Easy Diet

Monday, May 26, 2008

Trying To Lose Weight? This One Tip Will Put You On A Rocket To Losing Weight Fast

Have you been trying to diet, exercise, and or just simply lose weight, but with no success?

The most popular source for lack of success with getting healthy and in shape is a lack of motivation. Motivation and inspiration can do wonders for your efforts of getting healthy and in shape.

There are many sources of motivation and inspiration in regards to health and fitness. You can find these sources in success stories of other people who are also trying to get healthy and fit, you can find it in magazines and books, you can find it at your health club with seeing other people strive for the same goals you are, and you can find it on your television screen via movies, music videos, sports events, exercise shows, and even infomercials about weight loss and exercising. But, there is one source that is the most important and yields the greatest results.

The motivational tool that yields the greatest results in not just exercising and improving your health, but with anything in your life, is results. That's right, seeing and/or feeling results is the best motivational tool for ultimate success. This is because it triggers a mental key in your mind to not quit because of the results you are seeing and/or feeling. In other words, results make you want to push harder to see even more results.

But what if I am not seeing results? That's the whole point, when you start on your plan to exercise and get healthy, your number one goal in the beginning is to strive to see some type of result. This result can be in the form of ANY amount of weight loss (I say any, because I don't want you to feel as though you have to lose 25 pounds in order to get motivated), going down a dress or pants size, or it can come from the way your body feels after changing your lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle. Stick to your health and fitness plan consistently for a week, and nine times out of ten, not only will you see some type of result, but you will have the motivation to continue.

With all that said, you must take into consideration that if you do not stick to your plan consistently, and/or if you do not have patience, you are not going to see the results you were hoping for, and maybe no results at all. Patience, determination, and consistency are the keys for ultimate success.

Are you ready to start losing weight now? Click Here to ignite your fat burning furnace and start your on your path to weight loss, better health, and a better body. This program is straight to the point and is not your typical "low calorie", "no carb", "don't eat anything all day" type of diet.

Avy Barnes is a long time health and fitness enthusiast. Being someone who once struggled in weight loss, muscle building, and overall health improvement, you will be able to connect more to all the information he provides through articles and his site. If you're looking for more free valuable tips, tricks, and secrets about weight loss & fitness, then be sure to visit Conquer Weight Loss, and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

How To Lose Weight Fast At Home With Calorie Shifting

Knives, Needles and Doctor - Oh My.

For many who are under the curse of obesity, the drastic solutions offered by the medical community seem to be the only hope. After all drastic times call for drastic measures right?

The fact is that many of the choices offered up by the medical community are really being offered by doctors-turned-marketers who are feeding into our human desire for quick fixes.

Remember Fen Phen?

Or have you heard about lap-band slippage?

Going under the knife or needle, or spending thousands on a month long "getaway" to the fat-farm are all very drastic and costly measures that may not be necessary.

Today's diets have delivered us away from needing doctor assisted weight control or even surgery in most cases. As the increase in scientific research gives us more insight into how the body burns fat and uses foods, better "user friendly" diets are becoming a reality - with some producing near miraculous results.

Where suffering under the scalpel was once considered the only means for the frustrated fat fighter to achieve a slimmer body, today science has given us the ability to transform food into an ally by causing your body to work for you, rather than against you. Now is the time when hunger pangs are no longer a reality, and a "gym-rat" lifestyle is no longer necessary.

For those of us looking for simple diets that we can use while living out normal lives, away from hospitals and fat farms, the search should be satisfied with diets using modern food shifting. These diets are also called calorie-shifting diets, but that title is a bit misleading because it is not the calories that are shifted, but rather the types of foods.

Aside from rapid fat loss, one of the top advantages of a food (or calorie) shifting diet are that portions out the window. Gone are the days of measuring and counting. The emphasis of this kind of diet is the "types" of foods that are consumed during a particular time frame.

Science has determined that our body responds to particular types of foods the same way it responds to particular types of chemicals (or drugs). Just as your body responds to specific drug dosing, dietary scientists are now able to determine your body's response to particular types of foods or even food combinations.

This has given a serious leg up on the diets of old, because now with proper choices of what we eat at any given time we are actually able to regulate the hormonal response that the body will have when those foods are consumed. Thus we can call into play hormones that will aid in the burning of our fat stores and bypass the hormones that aid in fat storage.

This produces the same types reactions that drug companies are shooting for when they develop the next great fat loss pill for zapping stubborn belly-fat -- or what ever else they claim to do. However, now the dieter can accomplish those hormonal responses at home without the concern for deleterious side effects of drugs, nor the worry about going under the knife.

