Easy Diet

Monday, July 21, 2008

How to Use Self Talk to Lose Weight

Your attempts to lose weight should be goal oriented and written as SMARRT goals. Any goal not written is just a wish. Once written, the goal needs a plan to accomplish it. This process of setting goals, writing plans, solving problems and monitoring yourself is called a system. The system is great, and most will work if based on good principles. The main ingredient that will determine success or failure is our self talk.

What we say to ourselves has the greatest influence on our level of accomplishment. We are usually our worst critic. Think of what you are currently trying to accomplish. Stop, take out a pen and piece of paper and write down anything you have said to yourself about this pursuit that was negative in the last two days. Most of us could make a list of things like you are "too old", too "young", too "inexperienced", not "smart enough", can't do it because you have tried and failed before and on and on. You can probably come up with a list of 10 or more.

Unless you can become positive and your best cheer leader you will usually fall short of your goals. No matter how well written or how well planned, your goal will be less if you are not positive about it. Your ears need to hear your mouth say "you can do it."

A good person to read on this subject is Dr. Shad Helmstetter. He is the original "Talk to your self Guru" I recommend you read more on this subject.

I invite you to learn more about Self Talk by downloading a special free report from http://www.gettheskinney.com/2008/06/03/free_report/ Consider taking the free 6 week weight management teleseminar - Recipe to Look Better Naked - with Bruce starting July 14, 2008 at http://www.gettheskinney.com/2008/06/03/recipe_opt_in/ Ask him to be your mentor in one of his areas of expertise or hire him as your personal wellness coach.


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