Easy Diet

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yo-Yo Dieting - Are You in Need of a Weight Loss Change?

It's the stereotypical phrase that describes millions of Americans today. The Yo-Yo Dieter is the dieter that starts and stops every diet under the sun in hopes of one day finding the "perfect" diet to shed all their weight away. Many people unfortunately don't realize the impact yo-yo dieting has on your body and how important it is to find a solid and sound weight loss plan to get you to a healthier weight.

The key to finding the one plan that will work for you is a little bit of research and determination once you find one that's working. The research phase includes finding a reputable diet to follow that has proven results that you are sure you can make work for you. This should include knowing about all the possible side effects you may possibly come into contact with when starting a new plan. For instance, when low carb dieters start the Atkins diet, many find it extremely difficult to adjust for the first week or so, then realize it becomes much easier. Another aspect you must think about is how you will maintain the weigh loss after it's been melted away. Can you follow a low carbohydrate diet the rest of your life without going insane? I'm sure not everyone can answer that question favorably. This is why it's very important to start and follow a plan you know you can make into a lifestyle.

The other aspect is the determination factor it takes to stick to a weight loss plan when it shows no signs of working. When your dialed in and doing everything right, yet no weight is dropping or it's not dropping as fast as it should, many people quit. This is a key period in which determination must prevail to keep going towards the final goal. Everyones body is different and will experience changes in it's own time. You must stay determined to succeed in weight loss, as without this important attribute you will find yourself a chronic yo-yo dieter for life. Good luck!

Tyler Boshears is a weight loss survivor, having lost over 100lbs. and keeping it off for 5 years! To learn how YOU can drop those unwanted pounds and keep them off, visit his website at: http://www.simple-weightloss.com

Weight Loss Rules - A Few Guidelines for Your Quest

There are a few weight loss rules that you should be aware of, otherwise they might end up being quite damaging to your hard efforts. By following the next rules you will learn that weight loss is actually not as hard as it seems, there are only a few things you should avoid, and a couple others that you should pursue.

Weight Loss Rule #1: Instead of eating 3 substantial meals per day, try increasing the amount of meals while reducing the amount of food in each one of them. If you eat around 5 times per day, but in lower quantities than usual, then your body will hold all the necessary energy while acquiring enough nutrients at the same time.

Weight Loss Rule #2: Include a lot of fiber in your diet, this is highly recommended because fiber will satisfy your hunger desires, while at the same time it will control the excessive sugar in your blood. It is also great for intestinal procedures, so you should be considering about consuming at least 25 grams of fiber each and every single day.

Weight Loss Rule #3: Avoid soft drinks at all costs. Remember that one because it is by far one of the best weight loss rules you will ever find; soft drinks are bad for your health and specially for your weight loss efforts, try to replace them with natural water or green tea preferably, because the latter will provide a lot of nutrients and fat burning boosts that you will find to be extremely handy.

Weight Loss Rule #4: Get yourself a weight loss plan today. If you truly want to get rid of those extra pounds, there is nothing better than to follow a given plan. Once you give the plan enough time, you will be completely immersed in it, and it will eventually become a habit, allowing you to lose weight without even noticing.

Weight Loss Rule #5: Always, always practice some sort of exercise routine. This is the most important weight loss rule of them all, since there is no other way to effectively burn away your fat than working out. Keep in mind that the amount of exercise you practice will be completely reflected on the amount of weight you lose, so try not to be cheap with your weight loss exercise routines length. It is also highly recommended that you practice any cardio type of exercise you like, because these sorts of routines are the ones that will help your weight loss efforts the most.


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Want to lose weight and gain lean muscle mass? Check out Body Building Resource for articles about muscle building, fat loss, diet and fitness. Also available are a muscle building eBook, DVDs, gym equipment and supplements. Go to http://www.body-building-resource.com

Weight Loss Guides - Why You Shouldn't Believe Everything You Read

One of the reasons many people have trouble losing weight is because they are given incorrect information. It's all around us. In fact, let me show you an example. I was reading a magazine once which said something like the following:

"For me to become slimmer, I need to use light weights and lift 10-15 reps".

This is another of the common faulty myths associated with fat loss training. This theory robs well intended gym goers like a bandit in the night for a few reasons.

1-Volume is too high and intensity is too low. We can presume that we already are doing more aerobic activity in addition to restricting calories using light weight and higher reps is asking to lose important muscle. While dieting we need to give our body any reason possible to hold onto the good muscle mass that we have. We can not maintain or even stimulate new growth by using predominately light weight.