This revolution of food cycling has finally put the power back in the hands of the dieters and giving a serious weapon in the battle of the bulge.

Your one month older and still no closer to having hot hips and sexy thighs! Is it your hormones? Find out more... http://www.makemeskinnyagain.com

Taking a Weight Loss Dietary Supplement

A weight loss dietary supplement has different functions in helping aid weight loss. Some act as appetite suppressants to help users eat less, therefore have lesser calories to burn. Some act as thermogenics, increasing the body's metabolism, which means increasing its calorie-burning abilities, while some, on most occasions, support a combination of functions for speedier weight loss.

More doesn't mean more

Some people make the mistake of taking a weight loss dietary supplement above its recommended dosages. This not only futile because studies have shown that increasing dosages have very little effect on its efficacy, but more importantly can be very dangerous. While most weight loss dietary supplements have natural ingredients, that doesn't mean that more of it in your body is good. Dosages are given for that reason. Because the ingredients in the weight loss dietary supplement have undergone testing and have yielded to be most effective in particular potencies, anything less or in excess will negate the benefits that a particular weight loss dietary supplement has in general. You know that anything in excess is bad for you and that also applies even if you're taking more of the good stuff.

Buy safely

Apart from taking proper dosages, safeguard your health by buying only from licensed manufacturers and distributors. The weight loss industry is home to a lot of amazing products, and consequently, to those who want to cash in on the many who are eager to use these products. As such, counterfeit products might be circulating in your locality. To be sure, buy only from respectable drug stores and health food stores. Be wary also of weight loss dietary supplements that are extremely inexpensive. You may be tempted to buy them because of the savings you'll get but there's always a catch. And your health isn't something so easy to get back once you get caught.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret

Weight Loss Camps For Adults

Weight loss camps for adults first materialised during the early 1980s and were based on the familiar summer camp experience. These camps, not only for adults, but teenagers alike, are an excellent choice for those looking to find healthy ways to lose weight, gain motivation, and with the added benefit of meeting and making new friends along the way. Weight loss camps for adults, or fitness holidays, are now becoming as popular as following well known diet plans.

In the early days, such activities were known as "fat farms" or "boot camp" weight loss programs. These early programs failed to address essential behavioural and emotional experiences, such as body image and body acceptance issues. True effective weight loss management is about understanding the patients emotional experiences as well as the physical problems to be overcome.

Many experts would agree that results are short-lived because true behavioural change can only occur with the understanding of healthy living principles, and how to deal with related emotions and stresses the patient may well be experiencing in everyday life. A good weight loss camp should not just be about diet and exercise but about tailoring a programme to meet individual needs.

Thankfully, weight loss camps for adults have come a long way since those early days of the 1980's. The key to successful weight loss is making changes in your eating and physical activity habits that you can keep up for the rest of your life. A good weight loss camp will develop an exercise and nutrition program specific to each individual needs and capabilities that can be continued long after leaving the camp. The staff of a good camp should include qualified counsellors, nutritionists, registered dieticians, psychologists and exercise physiologists. Each plays a very important role in providing a complete programme to promote healthy living.

For families wanting to work together, there are weight loss and fitness camps consisting of communities of parents, children and staff working together to achieve the same fitness goals. These camps are designed to help adults and children alike embrace a healthy lifestyle, and discover just how fun and rewarding it can be for the family to get fit and stay fit together. Many families who enrol on these programs lose weight and return home feeling fitter and more motivated to continue a more healthy active lifestyle.

If you are looking for a fun but hard work way of finding much needed motivation to lose weight and get fit, then weight loss camps for adults can be an excellent starting point for losing excess body fat and starting a new healthy and fitter lifestyle.

To learn more about effective weight loss secrets and to receive a FREE weight loss secrets report please visit http://www.stuarts-ebooks.com/WeightLossSecrets.html.

Quickest Diet

The quickest diet that you can follow, in order to achieve the greatest number of pounds lost in the shortest period of time, with the least amount of sacrifice or dietary readaptation is the calorie shifting diet.

While on this diet, you can expect to lose at least 9 pounds for every 11 days, or upwards of 20 pounds per month. Unlike other diet regimens that require you to reduce your calories, reduce your carbohydrates, reduce your fat intake, or reduce anything else, the calorie shifting diet allows you to eat as much food as you desire until you are fully satisfied, at each meal, but not until you are too full. In fact, you are required to eat four full meals each and every day, as long as those meals are spaced out by at least 2.5 to 3 hours in between each. While on this diet, you will be required to eat a healthy blend of food from all four of the major food groups.

