturally help you get trim and looking healthy. I like to eat a number of smaller meals throughout the day. This does a couple of things. It keeps your blood sugar levels consistent and helps you avoid snacking.

I've found a way that showed me exactly how to eat so that I was able to lose a fair amount of weight in a very short time. Actually I was surprised when I was able to lose 15 pounds in about three weeks. And I've kept it off effortlessly.

I hope if you're one of the people who are looking how to boost your metabolism fast please check out this website: http://www.squidoo.com/HowToLose20PoundsInOneMonth

How To Stay Motivated On Your Quest To Lose Weight - Must-Read Strategies To Help You Succeed

Keeping up your motivation to lose weight can be easy and fun, which is why I have put together this list of tips to help you to stay on track with your weight loss goal.

Do you have any friends who also want to lose weight and would like to go for walks or to the gym with you?

Do you have a dog who would love you forever if you took him/her for a walk every day? He/she might need to lose weight too!

If you're ok with joining a gym, then go ahead and do it! Some gyms offer free personal training sessions, so make sure you take them up on it and let your trainer know what your goal is!

Go dancing with a group of friends.

Go for a bike ride around the lake (if you have one!) - enjoy the scenery!

If you have children, take them to the park and run around with them. They will have a wonderful time and so will you!

Get yourself a chart so you can count down as you lose weight. For example, if you want to lose 30 pounds, write the numbers from your current weight, down to your goal weight on a piece of paper. Stick this to the refrigerator door and after you weigh yourself each month, cross off a number as the weight is lost. You will see, just by looking at the sheet, how far you have come!

Why not reward yourself every month you have lost weight? A reward might be a facial, or a manicure, or a pedicure, or you might reward yourself by adding some more money to your "holiday fund". The choice is yours, but it's got to be something you will look forward to as weighing in day approaches! Be sure to reward yourself with something to help your cause, not with something that will sabotage it. You want to LOSE weight remember?!

Another wonderful way to keep you motivated is to tell your friends, family and coworkers about your goal. Get them to "sponsor" you by promising to do something good for themselves (or you!) when you reach a certain goal weight. So for example, one person may promise to give up smoking once you reach 160 pounds, another person may offer you a foot massage when you reach 155 pounds. What a great way to get everyone involved and to help keep you accountable!

Staying motivated to lose weight is probably the hardest part of losing weight. If you can make the most of the strategies listed here, you will significantly increase your chances of success.

If you really want to lose weight, then here's what you must do right now...

Download your free fat loss report which shows you practical strategies on How to Lose Weight or sign up for Michelle's free How to Lose Weight ecourse.

Now you can finally start living!

Visit http://www.overweightandunhappy.com if you would like more information.

Best Way to Lose Weight Fast - The "Triangle" Program For Busy Women

Here is the best way to lose weight fast... using the "TRIANGLE PROGRAM". I'm here to turn it into a simple and easy step-by-step method for you to use for guaranteed weight loss.

So if you take it step by step, you'll lose weight with little effort and almost no thinking necessary.

Best Way to Lose Weight Fast

Understand this, the "Triangle Program" addresses 3 things... your diet, your exercises, and everything else. I'll touch on each briefly.

1. Diet

Diet is the best way to lose weight fast. And to do that, you need to have a lot of protein and fiber in your diet. So step #1 is to focus your meals around proteins and fiber.

Examples include... eggs with black beans for breakfast... a green salad with either tuna, 6 ounces of lean beef, 1 can of black beans, or 4 ounces of salmon or tilapia for lunch... and a lean meat with 8 ounces of broccoli and/or cauliflower for dinner.

Work with those as a starting point and add your own twists.

2. Exercises

You've exercised enough to realize that the typical exercises that are TOUTED as great for weight loss... walking, jogging, treadmill stuff, etc... AREN'T getting you anywhere. So I'm going to fix that and give you my number one exercise for busy women....

Jumping on a mini-trampoline! Look, you're busy, you're time is limited, you have tons of errands to do, lots of responsibilities... everyone is tugging at you for some of your precious time. Kids, work, whatever.

Enter the mini-trampoline.

Just jump on it when you get a chance... don't schedule anything. I prefer to do it during tv commercials. But you can do it whenever you get a spare minute or two. What's great about this is that these "MINI-SESSIONS" actually speed up your metabolism a lot better than just 1 longer session. Do at least 20 minutes each day. About the same amount of time a 1 hour tv show has in commercials... HINT HINT!

3. Everything else

Look, diet and exercise are 2 big things when it comes to weight loss. But did you know that you can exercise all the time and have a great diet and still not lose weight... in fact, you could even gain weight.

Why? Well, things such as how much sleep you get, your stress levels, and the medications you are taking play a big part in whether you lose weight, gain weight, or whatever.

Take the same diet and exercise program you were on that was helping you to lose weight and then add in a lot of stress, lack of sleep, and taking some pills... and GUESS WHAT... you'll actually gain weight. YEP... even with the same diet and exercises.

So there you go... some things for you to consider. I gave you the best way to lose weight fast when you consider the key points I touched on and how you go about using them for weight loss.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice on the best way to lose weight fast... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

First, click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE 19-PAGE REPORT "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success". This will give you a jumpstart on how to lose 10 pounds fast.

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics. These unconventional tricks are a "shortcut" way on how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks... no mention of eating carrots or celery. I promise.

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life. Listen, I understand you want the best way to lose weight fast without changing much in your diet or exercise plans... I get it. I have this completely covered. I've worked with over 3,700 clients. I know a 1-size fits all plan doesn't work. So I've come up with lots of "tricks" to personalize weight loss specifically for you and your lifestyle.

Fourth... there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website. If you don't lose 10 pounds with just my free information... I'd be amazingly surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

Lose 7 Lbs in 2 Weeks

If you're looking to lose 7 lbs in 2 weeks, you need to find a weight loss plan which you can count on to deliver this weight loss. And yes, it is possible to do so. One way is to engage in rigorous physical exercise and try to burn enough calories to achieve this weight loss. If you do decide to do that, I recommend engaging in intensive cardio workouts and doing full body weight training to provide an extra stimulus.

However, if you don't have the time or the inclination to do intensive workouts, I recommend that you use a nutrition based diet called Fat Loss 4 Idiots. It can help you to lose 7 lbs in 2 weeks. As the founder of an independent forum for user of Fat loss 4 Idiots, I can say that a lot of men and women manage to lose 7 pounds or more in the first 2 weeks of being on this diet.

The reason why Fat Loss 4 idiots work is that it allows you control the type of calories that you eat and maintain a high metabolism level. It does so by giving you a specific menu (based on food items that you choose from a list) which constantly shifts the type of calories that you consume. This allows you to eat a full share of all necessary macro-nutrients and still lose weight.

Unlike other diets, FatLoss4idiots doesn't require you to starve yourself or deprive yourself of fats, carbs, or protein, Instead, it is based on a 4 meals a day menu which keeps you satisfied and motivated to stick to the diet. The diet is simple to do and, as the over 300 results of people who did this diet which I witnessed in the past few months, it can provide an impressive weight loss. You have a good chance of losing 7 lbs in 2 weeks with it.

To read more about Fatloss4idiots, visit this webpage:
Diet Plan Review.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about more methods to lose weight fast, click here: Lose 7 Lbs Fast