2- Adaptation. Progressive change is the basement that our training efforts are built on. Results are typically measured in either increased reps or weight used. How were you training before you decided to lose weight? Probably with 10-15 reps correct? Our goal has since changed so our training needs to as well. We can alter our efforts by using new exercises but the quickest road to the results in through both exercise and rep range changes.

3- Less muscle recruited. By staying within the same rep ranges we actually use less muscle. A change in muscle is dictated by the type of muscle fiber recruited. Using higher repetitions will cause us to preferably recruit our smaller and slower muscle fibers.

Results come quicker no matter your goal when you recruit both muscle fibers types. By alternating lifting session between higher and lower rep ranges we can achieve fat loss quicker than imagined.

Kelly Hutchings is a professional weight loss trainer. Visit his website right now at Burn The Fat Review to see the best weight loss course on the planet. Go there now --> Fat Loss For Idiots Review.

Liposuction Surgery - The Secret In How To Get The Most Out Of Your Liposuction Surgery

Do you consider liposuction? Here is the secret behind a successful surgery. It is a painful procedure but can be very effective if you are the ideal person for it. The full recovery time will take several months but then you should be in good shape again.

A liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. It is a method to remove fat cells that refuse to go away although you do exercise and diet. If you make a lipo just for loosing weight you will not be happy. If you keep the same lifestyle as before, eating the same amount of food and doing no exercise then you will gain weight again.

I had some stubborn areas in my inner and outer thighs and decided to get a liposuction surgery after some research. I had to wait about two months until I got my surgery. I was pretty satisfied with the results and wish I had done it sooner. I always had troubles with my thighs.

I was a good candidate for a lipo. I had a good heath condition and my overweight was below 20 pounds. Every cometic surgeon will tell you that the risks of the surgery will increase with the body weight. If risks increase then the chances will go down that you will be satisfied with the output of your surgery.

I recommend to get in shape before you have the surgery. You will have to wait for the appointed surgery day anyway. The best way to prepare for it is to eat and live healthy, do a lot of exercise. Just try to get in your best shape before the surgery happens.

This procedure will also help you to maintain the good results of your liposuction. Do not believe that can not gain weight after a lipo just because the fat cells have been removed. The body will find ways to deposit fat.

A liposuction is just a great way to support your already existing efforts to get in shape. It is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle.

Highly Recommended Reading:

Liposuction Cost

Liposuction Surgery

Linda A. Lithony is an expert author on liposuction surgery and weight loss topics. Her articles about cosmetic surgery have been published on numerous web sites, forums, blogs and ezines all over the Internet.

Why The Jenny Craig Weight Loss Program Is A Waste Of Money

The Jenny Craig weight loss program is now one of the most popular diets in the world. So before I write this article, I want you to know that I do believe it's great for some people.

However, it's not a complete program and that's why I'm writing this article. To be frank, it's for "lazy" people, because you just pay to get food given to you. Who wants to live like that?

One thing I don't like about the jenny craig weight loss program is what I just mentioned. They send you the food in the mail.

There are 2 problems with this. First of all, just because you're getting the "healthy" food doesn't mean you can't eat other food. Eating healthy is easy - staying away from junk food is the hard part!

Also, it's mass produced food so you're not getting fresh, healthy food. All the nutrients are already gone by the time you're eating it.

Another reason why it's a waste of money is because, and this is assuming you have a family, you're going to have to pay for all the food for yourself (which is overpriced since they're sending it to you), and your family as well. That's a lot of money just to buy food. For most people that simply isn't something they can do without serious cutbacks in other places.

Although they do seem to give good support, I think it would be easier to simply read an ebook and have it there as your guide. No waiting on the phone or for e-mails to come back, just open up an ebook and click right to the section you have a question about.

Like I said, I don't think the Jenny Craig weight loss program is a bad program but I think there are other ways that are much easier. Compared to most other programs it's quite good, and if you have the money and are lazy it's probably a good way to go.

But if you want to take control of your own life, buy the food that you know is fresh and healthy, and be able to brag to your friends that you lost the weight by yourself, I suggest spending $40 or so on an e-book instead of hundreds per month for the Jenny Craig weight loss program.

Jeremy Reeves has created a website just for you that reviews what he considers to be the best weight loss products on the market. Show yourself that you're serious about losing weight and go check out http://www.fitness-product-reviews.com before you do anything else today.