If this type of diet regimen sounds too good to be true, and seems antithetical to the conventional wisdom of "eat less to lose weight", then you would be pleasantly surprised to learn that the calorie shifting diet is based on the principle that it is possible for us human beings to manipulate our body's metabolism at will, simply by restructuring our diet in such a way that we shift the type of calories that we consume, from meal to meal, rather than the quantity. In doing so in the proper combination, you can literally induce your metabolism to switch to "fat burning mode" and begin to tap into your body's fat stores for energy.

Another distinguishing feature of this diet that leaves many people feeling extremely satisfied and maintains a high level of motivation to sustain it, is the fact that you are required to take a mandatory 3-day break from the diet plan every 2 weeks, in order to give your body a chance to rest and stabilize from the rapid weight loss you will have been experiencing.

So what are you waiting for? The quickest way to lose weight is the calorie shifting diet. Generate your personalized meal plan now at http://www.IdiotProofFatLoss.com and you will be 9 pounds lighter in the next 11 days!

Try Probiotics For Healthy Weight Loss

If you have not yet tried them, probiotics are a must if you want to remain healthy and at the same time lose some weight. A probiotic is an organism, which is also known as 'friendly' or 'healthy' bacteria. A probiotic helps to balance the intestinal tract by killing the unhealthy bacteria.Taking a probiotic supplement for weight loss maintains a healthy intestine which can also prevent illness and disease.

Probiotics for weight loss can be found in most yoghurts and yoghurt based drinks. They are also found in lots of other foods too and can be found at supermarkets and are now highly advertised on the television. The most common probiotic for weight loss found today is called 'acidophilus' and is also available in capsule form. These healthy bacteria can prevent digestive problems and is also known to help Crohn's disease sufferers.

Probiotics for weight loss also helps the thyroid gland which in turn helps the digestive system. This gives people with thyroid problems a much needed helping hand in losing their excess weight.

An important part in losing weight is to ensure that your digestive system is working to its best ability and probiotics for weight loss can do this.The over eating of yeast is a major factor of weight gain and by taking a probiotic for weight loss will prevent the pounds from piling on.

If you decide that taking a probiotic for weight loss you should always use the most effective strain of probiotics which creates an environment that yeasts cannot survive in. Pobitics for weight loss in capsule form should always be stored in the fridge to prevent them from 'dying' and becoming useless. These probiotics in capsule form can be purchased from most good health food shops or via the internet but remember that they must be kept cool so ensure the postage time is not too long or that the storage facilities are adequate.

http://www.loseweight2lookgreat.com is an informative site relating to diet products, weight loss tips,diet plans,weight loss machines exercise and losing weight.

The Secret to a Healthy Weight

According to a recent article in Remedy Magazine, being a little overweight is not okay. After a ten-year study of more than 527,000 Americans between the ages of 50 and 71 scientists from the National Cancer Institute concluded that that overweight people (defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 29) at age 50 can increase a persons mortality rate by 20 to 40 percent. An obese person (defined as having a BMI over 30 percent) boosted that risk between 200 and 300 percent!

The article went on to cite another study from Korea that looked at 1.2 million people between the ages of 30 and 91. In a twelve-year period overweight non-smokers were between 10 to 50 percent more likely to die from heart disease or cancer than normal weight non-smokers.

What these and other studies show is that when you are overweight you increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other illnesses. Achieving your desired weight through a healthy life style reduces your risk.

So how do you achieve your healthy weight? The answer, as we all know is to eat less calories than you burn, but this answer is much too simplistic. Its too simplistic because dieting doesnt work. Diets tell us to eliminate foods from what we eat regularly, for example fats. The problem with low fat diets is that our bodies require fat. Fat stores fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Fat also helps the body produce testosterone, which is the hormone that contributes to muscle growth and the burning of body fat. In fact studies have shown that men with higher levels of testosterone were 75 percent less likely to be obese than men with lower levels. This is primarily due to the bodys tendency to store fat when it has low levels of testosterone.

Some diets tell us to eliminate animal protein. While eating fatty cuts of red meat definitely is not good for you, eating lean cuts of animal protein actually helps your body burn more calories than eating protein from soy products.

Other diets tell us to restrict carbohydrates. There while there are many studies that have shown lowering our carbohydrate intake can help us control our weight, eliminating them is absolutely suicidal. Carbohydrates are essential to good health. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans help protect us against cancer and other diseases. So, as you can see, dieting doesnt work.

Dieting in general doesnt work because it revolves around restricting what we eat. Weight management is a long-term project. Most people who lose weight quickly by crash dieting or by some other extreme measure usually gain back all or more - of the pounds they lost. Why? Because in order to permanently lose weight and keep it off a person has to change their eating and exercise habits. You see, the best weight management strategies are those that you can maintain for a lifetime. So a better question is how can you change your habits?

We have all tried to lose weight through willpower, cutting down on the calories and/or increasing the exercise. Some of us lose weight by eating almost nothing while working out like crazy. Others lose weight using crash diets. The problem is these methods never work and can also be dangerous.

Now why doesnt this work? Its because our subconscious image overcomes our conscious goals. Since our subconscious sees us as an overweight person as we begin to lose weight our subconscious starts the process of bringing us back to our correct image, undermining our conscious efforts.

To really change we first have to change our mindset about losing weight. Nobody likes to think of themselves as a loser. To gain a healthy weight you need to stop trying to lose weight and focus on a goal that is positive rather than negative. That goal is to be healthier, look better, and have more self esteem and confidence. In other words you want to have a better image of yourself.

How can you create this better image? A great method is through visualization, reprogramming your minds image of your body. One of the best ways to use visualization is through hypnosis, either self-hypnosis, or using a professional hypnotist.

How does hypnosis help? In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, 109 people were divided into two groups for a nine-week study. The first group was offered changes in their diet and more exercises without the addition of hypnosis. The second group was given the same diet and exercise program and also given hypnosis for reinforcement. After nine weeks both groups lost weight. But an interesting phenomenon happened between the eight month and two year follow ups. The group that didn't have the aid of hypnosis did not lose any more weight, and in most cases actually gained most of their original weight back. The hypnosis group continued to lose weight during both intervals and many actually met their long-term weight goals.

As mentioned before your body image is controlled by your subconscious. The key to helping you become healthier is to align your subconscious image with your conscious goals. That is how hypnosis can help because it goes directly to the subconscious and modifies it, aligning it with your positive conscious goals and making them possible.

Hypnosis teaches your subconscious the skills you need to help you control your appetite, while substituting your old diet for healthier foods and drinking water. It also motivates you to exercise. By visualizing your ideal body image you can anchor your eating and exercise habits toward achieving your imaged goal.

So thats the secret. It isnt magic, only good healthy habits adapted for a long healthy lifetime. Healthy eating habits coupled with a moderate exercise program anchored in your subconscious. So why not try hypnosis to change to a new, better image of yourself? It works!


Wil Dieck is a professional hypnotist practicing in San Diego, California.

For more information about Wil and his practice please go to http://www.e-hypnosisworks.com

Weight Loss Secrets, Not So Secret Anymore!

If you have struggled with excess fat and just can't seem to lose extra pounds no matter what diet you follow it is probably not because you lack self control or the willingness. There is a huge increase in obesity here in North America, and it is not just because everyone is overeating, or there are more fattening foods readily available.

Actually, weight loss success stories should be the norm, because there are more diet foods, magic diets, diet fads, health foods, and even drugs available to help you lose weight easily. We have the greatest resources available today, but we as a society, are just getting fatter and unhealthier than ever.

If you look at the overall health of the people in Japan, for example, they have a very low incidence of obesity and the diseases associated with it. They also do not import any meat or dairy products from North America. This is not snobbery on their part, but because there are too many contaminates in our food. They know this and that we were not meant to ingest these unhealthy additives. One example is the hormones given to beef cattle in their feed, or injected directly into them, to make them grow faster. Of course, these hormones are transferred to us when we eat a nice juicy steak.

This is not really a secret, but is one of the many reasons we as a society have become unhealthy, obese and sick. We have built up many years worth of plaque in our colon and this in turn has turned into a breeding ground for parasites and many other horrible little critters. They in turn decrease your body's ability the properly absorb nutrition. All this of course leads back to weight gain, bloating and inability to be healthy.

Now we have a wonderful selection of natural and organic foods available pretty much anywhere we shop. If you suddenly switched your self over completely to these healthier products, you would still retain the undesirable plaque in your colon. A complete renewal of your body is the first step in losing weight easily, and becoming the healthy person you know you can be.

If you want to become healthier, thinner, sexier and more energetic, you have to take care of your whole body. Inside and out. This is not a fad or quick fix but a permanent way to lose weight.

Health is more than diet and exercise. Find out more at http://www.dumpthefat.com

Weight Loss Information and Advice

Losing weight is no joke. It is not only important to lose weight using the different methods available, but you should carry sufficient knowledge as well so as to help your self in the times of problem. Obesity is a problem that is affecting a number of people.

Although this problem is mainly caused due to the lack of sense of diet and exercise, time also plays a major contribution towards it. In the hectic work schedule people hardly get time to think about their health and diet. Hence to get help regarding the obesity related problems you can take a weight loss advice. This is mostly provided by the experts who have been doing the researches in this field. You can gain a lot of useful information with the help of them.

To get the weight loss advice you can visit your dietitian or your doctor. Since there are a number of products that are available in the market to get rid of fat in the body, it is really difficult for the customer to make the right decision. If you are confused regarding the various treatment options that you have and want to seek guidance regarding the same then you can opt for the weight loss advice. It would not only include the points that you can take help of for getting rid of the problem of obesity, but you would also gain other useful information regarding diets and supplement to regulate your body's performance. There are different programs that are taught about in these sessions. You and your family can benefit a lot from it provided by the experts.

There are few websites that carry the tips and the solutions to some of the common problems. You may also post your query to get a specific solution to your weight loss problem. There are few websites that are also providing a lot of useful information on the different techniques that can be used to reduce weight. Hence reducing weight has been made easier with the advice. You can use this information to help others, get rid of obesity as well. It is always a better option to get a personal weight loss advises and the solution to the problem differs from person to person and on the specific problems.

Get more information on weight loss advice

How To Lose Weight Fast Naturally

Do you know how to lose weight fast naturally? Below I have compiled a few helpful tips for you.

If you want to lose weight fast and in a healthy manner then you would have to start moving around more. You would have to get rid of the habit of spending all your free time sitting on bed or sofa. These are not the ideal places to be if you want to get rid of body fat naturally.

You would also need to develop healthier eating habits. That does not mean starving yourself or eating very less, but eat in a healthy manner. Eat less of sugar, salt, oil and eat high nutrition foods.

Also consume five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Eat raw vegetables and fruits as much as possible. It is good for your health.

Do you know that skipping meals might not be the best idea because you are starving your body and later on you might at more due to excessive hunger. It is much better to eat a little bit when you feel hungry and not skip meals altogether.

Exercising should form a part of any healthy weight loss program. Fit some exercises in your schedule even if you are very busy. At least simple exercises which do not take much time like cycling, swimming, walking, running etc. should be part of your schedule in order to lose weight.

The best diet and weight loss plans are those which are healthy and which you can stick to easily for a long time and not just for a few days or weeks. Also know that sticking to such a plan requires discipline, patience and motivation.

List out the small and big benefits you get out of losing weight. Write them down on paper and try to make a list of at least 50-100 benefits you can enjoy when you are slim and healthy. This can provide you good motivation.

Do you want to know 7 natural foods that help in burning fat? Download this free report - Fat Burning Natural Foods

If you want to lose belly fat quickly and easily then here is a good article on the subject -Losing Belly Fat in 10 Minutes

What's The Deal With Omega 3 And Weight Loss?

This article will talk about a popular topic these days: omega 3 and weight loss.

Before I go into briefly what omega 3 is, I would like to forewarn you that you should not depend on one particular supplement to lose weight. This instead comes from a variety of factors - surprisingly easy to apply, but still a multitude of factors to consider.

OK, so that being said, omega 3 is a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid. Many health practitioners suggest to their patients to help with a variety of circulatory diseases or other physiologic or autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

In general, the greater the ratio of omega 3 fatty acids to omega 6 fatty acids, the healthier it is for you.

Since losing weight is directly proportional to (but not exclusively dependent on) circulation, it is sometimes suggested by word of mouth to lose weight.

Here are some important things you should know about omega 3 and weight loss:

1) Omega 3 is essential if you want to have a healthy diet or lose weight.

2) Be careful when relying just on omega 3 supplements to lose weight. There is no evidence that omega 3 will help you lose weight by itself.

3) Although not many and far less than medical methods, there are some unwanted side effects if consumed in great amounts (and unfortunately the brainwashing attached with omega 3 helping to lose weight gets them to consume these large amounts). These range from a risk of a hemorrhage to high LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol), to reduced ability to heal and combat infections.

4) Losing weight is a holistic process. The exact method is beyond the scope of this article. You can access a very safe, fast, healthy method here. This type of method doesn't involve surgical methods (such as liposuction) or even exercise to lose weight. And they can help you lose 8-15 pounds in the first week, and keep helping you lose weight thereafter.

Ideally the answer towards losing weight is not a supplement or a gimmick or one fad method (or a reliable method for that matter) over another. The answer lies in a healthy process. Commonly this process is obtained with certain foods and not others. These are not "secret" foods, these are foods that we have all eaten at one time or another.

So, to summarize, omega 3 is essential if you want to keep healthy. However, don't rely solely on omega 3 to lose weight. The best news is, you can still lose 8-15 pounds in the first two weeks safely without using any "hocus pocus" formula or medical procedure.

Good luck!

By Patrick C. Martinez

Have you been searching for a proven method to easily lose weight quickly and safely online? If you are looking for a system which will work for the ordinary person no matter what level of condition, check out http://www.iweightpro.com

What Is Your Perfect Weight?

Too often people think they should weigh less than they do, when in reality they're right at the weight they should be. Your body has probably changed over the years due to circumstances such as pregnancy. We normally gain a certain amount of weight as we get older.

With all of the advertisements on TV and in magazines, it's no wonder we are confused about what our ideal body shape should be. Maybe you saw what you believe should be your perfect body in a magazine and have dieted in vain to try to reach that shape.

If your quest for your perfect weight is constantly frustrating you, maybe it's time for a reality check. The weight you are trying to reach may be totally at odds with your body style and metabolism.

When you go on a strict diet trying to reach an unrealistic weight, you could be causing health problems for yourself in the future. Don't starve yourself trying to look like the model you saw in the magazine.

If you ask any thin woman what she would like to weigh, she'd probably say that she should lose 5 to 10 pounds. Most women tend to want to be thinner than they should be. Why is this true?

1. Advertising, including advertisements for weight loss products, feature very thin women instead of more normally sized women. The standards set by the fashion models used in these ads are impossibly high. These models have access to personal trainers, cosmetic surgery and have their photos airbrushed to reach that perfect look. If you use those standards for your perfect body, you are setting yourself up for failure.

2. Trying to reach a previous weight can be another unrealistic goal. Changing hormones and bone structures mean that the weight that you were in your early twenties may not be possible today. You may be able to stay on a strict diet and exercise regime for a short period of time, but not for the lifetime that it would take to keep your body at that weight.

3. Many of us see ourselves as fatter than we really are, so we are constantly trying to slim down to too-thin proportions. These people can never get thin enough. This can lead to eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.

Trying for unrealistic weight loss goals can cause anxiety and stress as well as health problems, which cause even more stress. Reach for the goals that you can meet. Start with small changes in diet and exercise and then add more stringent methods only if you are truly overweight. As always, ask a doctor for his or her recommendations.

Jude Wright is the owner of "9 Weeks to Weight Loss" at 9WeekstoWeightLoss.com. Stop by and get your free report, "Losing Weight Without Starving Yourself."

Easy Weight Loss - How To Shed Pounds Fast

Do you want to get rid of those extra pounds you packed on? Although they sure did not pile on overnight, you'd like to get rid of them overnight, wouldn't you? While you cannot get rid of excess pounds THAT easily you definitely can get rid of those extra pounds quickly and safely by following these simple tips:

1. Eliminate all sugared drinks - This means ALL sugared drinks, including sugar in your coffee or tea. If you cannot stand to drink it without sugar, don't drink it at all. If you have to drown out the taste with sugar and cream, you obviously do not like the taste of tea anyway. Avoid drinking any kind of soda, juice, sweetened iced tea, and alcohol; they all have sugar in them. Drink water instead.

2. Eliminate all fast foods from your diet - Skip the hamburger and fries. If you eat at McDonalds even a few times a week, you can expect to keep gaining weight. Hamburgers, fries and soft drinks offer just about all the empty calories you don't need for the day, without the nutrition. And they do not fill you up. Cook at home. Make some foods for the week and heat them up when you come home from work. Yes, it is a bit extra work, but it's worth it.

3. Avoid all fried foods - These are loaded with fat and pack on the pounds. Replace them with broiled foods.

4. Exercise - Dieting without exercising can be a colossal waste of time. If you shudder at the thought of aerobics then settle for a daily walk instead. The routine will do you good and raise your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories. Any physical activity is good, so go on and get off that couch today.

Follow just these 4 simple and easy-to-do tips and you'll find yourself losing those extra pounds faster than you ever thought possible.

Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at http://www.easyweightlosscoach.com